English Vocab in hindi

The Hindu Editorial (Justice, 34 years on: on the conviction in the anti-Sikh riots case) Vocab – 22 Nov, 2018

The conviction of two rioters for their role in the 1984 anti-Sikh violence in Delhi marks a rare success in the long struggle to bring the perpetrators to justice.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Justice, 34 years on: on the conviction in the anti-Sikh riots case) – Nov 22, 2018.

Read This Article: – (Justice, 34 years on: on the conviction in the anti-Sikh riots case)

Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Justice, 34 years on: on the conviction in the anti-Sikh riots case) – Nov 22, 2018


  • Conviction (noun) – दोषसिद्धि, दृढ़ विश्वास
    Meaning – A formal declaration by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law that someone is guilty of a criminal offence.
    Synonyms – declaration, pronouncement of guilt, sentence.
    Sentence – She had a previous conviction for a similar offence.
  • Glimmer (noun)प्रभा, चमक, क्षीण प्रकाश
    Meaning – A faint or wavering light.
    Synonyms – faint sign, trace, hint.
    Sentence – There was a mischievous glimmer in his eyes.
  • Pogrom (noun) – तबाही 
    Meaning – An organized massacre of a particular ethnic group.
    Synonyms – massacre, mass killing, carnage, persecution, destruction.
    Sentence – The Nazis began a pogrom against Jewish people in Germany.
  • Perpetrator (noun)अपराधी
    Meaning – A person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act.
    Sentence – The perpetrators of this horrific crime must be brought to justice.
  • Resurrect (verb) – पुनर्निर्माण करें, मरे हुए को जीवित करना
    Meaning – Restore (a dead person) to life.
    Synonyms – revive, restore, re-establish.
    Sentence – He queried whether Jesus was indeed resurrected.
  • Brush aside (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – dismiss, disregard, ignore.
  • Discrepancy (noun) – विसंगति, विरोध
    Meaning – An illogical or surprising lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts.
    Synonyms – inconsistency, difference, variation, deviation.
    Sentence – It is this variation that he says created the discrepancies in this year’s results.
  • Testimony (noun)गवाही, साक्ष्य
    Meaning – A formal written or spoken statement, especially one given in a court of law.
    Synonyms – proof, evidence, witness.
    Sentence – The testimony of an eyewitness.
  • Cogent (adjective) – ठोस, यक़ीनी
    Meaning – (of an argument or case) clear, logical, and convincing.
    Synonyms –compelling, strong, forceful, powerful, potent, weighty
    Sentence – They put forward cogent arguments for British membership.
  • Frenzy (noun)उन्माद, पागलपन 
    Meaning – A state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behaviour.
    Synonyms – turmoil, madness, wild behaviour, agitation.
    Sentence – He flew into a frenzy and headed up the ladder to the attic with a rope.
  • Assassination (noun) – हत्या
    Meaning – The action of assassinating someone.
    Synonyms – murder, killing.
    Sentence – The assassination of President Kennedy.
  • Sectarian (adjective)सांप्रदायिक, किसी विशेष मत या पंथ-संबंधी
    Meaning –  (of an action) carried out on the grounds of membership of a sect, denomination, or other group.
    Synonyms – factional, partisan.
    Sentence – Sectarian conflict is the deliberate consequence of foreign intervention.
  • Prosecutor (noun) अभियोक्ता 
    Meaning – a lawyer who presents the government’s case against someone accused of a crime.
    Sentence – Government prosecutors will now seek warrants for the arrest of the nine strike leaders.
  • Nail (verb) जकड़ना, पकड़ना
    Meaning – Detect or catch (someone, especially a suspected criminal)
    Synonyms – catch, capture, arrest.
    Sentence – Have you nailed the killer?
  • Henchman (noun)अनुयायी, अनुगामी
    Meaning – A faithful follower or political supporter, especially one prepared to engage in crime or violence by way of service.
    Synonyms – helper, supporter, assistant.
    Sentence – On foot, we trade bullets with underworld henchmen and rival gangs.
  • Impunity (noun)दण्ड मुक्ति, माफी
    Meaning – Exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.

