The Hindu Editorial (Knockout blows: On the cricket World Cup entering its business end) Vocab – 14 Nov, 2023 | TheExamPillar
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary

The Hindu Editorial (Knockout blows: On the cricket World Cup entering its business end) Vocab – 14 Nov, 2023

Welcome to “The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary,” your trusted source for enhancing your linguistic prowess. In our concise yet insightful articles, we break down the complex terminology and phrases found in “The Hindu” editorials, empowering you to understand, apply, and integrate these words into your daily communication. Today we will discuss about the The Hindu Editorial (Knockout blows: On the cricket World Cup entering its business end) of 14th November 2023. 

The cricket World Cup finally enters its business end, having criss-crossed India since the first match involving England and New Zealand at Ahmedabad on October 5. In their backyard, Rohit Sharma’s men have exuded a dominant aura, brushing aside opposition units, be it the fancied ones or the emerging outfits.

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Daily Vocabulary : The Hindu Editorial (Knockout blows: On the cricket World Cup entering its business end) – November 14, 2023

Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Women in red: On an optimum menstrual hygiene policy) – November 14, 2023.

Knockout (noun) – बाहर कर देना
Meaning – 
A sudden and overwhelming defeat or victory, often in sports.
Synonyms – 
Knockdown, punch, blow, striking, hit.
Antonyms –
Defeat, loss, setback, failure.
Sentence –
 The boxer delivered a powerful knockout punch in the final round, securing his victory.

Criss-crossed (verb) – आर-पार, आपस में उलझा हुआ
Meaning –
 To move or be arranged in a pattern that forms a series of crossing lines.
Synonyms –
 Interweaved, intertwined, interlaced, crossed, intersected.
Antonyms –
 Straight, parallel, unentangled.
Sentence – 
The streets criss-crossed the city, creating a network of pathways.

Involving (verb) – शामिल करना, सम्मिलित करना
Meaning –
 Including or comprising as a necessary part or result.
Synonyms –
Including, encompassing, incorporating, comprising, containing.
Antonyms –
Excluding, omitting, eliminating.
Sentence –
 The project has several tasks involving different teams and departments.

Exuded (verb) – प्रकट करना, छोड़ना
Meaning –
 To discharge, release, or emit a substance, often slowly and steadily.
Synonyms –
Emit, release, ooze, discharge, secrete, give off.
Antonyms –
Absorb, withhold, contain.
Sentence –
 The flowers exuded a sweet fragrance that filled the entire garden.

Dominant (adjective) – प्रमुख, प्रधान, अधिपति
Meaning –
 Exercising control or influence over others; having authority or commanding power.
Synonyms –
Authoritative, commanding, ruling, controlling, powerful.
Antonyms –
Submissive, subordinate, subservient.
Sentence –
 The dominant leader made all the major decisions in the organisation.

Aura (noun) – आत्मा, वातावरण, परिसर
Meaning – 
A distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person, place, or thing.
Synonyms –
Ambiance, atmosphere, air, vibe, feel, character.
Dullness, blandness, flatness. 
Sentence –
 The ancient castle had an eerie aura, making visitors feel a sense of mystery and history.

Aside (adverb) – एक ओर, अलग, छोड़कर
Meaning –
 To or on one side; at a little distance.
Synonyms –
Apart, away, to the side, separately.
Antonyms –
Together, alongside, near.
Sentence –
 She stepped aside to let the others pass.

Fancied (adjective) काल्पनिक
Meaning –
 Imagined or believed to be true, often without sufficient evidence; fanciful.
Synonyms –
Imaginary, unreal, fictional, imagined, supposed, assumed, dreamed.
Antonyms –
Real, factual, actual.
She wore her fancied jewelry to the special occasion.

Trot (verb) – धीमा दौड़
Meaning –
 To move or run at a brisk, steady pace.
Synonyms –
Run, jog, lope, canter, pace.
Antonyms –
Walk slowly, stroll, saunter.
Sentence –
 The horse began to trot as soon as the rider urged it forward.

Elan (noun) – उत्साह, उत्साहितता, उत्कृष्टता
Meaning –
 Energy, style, and enthusiasm in one’s approach or performance.
Synonyms –
Enthusiasm, vigor, verve, zest, spirit, dynamism, vitality.
Antonyms –
Apathy, lethargy, indifference.
Sentence –
 She danced with elan, captivating the audience with her energy and grace.

Zest (noun) उत्साह, रुचि, रस, ताजगी
Meaning –
 Great enthusiasm, energy, and excitement.
Synonyms –
Enthusiasm, eagerness, excitement, gusto, passion, fervor.
Antonyms –
Apathy, indifference, lethargy, disinterest.
She approached her work with great zest, always ready to take on new challenges.

Tryst (noun) – मिलन, समर्थन
Meaning –
 A secret meeting or rendezvous, especially between lovers.
Synonyms –
Rendezvous, meeting, assignation, appointment, date.
Antonyms –
Public meeting, confrontation, open encounter.
Sentence –
 The couple had a tryst by the moonlit lake, away from prying eyes.

