The Hindu Vocab PDF - Page 2

The Hindu Editorial (Death by design: on Jallikattu) Vocab – 22 Jan, 2019

In situations involving humans and animals, Murphy’s law takes a strong hold: if things can go wrong, they most likely will.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Death by design: on Jallikattu) – Jan 22, 2019.

Read This Article: – (Death by design: on Jallikattu)


Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Death by design: on Jallikattu) – Jan 22, 2019


  • Regulation (noun)  विनियमन
    Meaning – An official rule or the act of controlling something.

    Synonyms – ruling, order, directive, act, law, by-law, statute.
    Sentence – I do know there is a provision in the regulations relating to length of sailing vessels.
  • Intrinsic (adjective)  स्वाभाविक
    Meaning – Belonging naturally; essential.

    Synonyms – innate, inborn, inbred, congenital, natural, native
    Sentence – Access to the arts is intrinsic to a high quality of life.
  • Likely (adjective)  उपयुक्त, संभावित
    Meaning – if something is likely, it will probably happen or is expected

    Synonyms – probable, distinctly possible, to be expected, odds-on
    Sentence – Speculation on the likely effect of opting out.
  • Activist ()  कार्यकर्ता 
    Meaning – A person who campaigns to bring about political or social change.

    Sentence – Police arrested three activists.
  • Innumerable (adjective)  असंख्य
    Meaning – too many to be counted.

    Synonyms – countless, numerous, very many, manifold, multitudinous.
    Sentence – Innumerable flags of all colours.
  • Ledger (noun)  खाता बही
    Meaning – a book in which things are regularly recorded.

    Synonyms – book, account book, record book, register.
    Sentence – The total balance of the purchases ledger.
  • Survive (verb)  बना रहना
    Meaning – to continue to live or exist, especially after coming close to dying or being destroyed or after being in a difficult or threatening situation.

    Synonyms – remain alive, live, sustain oneself, cling to life, pull through, get through, hold on.
    Sentence – Against all odds the child survived.
  • Ordeal (noun)  परख, कड़ी परीक्षा
    Meaning – a very unpleasant and painful or difficult experience.

    Synonyms –  unpleasant experience, trial, tribulation, test, nightmare, trauma.
    Sentence – The ordeal of having to give evidence.
  • Tragedy  शोकपूर्ण घटना, त्रासदी
    Meaning – a very sad event or situation, especially one involving death or suffering

    Synonyms – disaster, calamity, catastrophe, cataclysm, devastation.
    Sentence – His life had been plagued by tragedy.
  • Gore (verb)  सींग घुसाना
    Meaning – (of an animal such as a bull) pierce or stab (a person or other animal) with a horn or tusk.

    Synonyms – pierce, stab, stick, impale, puncture.
    Sentence – He was gored to death by a charging bull.
  • Precaution (noun)  एहतियात 
    Meaning – an action that is done to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous happening.

    Synonyms – safeguard, preventative measure, preventive measure.
    Sentence – He had taken the precaution of seeking legal advice.
  • Rampaging (verb)  उन्मादी, क्रोध में इधर-उधर दौड़ना
    Meaning – to go through an area making a lot of noise and causing damage.

    Synonyms – rush madly, rush wildly, riot, run riot, go on the rampage, run amok.
    Sentence – Several thousand demonstrators rampaged through the city.
  • Arena (noun)  अखाड़ा
    Meaning – a large, flat area surrounded by seats used for sports or entertainment.

    Synonyms – stadium, amphitheatre, theatre, coliseum
    Sentence – An arena demonstrating traditional sports such as kabaddi will give fans a chance to test their skills.
  • Accommodate (verb)  समायोजित
    Meaning – to provide space or a place for a group.

    Synonyms – lodge, house, put up, billet, quarter, board, take in.
    Sentence – The cottages accommodate up to six people.
  • Barricade  आड़
    Meaning – a line or pile of objects put together, often quickly, to stop people from going where they want to go.

    Synonyms – barrier, obstacle, blockade, bar, fence.
    Sentence – 
    As with any structure, only vigilance, guards, and barricades could prevent such attacks.
  • Bull-tamers
    Meaning – people who try to control bull.
  • Rein (noun)  लगाम 
    Meaning – A long, narrow strap attached at one end to a horse’s bit, typically used in pairs to guide or check a horse in riding or driving.

    Sentence – Sir Evelyn’s squire bowed, holding out the reins to the horse.
  • Spectator (noun)  दर्शक
    Meaning – A person who watches at a show, game, or other event.

    Synonyms – onlooker, watcher, looker-on, fly on the wall, viewer.
    Sentence – It was as if my trip had become a movie and I was a spectator watching.
  • Pierce (verb)  प्रवेश करना
    Meaning – to go in or through something, esp. with a pointed object, making a hole.

    Synonyms – punch holes in, put holes in, perforate, puncture, prick, hole
    Sentence – The doctor had dreadlocks, pierced ears and nose and tattoos everywhere.
  • Abdomen (noun)  पेट
    Meaning – The part of the body of a vertebrate containing the digestive and reproductive organs; the belly.

    Synonyms – stomach, belly, gut, middle, midriff, intestines.
    Sentence – Girls with ovarian tumors may have abdominal pain and masses that can be felt in the abdomen.
  • Regulate (verb)  विनियमित 
    Meaning – to control something, especially by making it work in a particular way.

    Synonyms – control, adjust, manage, balance, set, synchronize, modulate, tune.
    Sentence – A hormone which regulates metabolism.
  • Deploy (verb)  तैनात
    Meaning – Move (troops or equipment) into position for military action.

    Synonyms – position, station, post, place, install, locate
    Sentence – Forces were deployed at strategic locations.
  • Makeshift (adjective)  अस्थायी 
    Meaning – temporary and of low quality, but used because of a sudden need.

    Synonyms – temporary, make-do, provisional, stopgap, standby.
    Sentence – Arranging a row of chairs to form a makeshift bed.
  • Blood sport (noun)  खून का खेल
    Meaning – A sport involving the hunting, wounding, or killing of animals.

    Sentence – Blood sports such as dogfighting and cockfighting.
  • Unpredictability (noun)  अनिश्चितता
    Meaning – the quality or fact of being unpredictable (= likely to change suddenly and without reason)

    Sentence – The unpredictability of the British weather.
  • Intrinsic (adjective)  स्वाभाविक 
    Meaning – being an extremely important and basic characteristic of a person or thing.

