REET Level 1 Exam 2021 (Answer Key)

REET Level 1 Exam Paper 26 Sep 2021 (Section – III Language II – English) (Official Answer Key)

76. Which of the following contains the same vowel sound?
(A) Bite-kite-site
(B) Bill – bell-ball
(C) Like -look – luck
(D) See -say-sick

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Answer – (A)

77. The communicative approach in teaching of English has been practised and developed in
(A) India and China
(B) India and Sri Lanka
(C) China and Japan
(D) France and Britain

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Answer – (C)

78. Which one is a challenge in the process of teaching English language class?
(A) Less interesting teaching style
(B) More interesting teaching style
(C) Reasonable time management
(D) Good lesson preparation

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Answer – (A)

79. The excessive use of mother-tongue is
(A) helpful in learning English
(B) a challenge to learning English
(C) a substitute of learning English
(D) none of these

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Answer – (B)

80. “The teaching material should be in accordance with the mental age and should have relevance in real life situation.” The statement refers to
(A) Principle of habit formation
(B) Principle of selection
(C) Principle of gradation
(D) Principle of controlled vocabulary

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Answer – (B)

81. “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
And sorry I could not travel both
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth”
The rhyme scheme of the above lines is
(A) abaab
(B) aabaa
(C) ababa
(D) abbaa

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Answer – (*)

82. I ______ give him an answer if he had asked me.
(A) can
(B) may
(C) could
(D) might

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Answer – (C)

83. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of idiom/phrase underlined in the sentence:
“I met him after a long time, but he gave me the cold shoulder
(A) Scolded me
(B) Abused me
(C) Insulted me
(D) Ignored me

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Answer – (D)

84. Which literary term refers to the problem or struggle within a story?
(A) Conflict
(B) Drama
(C) Action
(D) Climax

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Answer – (A)

85. A form of drama that is intended to amuse and that ends happily.
(A) Tragedy
(B) Comedy
(C) Biography
(D) Irony

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Answer – (B)

Passage (For Q. Nos 86 – 90):

Kalaripayattu is a traditional art practiced in Kerala. Though claims of its heavenly origin are disputable, foreign travelers mentioned Kalari being practiced in Kerala as early as the 13th century, which makes it the oldest martial art to be in existence. Kalari is considered to be the most complete and scientific martial art and is the mother of all martial arts. Bodhidharma a Buddhist monk from India, introduced Kalari into China and Japan. What makes Kalari unique is the fact that it is much more than a martial art. A student of Kalari learns philosophy, medicine, attack and self defence and, above all, learns how to avoid confrontations, where he has to attack
somebody or defend himself.

86. A student of Kalari learns ______ philosophy ______ attack and self defence.
Fill in the blanks with the help of given options:
(A) neither – nor
(B) either – or
(C) not only – but also
(D) as – as

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Answer – (C)

87. Kalaripayatt belongs to India ______ Karate belongs to Japan.
(A) that
(B) whereas
(C) if
(D) when

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Answer – (B)

88. Some people still ______ of Kalari’s heavenly origin.
(A) claimed
(B) claims
(C) claim
(D) were claiming

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Answer – (C)

89. Kalari ______ the oldest martial art to bein existence.
(A) is
(B) was
(C) were
(D) are

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Answer – (A)

90. The most suitable title for the passage is
(A) drawing and Painting
(B) Mother of all Martial Arts
(C) Table Tennis
(D) Lawn Tennis

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Answer – (B)

REET Level 1 Exam Paper 2021 

REET Level 1 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – I, C.D.P.) (Answer Key)
REET Level 1 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – II, Language I – Hindi) (Answer Key)
REET Level 1 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – II, Language I – English) (Answer Key)
REET Level 1 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – II, Language I – Sanskrit) (Answer Key)
REET Level 1 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – III, Language II – Hindi) (Answer Key)
REET Level 1 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – III, Language II – English) (Answer Key)
REET Level 1 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – III, Language II – Sanskrit) (Answer Key)
REET Level 1 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – IV – Mathematics) (Answer Key)
REET Level 1 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – V – Environmental Studies) (Answer Key)


REET Level 2 Exam Paper 2021 

REET Level 2 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – I, C.D.P.) (Answer Key)
REET Level 2 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – II, Language I – Hindi) (Answer Key)
REET Level 2 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – II, Language I – English) (Answer Key)
REET Level 2 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – II, Language I – Sanskrit) (Answer Key)
REET Level 2 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – III, Language II – Hindi) (Answer Key)
REET Level 2 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – III, Language II – English) (Answer Key)
REET Level 2 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – III, Language II – Sanskrit) (Answer Key)
REET Level 2 Exam – 26 Sep 2021 (Section – IV(a) – Mathematics & Science) (Answer Key)
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