    Synonyms – immunity, exemption, freedom from punishment, special treatment.
    Sentence – The impunity enjoyed by military officers implicated in civilian killings.
  • Butcher (noun) – कसाई, क्रूर कातिल
    Meaning – A person who kills people indiscriminately or brutally.
    Synonyms – murderer, killer, assassin.
    Sentence – I told him they were a bunch of murdering butchers and he didn’t like that.
  • Hamper (verb)बाधा, प्रतिबंध करना, रोक देना
    Meaning – A basket with a carrying handle and a hinged lid, used for food, cutlery, and plates on a picnic.
    Synonyms – hinder, impede, restrict.
    Sentence – They came laden with picnic hampers, blankets and chairs, children in tow.
  • Connive (verb)आनाकानी करना, उपेक्षा करना
    Meaning – Secretly allow (something immoral, illegal, or harmful) to occur.
    Synonyms – disregard, overlook, deliberately ignore.
    Sentence – Government officials were prepared to connive in impeding the course of justice.
  • Excruciating (adjective) – कष्टदायी, पीड़ाप्रद
    Meaning – Intensely painful.
    Synonyms – torturing, afflicting, distressing.
    Sentence – I woke up after the surgery in excruciating pain.
  • Manipulate (verb)हेरफेर, तोड़ना-मरोड़ना
    Meaning –Control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly or unscrupulously.
    Synonyms – falsify, distort, alter, misrepresent.
    Sentence – I unconsciously manipulate situations to my advantage.
  • Shoddy (adjective) – तुच्छ, नीच मनुष्य
    Meaning – Badly made or done.

    Synonyms – poor-quality, inferior, careless, improper.
    Sentence – Many years of shoddy work has resulted in the pathetic shape of city roads.
  • Acquit (verb) – बरी करना, रिहा करना
    Meaning – Free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty.
    Synonyms – discharge, release, declare innocent.
    Sentence – She was acquitted on all counts.
  • Evade (verb) – बचना, टालना
    Meaning – Escape or avoid (someone or something), especially by guile or trickery.
    Synonyms – elude, avoid, dodge.
    Sentence – Friends helped him to evade capture for a time.
  • Efflux (noun) – प्रवाह, बहाव
    Meaning – The flowing out of a substance or particle.
    Synonyms – discharge, leak, flow, emanation.
    Sentence – the same active efflux of sodium from the cytoplasm to the external medium.
  • Impediment (noun) – बाधा, रुकावट
    Meaning – A hindrance or obstruction in doing something.

    Synonyms – hindrance, obstruction, barrier.
    Sentence – A serious impediment to scientific progress.


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  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.



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The Hindu Editorial (Give and take) Vocab – 21 Nov, 2018

After the heat and dust of the last one month, the board meeting of the Reserve Bank of India on Monday turned out to be muted and professional, as it should have been.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Give and take: on the RBI board meeting) – Nov 21, 2018.

Read This Article: – (Give and take: on the RBI board meeting)

Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Give and take: on the RBI board meeting) – Nov 21, 2018


  • Give and take (phrase) 
    Meaning – compromise, concession, cooperation, teamwork.

  • The heat (noun) 
    Meaning – Intensive and unwelcome pressure or criticism, especially from the authorities.
    Synonyms – unnecessary pressure, criticism.
    Sentence – Manchester turned up the heat, playing with confidence.
  • (kick up) dust (phrase) 
    Meaning – (of a project) be completely finished or ready.
    Synonyms – create commotion, disturbance.
    Sentence – You can do it until you are 25, but I just wanted to get it done and dusted.
  • Mute (verb) – मौन, शांत
    Meaning – Deaden, muffle, or soften the sound of.
    Synonyms – deaden, muffle, mask, dull, dampen, damp
    Sentence – Words were difficult to pick out, muted by the thick metal door.
  • Summary (adjective) – अविलंबित, संक्षिप्त
    Meaning – Not including needless details or formalities; brief.
    Synonyms – immediate, instant, instantaneous, on-the-spot.
    Sentence – I suppose they were expecting to find a summary statement they could just pass along.
  • Precipitate (adjective) – अनपेक्षित, जल्दबाज़शीघ्र
    Meaning – Done, made, or acting suddenly or without careful consideration.
    Synonyms – sudden, hurried, hasty.
    Sentence – Declaring victory would not only be precipitate but dangerous.
  • Have one’s way (phrase) 
    Meaning – to do what one wishes for.
  • Go down well (phrase) 
    Meaning – to be well-accepted.
  • Address (verb) – संबोधित करना, निवेदन करना 
    Synonyms – attend to, tackle, deal with.
  • Carry the day (phrase) 
    Meaning – win, gain, be successful.
  • Liquidity (noun) – नकदी
    Meaning – The availability of liquid assets to a market or company. 
  • Stave off (verb) – टालना
    Meaning – Avert or delay something bad or dangerous.
    Synonyms – avert, prevent, avoid (something dangerous or from serious situations).
    Sentence – A reassuring presence can stave off a panic attack.
  • Bias (noun) – पक्षपात
    Meaning – Inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair.
    Synonyms – prejudice, partiality, favoritism, unfairness.
    Sentence – There was evidence of bias against foreign applicants
  • Yield (verb) – प्राप्ति 
    Meaning – Produce or provide (a natural, agricultural, or industrial product)
    Synonyms – concede, conform to, agree to.
    Sentence – The land yields grapes and tobacco.
  • Push back (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – postpone, stall, delay. 
  • Hands-on (phrase) 
    Meaning – pragmatic, real, actual, experimental.