    Synonyms – innate, inborn, inbred, congenital, natural, native
    Sentence – access to the arts is intrinsic to a high quality of life.
  • On the ground (phrase) 
    Meaning – among the general public.
  • Inseparable (noun)  अवियोज्य
    Meaning – if two or more people are inseparable, they are such good friends that they spend most of their time together

    Sentence – We are two good old enemies, Edith and I, inseparables, in fact.
  • Ordinance (noun)  अध्यादेश
    Meaning – a law or rule made by a government or authority.

    Synonyms – edict, decree, law, injunction, fiat, command, order, rule.
    Sentence – The ordinance also says government authorities cannot ‘request forced labor.’
  • Exempt (adjective)  मुक्त 
    Meaning – Free from an obligation or liability imposed on others.

    Synonyms – free from, not liable to, not subject to.
    Sentence – These patients are exempt from all charges.
  • Ensure (verb)  सुनिश्चित करें
    Meaning – to make something certain to happen.

    Synonyms – make sure, make certain, see to it.
    Sentence – This guarantee ensures the full value is repayable should any structural issues arise.
  • Well-being (noun)  भलाई
    Meaning – the state of feeling healthy and happy.

    Synonyms – welfare, health, good health, happiness, comfort, security.
    Sentence – An improvement in the patient’s well-being.
  • Danger life and limb (phrase) 
    Meaning – to be put, or to put yourself, in physical danger.



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  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.


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The Hindu Editorial (Clear the air: on Rafale deal) Vocab – 21 Jan, 2019

That troubling questions about the purchase of 36 Rafale fighter jets will persist despite a clean chit of sorts from the Supreme Court, was demonstrated compellingly last week following The Hindu’s detailed investigation into the deal.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Clear the air: on Rafale deal) – Jan 21, 2019.

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Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Clear the air: on Rafale deal) – Jan 21, 2019


  • Clear the air (Phrase) 
    Meaning – to discuss a problem or difficult situation with someone in order to make it better. 
  • Fog (Verb) – अंधेरा करना
    Meaning – a confused or confusing situation or state
    Sentence – The government has been fogging the issue.
  • Transparency (Noun) – पारदर्शिता
    Meaning – the quality of being done in an open way without secrets.
    Synonyms – clarity, clearness, lucidity, straightforwardness, clearness, clarity, plainness.
    Sentence – In simple terms, the new code will create transparency in the process.
  • Persist (verb)  दृढ़ रहना
    Meaning – to continue to exist.
    Synonyms – hold, carry on, last, keep on, keep up, remain, linger, stay, endure, survive
    Sentence – If drought persists some limited irrigation may be permitted.
  • Despite (adverb) – के बावजूद
    Meaning – used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it
    Synonyms – in spite of, notwithstanding, regardless of, in defiance of.
    Sentence – he remains a great leader despite age and infirmity
  • Compelling (adjective) सम्मोहक 
    Meaning – interesting or exciting enough to keep your attention completely
    Synonyms – enthralling, captivating, gripping, engrossing, riveting.
    Sentence – His eyes were strangely compelling.
  • Escalation (noun) वृद्धि
    Meaning – to rise or to make something rise
    Synonyms – rise, hike, advance, growth, leap.
    Sentence – In cost escalation, Kerala is among the top states.
  • Bare-bones (adjective) – जरुरी जानकारी 
    Meaning – the most basic features or details
    Synonyms – concise, condensed, contracted, compressed, abbreviated, reduced, decreased
    Sentence – The previous edition of the film was a non-anamorphic bare-bones disc.
  • Significantly (adverb) अर्थपूर्णता से
    Meaning – by a large amount, or in a way that is easily noticeable
    Synonyms – remarkably, outstandingly, importantly, seriously
    Sentence – Energy bills have increased significantly this year.
  • Negotiate (verb) तय करना
    Meaning – Obtain or bring about by discussion.
    Synonyms – work out, thrash out, hammer out, reach an agreement on
    Sentence – He negotiated a new contract with the sellers.
  • Eventually (adverb) आखिरकार 
    Meaning – at the end of a process or period of time in which many things happen
    Synonyms – in the end, in due course, by and by, in time, after some time, after a period of time, finally.
    Sentence – Eventually, after midnight, I arrived at the hotel.
  • On the ground (Phrase)
    Meaning – in the place being discussed
  • Obvious (adjective) ज़ाहिर, स्पष्ट
    Meaning – clear to almost anyone
    Synonyms – clear, plain, plain to see, crystal clear, evident, apparent, manifest.
    Sentence – Unemployment has been the most obvious cost of the recession.
  • Perplexing (adjective) हैरान करनेवाला 
    Meaning – confusing
    Sentence – A perplexing problem.
  • Clause (noun) धारा, वाक्यांश
    Meaning – a part of a legal document or law that officially states that something must be done
    Synonyms – paragraph, article, subsection, note, item, point.
    Sentence – Under a provision referred to as clause 24 of the contract there was a time limit.
  • Altogether (adverb) कुल मिलाकर, पूर्ण रूप से
    Meaning – completely
    Synonyms – totally, entirely, absolutely, wholly, fully, thoroughly
    Sentence – I stopped seeing her altogether.
  • Deplete (verb) व्यय करना
    Meaning – to reduce the amount of something or the number of things
    Synonyms – use up, consume, expend, spend, drain, empty.
    Sentence – Supplies are depleting fast.
  • Fleet (noun) बेड़ा, जहाज़ों का बेड़ा
    Meaning – a group of vehicles, planes, boats, or trains, especially when they are owned by one organization or person
    Sentence – The small port supports a fishing fleet.
  • Flyaway (adjective) उड़ जाना
    Meaning – (of a person’s hair) fine and difficult to control.
    Synonyms – light, delicate, wispy, floaty, feathery
    Sentence – The gel is designed to smooth down flyaway hair.
  • Strategic (adjective) सामरिक, रणनीति-संबंधी
    Meaning – Relating to the identification of long-term or overall aims and interests and the means of achieving them.
    Synonyms – planned, calculated, deliberate
    Sentence – Progress in achieving our strategic goals is contained in this Report.
  • Fray (noun) दंगा, लड़ाई
    Meaning – an exciting activity or situation in which someone competes with other people
    Synonyms – unravelled, worn, well worn, threadbare, tattered, ragged, holey
    Sentence – The hallway was a drab grey and the worn carpet was fraying.
  • Vigour (noun) ताक़त, शक्ति
    Meaning – Physical strength and good health.
    Synonyms – healthiness, good health, hardiness, strength, stamina
    Sentence – He has managed to retain his youthful vigour.
  • Preparedness तत्परता, मुस्तैद
    Meaning – the state of being ready for something
    Synonyms – anticipation, planning, forward planning, provision
    Sentence – The country maintained a high level of military preparedness.
  • Owing to (phrase) 
    Meaning – because of something
  • Acquisition (noun) अर्जन, अभिग्रहण
    Meaning – the process of buying something or obtaining it in some other way
    Synonyms – purchase, accession, addition, asset
    Sentence – The overriding problem with acquisitions is in integrating the new assets.
  • Jeopardise (verb) ख़तरे में डालना
  • Meaning – to risk damaging or destroying something important
    Synonyms – threaten, endanger, imperil, menace, risk, put at risk
    Sentence – These orders must be followed to the letter, Recin, or we risk jeopardizing the mission.
  • Unconvincingly (adverb)
    Meaning – in a way that does not seem true or real
    Sentence – I think the men in the garage would then maybe smile, but unconvincingly and maybe say, ‘Yeah, all right mate.
  • Accommodating (adjective) मिलनसार
    Meaning – helpful and easy to work with
    Synonyms – obliging, cooperative, helpful, eager to help, eager to please, adaptable.
    Sentence – We always found the our local branch most accommodating.
  • Briefing (noun) वार्ता, पत्रसार
    Meaning – a meeting or document in which people receive information or instructions
    Synonyms – information, orientation, preparation, rundown
    Sentence – A media briefing in the House of Commons.
  • Presumption (noun) अनुमान, परिकल्पना, संभावना
    Meaning – An idea that is taken to be true on the basis of probability.
    Sentence – Underlying presumptions about human nature.



