REET 2022 Answer Key

REET Level 2 Exam Paper 24 July 2022 (Shift-IV) (Section – II, Language-I, English) (Answer Key)

माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड राजस्थान द्वारा REET (Rajasthan Eligibility Exam for Teachers) 2022 की परीक्षा का आयोजन 24 जुलाई 2022 को किया गया, इस REET Level 2 Exam Primary Exam 2022 का खंड – II (भाषा – I अंग्रेजी) का प्रश्नपत्र उत्तर कुंजी के साथ यहाँ पर उपलब्ध है – 

Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan Conduct The REET Exam 2022, this exam paper held on 24 July 2022, REET Level 2 Primary Exam 2022 Paper II (Section – II Language-I English) exam question paper with answer key Available Here. 

पोस्ट (Post) :- REET Level 2 Junior Exam 2022
विषय (Subject) : – Paper II – Section II – (Language-I English)
परीक्षा तिथि (Exam Date) :- 24 July, 2022 (Shift – IV)

कुल प्रश्न (Number of Questions) :- 30
Paper Set – A

REET Level 2 (Junior Level) Exam Paper 24 July 2022 (Shift – III)
REET Level 2 Exam – 24 July, 2022 (Section – I, C.D.P.) (Answer Key) Click Here
REET Level 2 Exam – 24 July, 2022 (Section – II, Language I – Hindi) (Answer Key) Click Here
REET Level 2 Exam – 24 July, 2022 (Section – II, Language I – English) (Answer Key) Click Here
REET Level 2 Exam – 24 July, 2022 (Section – II, Language I – Sanskrit) (Answer Key) Click Here
REET Level 2 Exam – 24 July, 2022 (Section – III, Language II – Hindi) (Answer Key) Click Here
REET Level 2 Exam – 24 July, 2022 (Section – III, Language II – English) (Answer Key) Click Here
REET Level 2 Exam – 24 July, 2022 (Section – III, Language II – Sanskrit) (Answer Key) Click Here
REET Level 2 Exam – 24 July, 2022 (Section – IV(a) – Mathematics & Science) (Answer Key) Click Here
REET Level 2 Exam – 24 July, 2022 (Section – IV(b) – Social Studies) (Answer Key) Click Here

REET Level-II (Junior Level) Exam Paper 2022
Paper II – (Section – II – Language-I, English)
(Answer Key)

Section – II (Language – I – English)

31. Choose the correct interrogative sentence:
(A) Had been it raining for long?
(B) What been it had raining for long?
(C) How had been it raining for long ?
(D) Had it been raining for long?

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Answer – (D)

32. Choose the correct option to fill the blank in the sentence given below
Admittance ______ to him by the guard.
(A) were refused
(B) was refused
(C) are refused
(D) will be refuse

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Answer – (B)

33. ‘So help me, Heaven !’ he cried, ‘I will never steal again.’
Choose the correct indirect speech of the above sentence :
(A) He called upon Heaven that I would never steal again.
(B) He called upon Heaven to witness his resolve never to steal again.
(C) He called upon Heaven to never steal again.
(D) He called upon Heaven to witness his resolve not to never steal again.

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Answer – (B)

34. Choose the ‘Affricate’ sounds :
(A) |t∫,dჳ|
(B) |m, n|
(C) |f, v|
(D) |θ, ð|

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Answer – (A)

35. Phonetic symbol / transcription for the word ‘Guttation’ is :
(A) |g៱’tә∫(ә)n|
(B) |g៱’tәⅠ∫(ә)n|
(C) |g៱’ttәs∫(ә)n|
(D) |g៱’ttәⅠs∫(ә)n|

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Answer – (B)

36. The fundamental order of listening, speaking, reading and writing should be followed; it is the general characteristic of:
(A) Principles of selection
(B) Principles of gradation
(C) Principles of habit formation
(D) Follow the natural way

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Answer – (D)

37. ‘Leading from simple to complex’ is used in the principles of:
(A) Gradation
(B) Habit formation
(C) Controlled vocabulary
(D) Follow the natural way

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Answer – (A)

38. Which one of these is a principle of ‘Translation cum Grammar’ method ?
(A) To teach English directly.
(B) To establish bond or a link between thought, expression, experience and language.
(C) The unit of teaching is a word not the sentences.
(D) The sentence is the unit of teaching in this method.

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Answer – (C)

39. Which method is a midway between the two old methods; (Translation cum Grammar method and the Direct method)?
(A) Inductive – Deductive method
(B) Bilingual method
(C) Dr. Michael West’s new method
(D) Audio Lingual method

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Answer – (B)

40. Which one of these is related to the ‘Inductive – Deductive method of teaching English ?
(A) It is a slow procedure.
(B) This method discourages the students to be mentally active.
(C) Priority of reading.
(D) The sentence is the unit of teaching in this method.

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Answer – (D)

41. Which skill is the basis of good learning of the language ?
(A) Speaking skill
(B) Explaining skill
(C) Reinforcement skill
(D) Listening skill

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Answer – (D)

42. Choose the correct option which is not a technique for speaking skills:
(A) Reproduction
(B) Question – Answers
(C) Role play
(D) Model Reading

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Answer – (B)

43. According to Thompson and Wyatt, how many objectives are of teaching rapid reading ?
(A) Three
(B) Four
(C) Five
(D) Six

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Answer – (*)

44. Who was of the opinion that reading ability can be developed by reading books in solitude with ease, interest and pleasure ?
(A) Menon and Palet
(B) Robert Lado
(C) Rajgopalan
(D) West

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Answer – (D)

45. Oral reading is also known as:
(A) Intensive reading
(B) Silent reading
(C) Loud reading
(D) Library reading

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Answer – (C)

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