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  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.



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The Hindu Editorial (Maldivian Reprieve) Vocab – 20 Nov, 2018

After five years of rule by a government that strong-armed political dissent domestically, the Maldives has put a pro-people administration in power, swearing in Ibrahim Solih, representing the Maldivian Democratic Party, as President on November 17.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Maldivian Reprieve) – Nov 20, 2018.

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Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Maldivian Reprieve) – Nov 20, 2018

  • Reprieve (noun) – दण्डविराम, अवकाश देना
    Meaning – Cancel or postpone the punishment of (someone, especially someone condemned to death)

    Synonyms – cancellation, suspension, postponement.
    Sentence – Under the new regime, prisoners under sentence of death were reprieved.
  • Hit the ground running (phrase) 
    Meaning – to begin a (new) task with enthusiasm & commitment.
  • Swearing (noun) – शपथ – ग्रहण
    Meaning – a ceremony at which a person is admitted into office by taking oath.
  • Slew of (noun) 
    Meaning –A large number or quantity of something.
    Synonyms – wide variety, large number, lot, diversity, range
    Sentence – He asked me a slew of questions.
  • Populist (adjective) लोकलुभावन
    Meaning – relating to the politicians who claim that they are representing the common/ordinary people.
    Synonyms – elected, representative, parliamentary, popular.
    Sentence – A nation divided by populist rhetoric will weaken and fail.
  • Vow (verb) – व्रत, शपथ, क़सम खाना
    Meaning – Solemnly promise to do a specified thing.
    Synonyms – promise, swear, pledge/affirm.
    Sentence – He vowed to continue his appeal against an earlier decision against him.
  • Embezzlement (noun) – ग़बन
    Meaning – Theft or misappropriation of funds placed in one’s trust or belonging to one’s employer.
    Synonyms – misappropriation, theft, stealing.
    Sentence – Corporate fraud and embezzlement have been familiar topics in newspaper headlines of recent years.
  • Allusion (noun) – संकेत 
    Meaning – An expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference.
    Synonyms – reference, citation, hint, intimation.
    Sentence – He makes allusions to poetry, classical music and protest culture.
  • Kickback (noun) – वापसी
    Meaning – A sudden forceful recoil.
    Synonyms – bribe, illegal payment.
    Sentence – The thrust from the kickback of the gun sent me to my back.
  • Bedfellow (noun) 
    Meaning –A person or thing allied or closely connected with another.
  • Join hands with (phrase) 
    Meaning – work together with.
  • Tycoon (noun) – व्यवसाय-प्रमुख
    Meaning – A wealthy, powerful person in business or industry.
    Synonyms – big businessman;  businessman magnate/baron.
    Sentence – He was one of the first Russian tycoons openly to declare his wealth.
  • Split at the seams (phrase)
    Meaning – (of a coalition) be in a bad condition & close to split.
  • Unravel (verb) – खंडित
    Meaning – (of twisted, knitted or woven threads) become undone.
    Synonyms – reveal, clarify, resolve.
    Sentence – There are some threads that once pulled unraveled the whole sweater.
  • Fling (verb) हाथ बढ़ाना
    Meaning – begin something (an activity) with great enthusiasm.
    Synonyms – toss, sling, hurl, cast, pitch, lob, bowl
    Sentence – An arm was flung over my shoulder and I shrugged it off.
  • Open doors (phrase) 
    Meaning – create opportunities.
  • Cascade (noun) झरना, जलप्रपात
    Meaning – A small waterfall, typically one of several that fall in stages down a steep rocky slope.
    Synonyms – waterfall, falls, water chute, cataract, rapids, torrent, flood, deluge.
    Sentence – The waterfall raced down in a series of cascades.
  • Underlying (adjective) आधारभूत
    Synonyms – fundamental, basic, primary.
    Sentence – Most of the mowed fields in the central part of the park are underlain with soil.
  • Back-stop (verb) – सहारा देना
    Meaning – A thing placed at the rear of something as a barrier or support.
    Synonyms – support, bolster, reinforce.
  • Pummel (verb) – कूटना, मारना
    Meaning – Strike repeatedly with the fists.
    Synonyms – Strike, hit, thrash (repeatedly).
    Sentence – The door shuddered as thumping fists pummelled the wood.
  • Call in (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – Demand (payment/dues).
  • Professedly (adverb) – प्रतिज्ञापूर्वक
    Meaning – Ostensibly; apparently (used in reference to something claimed or asserted, possibly falsely)
    Synonyms – supposedly, purportedly, allegedly.
    Sentence –Restrictions professedly designed to stop the use of political propaganda.
  • Opacity (noun) – अस्पष्टता
    Meaning – The quality of lacking transparency or translucence.
    Synonyms – lack of clarity, obscurity, mystery, enigma, non-transparency.
    Sentence – The cult of transparency leads ultimately to opacity.
  • Cloak (verb) – लबादा, चोग़ा
    Meaning –Hide, cover, or disguise (something)
    Synonyms – conceal, hide, cover.
    Sentence – The heavens are already dark, cloaking her in its shadows.
  • Plethora (noun) – बहुतायत, अधिकता
    Meaning – A large or excessive amount of something.
    Synonyms – excess, abundance, surplus, too many.
    Sentence –The British Isles boast a plethora of university art galleries.
  • Bonhomie (noun) – खुशमिज़ाजी
    Meaning – Cheerful friendliness, geniality.
    Synonyms – friendliness, warmth, geniality, affability.
    Sentence – Good cheer and bonhomie make this a happy time for you.
  • Denouement (noun) – उपसंहार, नतीजा
    Meaning – The outcome of a situation, when something is decided or made clear.
    Synonyms – finale, outcome, result.
    Sentence – The poem doesn’t reach a climax or any sense of denouement in this final installation.
  • Fabric (noun)कपड़ा, निर्माण
    Meaning –The basic structure of a society, culture, activity, etc.
    Synonyms – the basic structure, system, framework.
    Sentence – The multicultural fabric of Canadian society.