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The Hindu Editorial (Nudged into action) Vocab – 19 Jan, 2019

It should have never come to this on the Lokpal. That it requires a Supreme Court order to nudge the government to make any progress towards establishing the anti-graft institution is a poor commentary on its functioning. 

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Nudged into action: on the Lokpal Act) – Jan 19, 2019.

Read This Article: – (Nudged into action)


Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Nudged into action: on the Lokpal Act) – Jan 19, 2019


  • Nudge (verb) 
    Meaning – Coax or gently encourage (someone) to do something. 
    Synonyms – encourage, prompt, stimulate/coax.
    Sentence – We have to nudge the politicians in the right direction.
  • Graft (noun) कलम, एक तरह से घूस लेना
    Meaning – Bribery and other corrupt practices used to secure illicit advantages or gains in politics or business. 
    Synonyms – corruption, bribery.
    Sentence – Public procurement laws also need urgent reform to prevent graft and corruption.
  • Commentary (noun) – टीका, समीक्षा
    Meaning – A descriptive spoken account (especially on a broadcast) of an event or performance as it happens. 
    Synonyms – explanation/, interpretation/review, analysis.
    Sentence – A live commentary on radio.
  • Assent (noun) – अनुमति
    Meaning – The expression of approval or agreement. 
    Synonyms – consent, approval, acceptance.
    Sentence – There were murmurs of assent before the messenger replied.
  • Set up (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – establish, start, begin.  
  • Groundwork (noun) – नींव, मूलसिद्धांत
    Meaning – Preliminary or basic work. 
    Synonyms –  fundamentals, preparations, preparatory measures.
    Sentence – The official picked a site where there was no groundwork needed to the right of the square.
  • Composition (noun) – रचना, संयोजन
    Meaning – The action of putting things together; formation or construction. 
    Synonyms – formation, structure, organization.
    Sentence – The composition of a new government was announced in November.
  • Diverse (adjective) – विविध
    Meaning – Showing a great deal of variety; very different. 
    Synonyms – various, multiple, manifold.
    Sentence – A culturally diverse population.
  • Expedite (verb) – शीघ्र
    Meaning – Make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly. 
    Synonyms – speed up, accelerate, hurry.
    Sentence – He promised to expedite economic reforms.
  • Handicap (verb) – अपंगता, अक्षमता
    Meaning – A circumstance that makes progress or success difficult. 
    Synonyms – hamper, hinder; obstruct.
    Sentence – One must keep in mind the primary handicap of human beings in such circumstances.
  • Admonish (verb) – धिक्कारना, चेताना, डाँटना
    Meaning – Advise or urge (someone) earnestly. 
    Synonyms – warn, caution, criticize/red flag.
    Sentence – She admonished him to drink no more than one glass of wine.
  • Brush aside (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – dismiss, disregard, ignore. 
  • Eminent (adjective) प्रख्यात, विख्यात
    Meaning –  (of a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere.
    Synonyms – distinguished, renowned, esteemed.
    Sentence – One of the world’s most eminent statisticians.
  • Jurist (noun) विधिवेत्ता, कानूनविद
    Meaning – an expert in law. 
    Sentence – The statements of jurists are a useful source of insights, but they do not provide a direct solution
  • Rope in (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – enlist, engage, persuade.  
  • Stick to (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – adhere to/abide by, keep, hold to. 
  • Endorse (verb) समर्थन
    Meaning –  Declare one’s public approval or support of.
    Synonyms – uphold, support, defend.
    Sentence – The report was endorsed by the college.



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The Hindu Editorial (Learning little) Vocab – 18 Jan, 2019

The latest assessment of how children are faring in schools in rural areas indicates there has been no dramatic improvement in learning outcomes.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Learning little) – Jan 18, 2019.

