REET Level 2 Exam Paper 26 Sep 2021 (Section – II, Language I – English) (Official Answer Key) | TheExamPillar
REET Level 2 Exam 2021 (Answer Key)

REET Level 2 Exam Paper 26 Sep 2021 (Section – II, Language I – English) (Official Answer Key)

46. True or False answer type question is a type of ______ question.
(A) Essay type
(B) Objective type
(C) Descriptive type
(D) Short answer type

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Answer – (B)

47. Unit test is an expression of ______ evaluation.
(A) normative
(B) effective
(C) formative
(D) conative

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Answer – (C)

48. Evaluation is a process of
(A) Ascertaining the quality, value of outcomes
(B) Determining the extent of the achievement of objectives
(C) Comparing the outcomes of instructions
(D) All of these

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Answer – (D)

49. Which of the following is a disadvantage of Situational Approach?
(A) It creates interest in teaching
(B) It is action based approach
(C) Text-books cannot be taught by this method
(D) Material aids are used in this approach

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Answer – (C)

50. The text-books help the teachers in which of the following ways?
(A) It makes the teaching of English systematic
(B) It checks the teacher going astray
(C) It facilitates self-learning and self-study
(D) All of these

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Answer – (D)

51. In which of the following sentences is ‘have’ used as main verb?
(A) I have a shower every morning
(B) I have lost the faith now
(C) I have never been to Delhi before
(D) I have admitted my fault

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Answer – (A)

52. In which of the following methods of teaching English language ‘Inductive and Deductive techniques’ of teaching are used?
(A) Grammar cum Translation method
(B) Direct method
(C) Substitution method
(D) Bilingual method

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Answer – (A)

53. Which commission in 1948 accepted the importance of English language in our curriculum?
(A) Dr. Radhakrishnan Commission
(B) The Secondary Education Commission
(C) Central Advisory Board of Education
(D) Kothari Education Commission

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Answer – (A)

54. Who of the following proposed ListeningSpeaking-Writing-Reading order of teaching for learning English as foreign language?
(A) E.C. Kittson
(B) Robert Paul
(C) J. A. Bright
(D) P. Gurrey

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Answer – (C)

55. Which of the following approaches aims at teaching English by establishing through drill and repetition of about 275 graded structures?
(A) Structural Approach
(B) Situational Approach
(C) Bilingual Approach
(D) Communicative Approach

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Answer – (A)

56. Which of the following prefixes can be used to form the opposite of the word ‘legal’?
(A) il-
(B) dis-
(C) un-
(D) im-

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Answer – (A)

57. Correct one word for “That which never fails” is
(A) unfailable
(B) infailable
(C) unfallible
(D) infailible

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Answer – (D)

58. Which of the following has a correct structure of a question?
(A) Does Ann has a car?
(B) Does Ann have a car?
(C) Have Ann a car?
(D) Did Ann has a car?

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Answer – (B)

59. Which of the following is correct?
(A) I hope he’ll succeed at his work
(B) I hope he’ll succeed on his work
(C) I hope he’ll succeed in his work
(D) I hope he’ll succeed for his work

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Answer – (C)

60. Which of the following is correct?
(A) The old car moved much more faster than the new car
(B) The old car moved more faster than the new car
(C) The old car moved much faster than the new car
(D) The old car moved much more fast than the new car

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Answer – (C)

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REET Level 2 Exam Paper 2021 

REET Level 2 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – I, C.D.P.) (Answer Key)
REET Level 2 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – II, Language I – Hindi) (Answer Key)
REET Level 2 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – II, Language I – English) (Answer Key)
REET Level 2 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – II, Language I – Sanskrit) (Answer Key)
REET Level 2 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – III, Language II – Hindi) (Answer Key)
REET Level 2 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – III, Language II – English) (Answer Key)
REET Level 2 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – III, Language II – Sanskrit) (Answer Key)
REET Level 2 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – IV(a) – Mathematics & Science) (Answer Key)
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