Glory (noun) – यश, शौर्य, कीर्ति, प्रशंसा, गौरव
Meaning –
 High renown or honor won by notable achievements.
Synonyms –
Fame, honor, prestige, renown, distinction, exaltation.
Antonyms –
Shame, disgrace, dishonor, obscurity.
The athlete basked in the glory of winning the gold medal at the Olympics.

Hurdle (noun) – कठिनाई, अवरोध, प्रतिबंध
Meaning –
 A barrier or obstacle, especially one that must be jumped over in a race.
Synonyms –
Obstacle, barrier, impediment, obstruction, hindrance.
Antonyms –
Clear path, open route, facilitation.
Sentence –
 The athletes trained hard to overcome each hurdle on the track.

Wilted (verb) – मुरझाना, कमजोर
Meaning –
 To become limp or drooping, especially as a result of heat, lack of water, or disease.
Synonyms –
Droop, sag, wither, fade, languish, collapse.
Antonyms –
Perk up, revive, flourish, thrive.
Sentence –
 The flowers in the garden wilted under the scorching sun.

Doughty (adjective) – साहसी, वीर
Meaning –
 Brave, valiant, courageous, and determined.
Synonyms –
Valiant, courageous, brave, fearless, intrepid, stalwart, resolute, dauntless.
Antonyms –
Cowardly, timid, fearful, spineless, faint-hearted.
Sentence –
 The knight displayed doughty courage on the battlefield, facing his enemies with unwavering determination.

Clutter (noun) कचरा, अव्यवस्था
Meaning –
 A collection of disorganized and untidy things.
Synonyms –
Disorder, mess, jumble, confusion, chaos, disarray.
Antonyms –
Order, organization, tidiness, neatness, arrangement.
Sentence –
 The room was filled with clutter, making it difficult to find anything.

Prolific (adjective) – उपजाऊ, फलदार
Meaning –
 Producing a large quantity of something, especially offspring or fruit.
Synonyms –
Fertile, fruitful, productive, prolific, generative, fecund.
Antonyms –
Barren, unproductive, infertile.
The apple tree in their backyard is prolific, yielding a bountiful harvest every year.

Pitfalls (noun) खतरा, खड़ी कठिनाई, फंदे, जोखिम
Meaning –
 Hidden or unexpected dangers or difficulties that can cause problems.
Synonyms –
Hazards, risks, dangers, traps, difficulties, obstacles, challenges.
Antonyms –
Safeguards, protections, advantages, benefits.
Sentence –
 The project has many potential pitfalls that need to be carefully addressed.

Ominous (adjective) – अशुभ, अमंगल
Meaning –
 Giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen; threatening; inauspicious.
Synonyms –
Menacing, threatening, foreboding, sinister, dark, forbidding, portentous.
Antonyms –
Promising, hopeful, propitious, auspicious.
Sentence –
 The dark clouds and eerie silence in the haunted house created an ominous atmosphere.

Triumph (noun) – विजय, कामयाबी, जीत
Meaning –
 A great victory or achievement.
Synonyms –
Victory, success, achievement, accomplishment, conquest.
Antonyms –
Defeat, failure, loss.
Sentence –
 The team’s triumph in the championship was celebrated with a grand parade.

Redemption (noun) – मुक्ति, पुनर्निर्माण, पुनः पापमुक्ति, छुटकारा
Meaning –
 The action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.
Synonyms –
Salvation, deliverance, absolution, forgiveness, atonement.
Antonyms –
Condemnation, damnation.
Sentence –
 The concept of redemption is central to many religious beliefs, offering a path to forgiveness and salvation.

Fragility (adjective) – कमजोरी
Meaning –
 The quality of being fragile, delicate, or easily broken or damaged; the state of being vulnerable or weak.
Synonyms –
Brittleness, delicacy, frailty, vulnerability, weakness, breakability, instability.
Antonyms –
Strength, robustness, resilience, toughness.
Sentence –
 The fragility of the antique vase made the owner handle it with extreme care.

Flux (noun) – परिस्थिति, प्रवाह, अपस्थिति, परिचालन, अस्थिति
Meaning – 
Continuous change or movement, especially in a dynamic or unstable situation.
Synonyms –
Change, fluctuation, variation, instability, transition.
Antonyms –
Stability, constancy, permanence.
Sentence –
 The blacksmith used flux to aid in the melting of the metal.

Flourished (verb) – फलना, विकसित होना, उन्नत होना
Meaning –
 To grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way.
Synonyms –
Thrive, prosper, bloom, blossom, grow, develop.
Antonyms –
Wither, decline, deteriorate.
Sentence –
 The garden flourished with colorful flowers and lush greenery.

Pugnacious (adjective) –  झगड़ालू, युद्धरत, लड़ाका
Meaning – 
Inclined to quarrel or fight; combative; belligerent.
Synonyms –
Aggressive, combative, quarrelsome, bellicose, contentious, militant.
Antonyms –
Peaceful, amicable, pacific, nonaggressive.
Sentence –
 The boxer had a pugnacious attitude in and out of the ring, always ready for a fight.


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Daily The Hindu Vocabulary 


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