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Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Learning little) – Jan 18, 2019


  • Dismal (adjective) – निराशाजनक
    Meaning – Pitifully or disgracefully bad.
    Synonyms – bad, awful, terrible.
    Sentence – He shuddered as he watched his team’s dismal performance.
  • Fare (verb) 
    Meaning –  Perform in a specified way in a particular situation or over a particular period.
    Synonyms – perform, progress, proceed/get along.
    Sentence – The party fared badly in the elections.
  • Moribund (adjective) मरणासन्न
    Meaning –  (of a thing) in terminal decline; lacking vitality or vigour.
    Synonyms – declining, dying, decaying.
    Sentence – The moribund commercial property market.
  • Let down (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning –  fail to support, disappoint, abandon/neglect. 
  • Corresponding (adjective) – अनुरूप
    Meaning –  Analogous or equivalent in character, form, or function;
    Synonyms – comparable.
    Sentence – He is confident that average grades have risen beyond the corresponding rise in abilities.
  • Uptick (noun) इजाफा
    Meaning – a small increase.
    Sentence – The economy has shown a few upticks.
  • Barrier (noun) – अवरोध
    Meaning – A fence or other obstacle that prevents movement or access.
    Synonyms – obstacle, hurdle, impediment/hindrance.
    Sentence – The mountain barrier between Norway and Sweden.
  • Mechanism (noun) क्रियाविधि
    Meaning – A system of parts working together in a machine; a piece of machinery.
    Synonyms – method, process, system.
    Sentence – A third motor powers the tape eject mechanism.
  • Deficit (noun) – घाटा
    Meaning –  The amount by which something, especially a sum of money, is too small.
    Synonyms – shortfall, deficiency, shortage.
    Sentence – He promises to cut the nearly $500 billion deficit in half in four years.
  • Enactment (noun) कानून
    Meaning –  The process of passing legislation.
    Synonyms – making law, ratification, endorsement/adoption.
    Sentence – The enactment of equal pay legislation.
  • Empower (verb) – सशक्त
    Meaning –  Give (someone) the authority or power to do something.
    Synonyms – authorize, allow, entitle.
    Sentence – All uniformed Metro offices are empowered to issue traffic fines.
  • Framework (noun) ढांचा
    Meaning –  An essential supporting structure of a building, vehicle, or object.
    Synonyms – structure, scheme/system, organisation.
    Sentence – A conservatory in a delicate framework of iron.
  • Cater (verb) – पूरा, सेवा करना
    Meaning – Provide with what is needed or required.
    Synonyms – fulfil, satisfy; serve.
    Sentence – The school caters for children with learning difficulties.
  • Rely on (phrasal verb)
    Meaning –  depend on; resort to, have recourse to.
  • Numeracy (noun) – संख्यात्मक
    Meaning – understanding of numbers and quantitative basics.
    Sentence – Another hidden group is people with poor literacy and numeracy skills.
  • Ambitious (adjective) महत्त्वाकांक्षी
    Meaning –  (of a plan or piece of work) intended to satisfy high aspirations and therefore difficult to achieve.
    Synonyms – difficult, exacting, formidable/challenging.
    Sentence – An ambitious enterprise.
  • Incentivise (verb) प्रोत्साहित
    Meaning –  Motivate or encourage (someone) to do something; provide with an incentive.
    Synonyms – encourage, motivate, galvanize.
    Sentence – We should be incentivizing people to build estates and create wealth and encouraging that.
  • Lie in (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning –  be present, be contained, exist. 


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  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.


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The Hindu Editorial (Sedition and politics) Vocab – 17 Jan, 2019

The filing of sedition and conspiracy charges against three former Jawaharlal Nehru University students and seven others nearly three years after a political event on its campus, is a needlessly heavy-handed response to campus sloganeering. 

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Sedition and politics: on the charge-sheeting of JNU students) – Jan 17, 2019.

Read This Article: – (Sedition and politics: on the charge-sheeting of JNU students)

Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Sedition and politics: on the charge-sheeting of JNU students) – Jan 17, 2019


  • Sedition (noun) – राज – द्रोह
    Meaning – Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
    Synonyms – incitement (to riot/rebellion), agitation, trouble making/provocation.
    Sentence – The security laws ban treason, sedition, subversion and the theft of state secrets.
  • Criminalise (verb) – अपराध
    Meaning – make something (an activity) illegal.
    Sentence – his view is that the state should not criminalize drug use but discourage it
  • Contrarian (adjective) 
    Meaning – a person who is opposing, rejecting, dissenting (popular opinion).
    Sentence – It has become fashionable to be a stock-market contrarian.
  • Heavy-handed (adjective) – भद्दा, तानाशाही
    Meaning – Clumsy, insensitive, or overly forceful.
    Synonyms – oppressive, harsh/ruthless, autocratic.

    Sentence – It is narrative driven, without being heavy-handed or overly literal. 
  • Sloganeering (noun) नारेबाजी
    Meaning –  an act of using slogans (mostly for political reasons).
    Sentence – at least he avoided vapid sloganeering.
  • Cast a shadow (phrase) 
    Meaning – spoil, diminish. 
  • Radicalised (adjective) – कट्टर
    Meaning – relating to cause someone to follow radical ways particularly in politics ( & society).
    Sentence – Some of those involved had been radicalized by the Vietnam War.
  • Stringent (adjective) – कड़ी से कड़ी
    Meaning – (of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting.
    Synonyms –
    firm, rigid, rigorous, severe, harsh, tough, tight.

    Sentence – Stringent guidelines on air pollution.
  • Statute (noun) क़ानून
    Meaning – A written law passed by a legislative body.
    Synonyms –
     act/law, regulation, rule.

    Sentence – The Act consolidated statutes dealing with non-fatal offences.
  • Incite (verb) – उत्तेजित करना
    Meaning – Encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful behaviour)
    Synonyms –
     stoke, fuel, encourage.

    Sentence – They conspired to incite riots. 
  • Sovereignty (noun) संप्रभुता
    Meaning – Supreme power or authority.
    Synonyms –
     autonomy, independence, self-government/self-rule.

    Sentence – The sovereignty of Parliament. 
  • Assailant (noun) – आक्रमण-संबंधी
    Meaning – A person who physically attacks another.
    Synonyms –
     attacker, raider.

    Sentence – The police have no firm leads about the identity of his assailant. 
  • Lay down (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – formulate, stipulate, set down.
  • Call for (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – require, publicly ask/necessitate, demand.
  • Pernicious (adjective) – हानिकारक
    Meaning – Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.
    Synonyms –
     harmful, damaging, destructive.

    Sentence – The pernicious influences of the mass media. 
  • Foment (verb) भड़काना
    Meaning – Instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action)
    Synonyms –
     instigate, incite/excite, stir up.

    Sentence – They accused him of fomenting political unrest. 
  • Conspicuously (adverb) – सुस्पष्ट, उजागर होकर
    Meaning – In a clearly visible way.
    Synonyms –
     prominently, mainly, importantly (to attract attention).

    Sentence – The signs were conspicuously displayed inside the restaurant. 
  • Radical (adjective) उग्र
    Meaning – (especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough.
    Synonyms –
     revolutionary, progressive, reforming.

    Sentence – A radical overhaul of the existing regulatory framework. 
  • Thrive (verb) – फलना, कामयाब होना
    Meaning – Prosper; flourish.
    Synonyms –
     flourish/prosper, develop, burgeon.

    Sentence – Education groups thrive on organization. 
  • Anathema (noun) अभिशाप
    Meaning – Something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.
    Synonyms –
    hateful, odious, repugnant, repellent, offensive

    Sentence –  Racial hatred was anathema to her.
  • Dispensation (noun) – व्यवस्था
    Meaning – Exemption from a rule or usual requirement.
    Synonyms – system, arrangement, organization.
    Sentence – First of all I have to seek dispensation for compliance with rule 41.2.
  • Indulge (verb) लिप्त
    Meaning – Allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.
    Synonyms –
     involve in, revel in.

    Sentence – We indulged in a cream tea. 
  • Nurture (verb) – पालन – पोषण करना
    Meaning – Care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing.
    Synonyms –
     encourage, promote, develop/foster.

    Sentence – The workshop would go a long way in nurturing female talent, she avers. 
  • Disquieting (adjective) बेचैन
    Meaning – Inducing feelings of anxiety or worry.
    Synonyms –
     horrible, awful, disgusting/upsetting.

    Sentence – This is a disquieting book with a disturbing message. 
  • Endorse (verb) – समर्थन
    Meaning – Declare one’s public approval or support of.
    Synonyms –
     uphold, support, defend.

    Sentence – The report was endorsed by the college. 
  • Antipathy (noun) – घृणा
    Meaning – A deep-seated feeling of aversion.
    Synonyms –
     hostility, aversion, opposition.

    Sentence – His fundamental antipathy to capitalism. 
  • Invariably (adverb) स्थिरता से
    Meaning – In every case or on every occasion; always.
    Synonyms –
     always, every time, each time.

    Sentence – This invariably consists of a lot of strangers in a studio, shouting at each other 
  • Dissenting (adjective) – असहमति
    Meaning – Holding or expressing opinions that are at variance with those commonly or officially held.

    Synonyms – disagreeing, objecting, differing/opposing. 
    Sentence – There were a couple of dissenting voices.
  • Populist (adjective) लोकलुभावन
    Meaning – relating to the politicians who claim that they are representing the common/ordinary people.
    Sentence – he ran as a populist on an anti-corruption platform.
  • Clampdown (noun) – शिकंजा कसना
    Meaning – A concerted or harsh attempt to suppress something.
    Synonyms –
     suppression, crackdown, prevention.

    Sentence – He fears that hardliners could initiate a conservative clampdown. 
  • Dissent (noun) मतभेद
    Meaning – The holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held.
    Synonyms –
     disagreement, disapproval, opposition.

    Sentence – These words provoked no murmurs of dissent from this largely Republican crowd. 
  • In the light of (phrase)  
    Meaning –  considering, taking into account, keeping in mind. 
  • Interpretation (noun) व्याख्या
    Meaning – The action of explaining the meaning of something.
    Synonyms –
     meaning, understanding, reading.

    Sentence – A simple difference of interpretation explained their different results. 
  • Take cognisance of (phrase)
    Meaning – attend to, take into account, be prepared for. 



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  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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The Hindu Editorial (Half done) Vocab – 15 Jan, 2019

India won global acclaim for its “Beat Plastic Pollution” resolve declared on World Environment Day last year, under which it pledged to eliminate single-use plastic by 2022.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Half done: on the ban on plastic) – Jan 15, 2019.

Read This Article: – (Half done: on the ban on plastic)


Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Half done: on the ban on plastic) – Jan 15, 2019


  • Half done (adjective) – अधूरा छोड़ा हुआ
    Meaning – Unfinished or only partly completed.
    Sentence – He pointed to the half-done piece of sewing.
  • Acclaim (noun) – वाह-वाह करना
    Meaning – Enthusiastic and public praise.
    Synonyms – acclamation, praise, commendation.
    Sentence – The novel won her international acclaim, earning her a Whitbread nomination.
  • Resolve (noun) – संकल्प
    Meaning – Firm determination to do something.
    Synonyms – determination, resolution, strength of character.
    Sentence – She received information that strengthened her resolve.
  • Pledge (verb) – प्रतिज्ञा
    Meaning – A solemn promise or undertaking.
    Synonyms – promise, vow/swear, give an assurance.
    Sentence – The boys took a solemn pledge at a nondescript hockey stadium in Poland.
  • Cutlery (noun) छुरी-कांटा आदि
    Meaning – Knives, forks, and spoons used for eating or serving food.
    Synonyms – silverware, plate, silver plate
    Sentence – They were at the same table, with the same food and cutlery.
  • Sort (verb) क्रम में लगाना
    Meaning – Arrange systematically in groups; separate according to type.
    Synonyms – arrange, dispose, clear up.
    Sentence – She sorted out the clothes, some to be kept, some to be thrown away.
  • Paradigm (noun) मिसाल
    Meaning – A typical example or pattern of something; a pattern or model.
    Synonyms – sample, exemplar, exemplification, instance, case
    Sentence – Society’s paradigm of the ‘ideal woman’.
  • Diligently (adverb) – लगन से, परिश्रमपूर्वक
    Meaning – In a way that shows care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties.
    Synonyms – rigorously, constantly, heedfully.
    Sentence – I searched diligently for a remedy.
  • Depressing (adjective) – निराशाजनक
    Meaning – Causing or resulting in a feeling of miserable dejection.
    Synonyms – upsetting/distressing, painful, heart-rending/dismal.
    Sentence – That thought is too depressing for words.
  • Unwilling (adjective) – अनिच्छुक
    Meaning – Not ready, eager, or prepared to do something.
    Synonyms – reluctant, unenthusiastic, resistant.
    Sentence – He was unwilling to take on that responsibility.
  • Take forward (phrase) 
    Meaning – manage/address, tackle/deal with, take responsibility.
  • Anomalous (adjective) नियमविरूद्ध, असंगत
    Meaning – Deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected.
    Synonyms – non-typical, irregular, odd.
    Sentence – Sentences which are grammatically anomalous.
  • Enforcement (noun) – प्रवर्तन
    Meaning – The act of compelling observance of or compliance with a law, rule, or obligation.
    Synonyms – imposition, implementation, execution.
    Sentence – The strict enforcement of environmental regulations.
  • In favour of (phrase)
    Meaning – giving support to, for all, approving of. 
  • Prohibition (noun) – निषेध
    Meaning – The action of forbidding something, especially by law.
    Synonyms – embargo, restriction, ban.
    Sentence – They argue that prohibition of drugs will always fail.
  • Flimsy (adjective) कमज़ोर
    Meaning – Insubstantial and easily damaged.
    Synonyms – easily damaged, fragile, breakable/delicate.
    Sentence – Suddenly they all seem desperately flimsy for the job.
  • Call for (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – require, publicly ask/necessitate, demand.



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  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.


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The Hindu Editorial (Sharing, and not Caring) Vocab – 14 Jan, 2019

Sometimes, it is impossible to make new friends without making new enemies. In reaching an early agreement on seat-sharing in Uttar Pradesh for this year’s Lok Sabha election, the Samajwadi Party and the Bahujan Samaj Party have thrown a serious challenge to the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party in a State that could well determine which political formation forms the next Central government.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Sharing, and not Caring: on the SP, BSP tie up) – Jan 14, 2019.

Read This Article: – (Sharing, and not Caring: on the SP, BSP tie up)


Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Sharing, and not Caring: on the SP, BSP tie up) – Jan 14, 2019


  • Tie-up (noun) – गठजोड़
    Meaning – A link or connection, especially one between commercial companies.
    Synonyms – link, association, relationship.
    Sentence – He added that in India, the marketing tie-up is beginning to pay off.
  • Alienate (verb) – हस्तांतरित करना
    Meaning – Make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.
    Synonyms – set/drive apart, separate, disunite.
    Sentence – An urban environment which would alienate its inhabitants.
  • Footprint (noun) – पदचिह्न, पता
    Meaning – the area occupied by something.
    Sentence – It’s going to be very important to maintain the regimental footprints in the these areas.
  • Carve out (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – create, establish, take out (something with effort from a whole). 
  • Forlorn (adjective) – अनाथ, असहाय
    Meaning – Pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely.
    Synonyms – deserted, abandoned/neglected; hopeless/sad.
    Sentence – There the Empress stands today, a somewhat forlorn figure.
  • Strike out (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – be unsuccessful, fail. 
  • Sheer (adjective)  निरा, महीन, परिपूर्ण
    Meaning – Nothing other than; unmitigated (used for emphasis)
    Synonyms – utter, complete, out and out.
    Sentence – It may come to that, but that’s going to take some sheer brute cash.
  • Desperation (noun) निराशा
    Meaning – A state of despair, typically one which results in rash or extreme behaviour.
    Synonyms – hopelessness, despair; riskiness, audacity/boldness.
    Sentence – She wrote to him in desperation
  • By no means (phrase) 
    Meaning – not at all, in no way, certainly not. 
  • Revival (noun) – पुनः प्रवर्तन
    Meaning – An improvement in the condition, strength, or fortunes of someone or something.
    Synonyms – improvement, betterment; restoration.
    Sentence – A revival in the fortunes of the party.
  • Heartland (noun) – गहरा पीछा
    Meaning – the most important part of a field of activity; the central part of something.
    Sentence – Wildlife sites in the heartland of Russia.
  • Give up (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – abandon,  forgo, renounce.
  • Bank on (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – rely on, depend on, count on.
  • Room (noun) – अवसर
    Meaning – Opportunity or scope for something to happen or be done.
    Synonyms – scope, opportunity, chance.
    Sentence – A policy which left the government with very little room to manoeuvre.
  • Beat back (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – repel, fight off, repulse/drive away.
  • Resurgent (adjective) फिर उठ खडा होने वाला
    Meaning – rising again; increasing or reviving after a period of little activity/dullness.
    Sentence – A resurgent president soon had his popularity bolstered by a soaring economy.
  • Disparate (adjective) – मुक़्तलिफ़, भिन्न
    Meaning – Essentially different in kind; not able to be compared.
    Synonyms – contrasting, different, dissimilar.
    Sentence – They inhabit disparate worlds of thought.
  • Aversion (noun) घृणा
    Meaning – A strong dislike or disinclination.
    Synonyms – opposition, hostility, resentment.
    Sentence – They made plain their aversion to the use of force.
  • On the ground (phrase) 
    Meaning – in a situation/place where things are happening really/practically.



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The Hindu Editorial (Disquieting decision: on CBI tussle) Vocab – 12 Jan, 2019

The removal of Alok Verma as Director of the Central Bureau of Investigation is a disconcerting denouement to an unseemly episode.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Disquieting decision: on CBI tussle) – Jan 12, 2019.

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Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Disquieting decision: on CBI tussle) – Jan 12, 2019


  • Disquieting (adjective) बेचैन
    Meaning – Inducing feelings of anxiety or worry.
    Synonyms – horrible, awful, disgusting/upsetting.
    Sentence – He found Jean’s gaze disquieting.
  • Tussle (noun) संघर्ष
    Meaning – A vigorous struggle or scuffle, typically in order to obtain or achieve something.
    Synonyms – fight, skirmish/scuffle; quarrel.
    Sentence – There was a tussle for the ball.
  • Unseemly (adjective) – अनुचित
    Meaning – (of behaviour or actions) not proper or appropriate.
    Synonyms – improper, inappropriate, undignified.
    Sentence – Actually, it is rank partisanship of the most unseemly kind.
  • Echelon (noun) – टोली, विभाग
    Meaning – A level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society.
    Synonyms – level, rank, grade (in an organization).
    Sentence – The upper echelons of the business world.
  • Disconcerting (adjective) – चिंताजनक
    Meaning – Causing one to feel unsettled.
    Synonyms – discomfiting, unsettling, disturbing.
    Sentence – It is a disconcerting thought, given how much is at stake.
  • Denouement (noun) – उपसंहार
    Meaning – The final part of a play, film, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved.
    Synonyms – finale, outcome, result.
    Sentence – The stage was now set for the final denouement in a two-handed drama.
  • Even-handed (adjective) – निष्पक्ष
    Meaning – Fair and impartial in treatment or judgement.
    Synonyms – fair, equitable, impartial.
    Sentence – An even-handed approach to industrial relations.
  • Incumbent (noun) – निर्भर
    Meaning – a person who is holding an office or position;
    Synonyms – officer, office-holder, office-bearer.
    Sentence – The incumbent President was defeated.
  • Reinstatement (noun) बहाली
    Meaning – The action of giving someone back a position they have lost.
    Synonyms – restoration, return to a former position, return to power.
    Sentence – A union meeting on Tuesday called for official action to win his reinstatement.
  • Unconditional (adjective) बिना शर्त
    Meaning – Not subject to any conditions.
    Synonyms – unquestioning, unreserved, unequivocal/absolute.
    Sentence – The other angel, holding lilies, has a look of unconditional forgiveness.
  • Divest (verb) – छीनना
    Meaning – Deprive someone of (power, rights, or possessions)
    Synonyms – deprive, strip, dispossess/relieve of (power).
    Sentence – Men are unlikely to be divested of power without a struggle.
  • Dissenting (adjective) –  असहमति
    Meaning – Holding or expressing opinions that are at variance with those commonly or officially held.
    Synonyms – disagreeing, objecting, differing/opposing.
    Sentence – There were a couple of dissenting voices.
  • On the ground (phrase) 
    Meaning – in a situation/place where things are happening really/practically.
  • Untenable (adjective) – अस्थिर, असमर्थनीय
    Meaning – (especially of a position or view) not able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection.
    Synonyms – undefendable, unjustified, unacceptable.
    Sentence – This argument is clearly untenable.
  • Standpoint (noun) – दृष्टिकोण
    Meaning – An attitude to a particular issue.
    Synonyms – point of view, perspective, outlook.
    Sentence – She writes on religion from the standpoint of a believer.
  • Implications (noun) निहितार्थ
    Meaning – The conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated.
    Synonyms – consequence/outcome, ramification, repercussion.
    Sentence – The implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible.
  • Precedent (noun) मिसाल
    Meaning – An earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.
    Synonyms – previous example/instance, prior instance, exemplar.
    Sentence – I want the kind of precedent I have seen in Europe followed here.
  • Adverse (noun) विपरीत, विरुद्ध
    Meaning – Preventing success or development;
    Synonyms – dangerous, unfavourable, disadvantageous.
    Sentence – Taxes are having an adverse effect on production.
  • Unseat (verb) – छोड़ना
    Meaning – Remove (a government or person in authority) from power.
    Synonyms – remove from office, depose, dethrone.
    Sentence – Even more important, it unseats the person the people have deliberately chose for this office.
  • Bipartisan (adjective) द्विदलीय
    Meaning – involving cooperation between two (opposite & big)  political parties.
    Sentence – The reforms received considerable bipartisan approval.
  • Envisage (verb) – परिकल्पना
    Meaning – Contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event.
    Synonyms – foresee, predict, forecast.
    Sentence – I do not pretend to be able to envisage all the various possibilities.
  • Thwart (verb) विफल
    Meaning – Prevent (someone) from accomplishing something.
    Synonyms – prevent, block, impede/hinder.
    Sentence – He never did anything to thwart his father.
  • Stratagem (noun) – कपट, छल
    Meaning – A plan or scheme, especially one used to outwit an opponent or achieve an end.
    Synonyms – plan, tactic, course of action.
    Sentence – A series of devious stratagems.


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  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.


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The Hindu Editorial (Caution ahead: on economic growth and election spending) Vocab – 11 Jan, 2019

The first advance estimate of gross domestic product (GDP) growth for 2018-19 released by the Central Statistics Office on Monday paints a mixed picture of the economy.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Caution ahead: on economic growth and election spending) – Jan 11, 2019.

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Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Caution ahead: on economic growth and election spending) – Jan 11, 2019


  • Populist (adjective) लोकलुभावन
    Meaning – relating to the politicians who claim that they are representing the common/ordinary people.
    Synonyms – representative, parliamentary, popular, of the people
    Sentence – Party leaders plan to reprise the populist rhetoric that they used in the tax fight.
  • Paint a picture of (phrase)
    Meaning – tell, describe, outline.
  • Aftermath (noun) – परिणाम
    Meaning – The consequences or after-effects of a significant unpleasant event.
    Synonyms – consequence, result/outcome, repercussion.
    Sentence – Food prices soared in the aftermath of the drought.
  • Demonetisation (noun) – विमुद्रीकरण
    Meaning – the act of deprive currency unit (note/coin) of its status as money.
    Sentence – The demonetization of the local currency will be completed by June.
  • Rollout (noun)
    Meaning – official launch/introduction.
    Sentence – The national roll-out will be completed by summer.
  • Conservative (adjective) – अपरिवर्तनवादी
    Meaning – (of dress or taste) sober and conventional.
    Synonyms – moderate, reasonable, cautious.
    Sentence – She was dressed in a conservative black suit and pearls.
  • Sequential (adjective) क्रमबद्ध
    Meaning – Forming or following in a logical order or sequence.
    Synonyms – continuous, consecutive, straight.
    Sentence – A series of sequential steps.
  • Deceleration (noun) – मंदी
    Meaning – Reduction in speed or rate.
    Sentence – A deceleration in economic growth.
  • Ail (verb) – बीमार होना
    Meaning – Trouble or afflict (someone) in mind or body.
    Synonyms – trouble, bother, distress.
    Sentence – There is almost nothing a parent can do to ‘fix’ what ails teenagers.
  • Put a halt to (phrase) 
    Meaning – to (cause to) stop doing something. 
  • Nascent (adjective) आरम्भ होता हुआ
    Meaning – (especially of a process or organization) just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential.
    Synonyms – just beginning, developing, burgeoning.
    Sentence – Economic mismanagement and poor coordination are casting storm clouds over a nascent recovery.
  • Hold back (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – desist, discontinue, refrain from doing something.
  • Clear up (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – solve, resolve, answer.
  • Perennial (adjective) – चिरस्थायी
    Meaning – Lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring.
    Synonyms – everlasting, unchanging, permanent.
    Sentence – Perennial manifestations of urban crisis.
  • Ill-advised (adjective) – मूर्ख, अविवेकी
    Meaning – Unwise or imprudent.
    Synonyms – misguided, short-sighted/thoughtless.
    Sentence – You would be ill-advised to go on your own.
  • Fiscal deficit (noun) राजकोषीय घाटा
    Meaning – the difference between total expenditure and total income of the government.
  • Crank up (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – increase, enlarge, raise.


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  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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The Hindu Editorial (Mass messaging: on Citizenship (Amendment) Bill) Vocab – 10 Jan, 2019

Protests in the Northeast, especially in Assam and Tripura, over the Centre’s move to push through the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill in Parliament highlight the dangerous pre-election adventurism of the BJP. 

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Mass messaging: on Citizenship (Amendment) Bill) – Jan 10, 2019.

Read This Article: – (Mass messaging: on Citizenship (Amendment) Bill)


Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Mass messaging: on Citizenship (Amendment) Bill) – Jan 10, 2019


  • Recklessly (adverb) – बेतहाशा, बिना विचारे
    Meaning – Without regard to the danger or the consequences of one’s actions;
    Synonyms – rashly, carelessly, thoughtlessly.
    Sentence – He was driving recklessly and lost control.
  • Reinforce (verb) सुदृढ़, शक्ति बढ़ाना
    Meaning – Strengthen or support (an object or substance), especially with additional material.
    Synonyms – boost, assist/support; heighten/intensify.
    Sentence – Two divisions were sent by Lee to reinforce the left wing.
  • Ethnic (adjective) संजाति विषयक
    Meaning – relating to a population subgroup (cultural, national, traditional/folk) with a common national or cultural tradition.
    Synonyms –  race-related, ethnological, genetic, inherited.
    Sentence – Ethnic and cultural rights and traditions.
  • Push through (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – succeed in passing a law accepted by the people who oppose it.
  • Adventurism (noun) – दुस्साहस
    Meaning – the inclination/readiness to take risks in business or politics.
    Sentence – Its reckless adventurism could have resulted in a nuclear conflagration.
  • Confer (verb) – प्रदान करना
    Meaning – Grant (a title, degree, benefit, or right)
    Synonyms – bestow, present/award.
    Sentence – It is often assumed that participation in clinical trials confers benefit to patients.
  • Persecuted (adjective) – सताना, अत्याचार करना
    Meaning – Harass or annoy (someone) persistently.
    Synonyms – oppressed, victimized; troubled/suffering.
    Sentence – Isn’t it disgraceful the way they’re persecuting the poor guy?


  • Contentious (adjective) – विवादास्पद
    Meaning – Causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.
    Synonyms – controversial, disputable, debatable.
    Sentence – In the long run the most contentious issue is likely to be wages.
  • Ploy (noun) – चाल, अभियान, व्यवसाय
    Meaning – A cunning plan or action designed to turn a situation to one’s own advantage.
    Synonyms – (cunning) plan, scheme, tactic/trick.
    Sentence – The president has dismissed the referendum as a ploy to buy time.
  • Legitimise (verb) वैधता
    Synonyms – validate, legitimate, permit/endorse.
    Sentence – Voters legitimize the government through the election of public officials.
  • Aftermath (noun) – परिणाम
    Meaning – The consequences or after-effects of a significant unpleasant event.
    Synonyms – consequences, repercussions, after-effects.
    Sentence – Historically, change has happened only in the aftermath of a major crisis.
  • Call it quits (phrase) 
    Meaning – be friends again, make peace, forgive and forget; agree/acknowledge.
  • Categorical (adjective) – स्पष्ट
    Meaning – Unambiguously explicit and direct.
    Synonyms – unambiguous/unequivocal, well defined/thorough, explicit/straightforward.
    Sentence – The official answer to the kidnappers has been both categorical and at times confusing.
  • Demographic (adjective) – जनसांख्यिकीय
    Meaning – relating to the statistical study/structure of populations, especially human beings.
    Sentence – The demographic trend is towards an older population.
  • Succour (noun) राहत
    Meaning – Assistance and support in times of hardship and distress.
    Synonyms – aid/help/support, assistance, relief.
    Sentence – The wounded had little chance of succour.
  • Indigenous (adjective) – स्वदेशी
    Meaning – Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.
    Synonyms – native/local, original, domestic.
    Sentence – The indigenous peoples of Siberia.
  • Blowback (noun)
    Meaning – the unexpected (bad & harmful) outcomes of a political situation.
    Sentence – The gun operates by direct blowback, which to the user means more effort to muscle back the slide.
  • Lost on (phrase)
    Meaning – fail to be noticed.
  • Offset (verb) पूरा करना
    Meaning – Counteract (something) by having an equal and opposite force or effect.
    Synonyms – balance out, cancel, nullify.
    Sentence – Donations to charities can be offset against tax.
  • Electorate (noun) – मतदाताओं
    Meaning – all the people who entitled to vote in an election.
    Synonyms – citizens, subjects, general public, electors
    Sentence – Many hope that the majority of the electorate votes for more than a pretty face.
  • Resurrect (verb) – पुनर्निर्माण करें
    Meaning – Revive or revitalize (something that is inactive, disused, or forgotten)
    Synonyms – revive, restore, regenerate.
    Sentence – The deal collapsed and has yet to be resurrected.
  • Stipulate (verb) – शर्त लगाना
    Meaning – Demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of an agreement.
    Synonyms – formulate, lay down, set down.
    Sentence – He stipulated certain conditions before their marriage.
  • Accord (verb) सहमाति, स्वीकार करना
    Meaning – Give or grant someone (power, status, or recognition)
    Synonyms – give, grant, tender/present.
    Sentence – The powers accorded to the head of state.
  • Of a piece (phrase) 
    Meaning – similar, alike/consistent, exactly the same.
  • Assuage (verb) – शांत करना
    Meaning – Make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense.
    Synonyms – alleviate, mitigate/reduce, relieve.
    Sentence – The letter assuaged the fears of most members.
  • Obligation (noun) – कर्तव्य
    Meaning – An act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound
    Synonyms – condition, requirement; moral imperative/responsibility.
    Sentence – I have an obligation to look after her.
  • Populace (noun) – आबादी
    Meaning – The people living in a particular country or area.
    Synonyms – population, inhabitants, people/public.
    Sentence – The party misjudged the mood of the populace.
  • Reverse (noun) – हार
    Meaning – Make (something) the opposite of what it was.
    Synonyms – setback, failure, blow/defeat.
    Sentence – The damage done to the ozone layer may be reversed.
  • Augment (verb) – बढ़ाना
    Meaning – Make (something) greater by adding to it
    Synonyms – increase, raise, improve.
    Sentence – He augmented his summer income by painting houses.
  • Aid (verb) – सहायता
    Meaning – Help, typically of a practical nature.
    Synonyms – facilitate, promote, encourage.
    Sentence – He saw the pilot slumped in his cockpit and went to his aid.


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  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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