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  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.



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The Hindu Editorial (Cyclone Gaja: Being prepared against extreme events) Vocab – 19 Nov, 2018

Tamil Nadu was more prepared than before to deal with Cyclone Gaja when it made landfall between Nagapattinam and Vedaranyam on November 16, but it still took a toll of at least 45 lives.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Cyclone Gaja: Being prepared against extreme events) – Nov 19, 2018.

Read This Article: – (Cyclone Gaja: Being prepared against extreme events)

Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Cyclone Gaja: Being prepared against extreme events) – Nov 19, 2018


  • Resilience (noun)लचीलापन 
    Meaning – The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
    Synonyms – Flexibility, pliability, suppleness, plasticity, elasticity, springiness, spring, give.
    Sentence – Family therapists may be their best allies in passing on resilience.
  • Landfall (noun) – भूस्खलन
    Meaning – A collapse of a mass of land; a landslide.
    Sentence – He made landfall and fixed his position.
  • Take its toll (phrase)
    Meaning – have an adverse effect. 
  • Pay off (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – be successful, be effective, get results. 
  • Bureaucracy (noun) – नौकरशाही
    Meaning – A system of government in which most of the important decisions are taken by state officials rather than by elected representatives.
    Synonyms – government, the establishment, administration.
    Sentence – Most bureaucracies encourage their people to be the first and only line of defense.
  • Mitigate (verb)कम करना, घटाना
    Meaning – Make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful.
    Synonyms – diminish, reduce, lessen.
    Sentence – One is to develop a serious plan for mitigating extreme poverty.
  • Catastrophic (adjective)आपत्तिजनक, प्रलयंकर
    Meaning – Involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering.
    Synonyms – destructive, ruinous, disastrous.
    Sentence – Officials say the hurricane could cause catastrophic damage.
  • Classify (verb)वर्गीकृत, श्रेणीबद्ध करना
    Meaning – Arrange (a group of people or things) in classes or categories according to shared qualities or characteristics.
    Synonyms – categorize, list, group.
    Sentence – Soils within the park have been classified into 29 types.
  • Vulnerability (noun)दोष पूर्णता, अतिसंवेदनशीलता
    Meaning – The quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.
    Synonyms – weakness, defencelessness, frailty, susceptibility.
    Sentence – The report stresses the vulnerability of farmers in the marketplace.
  • Partisan (adjective) – पक्षपातपूर्ण, कट्टर
    Meaning – A strong supporter of a party, cause, or person.
    Synonyms – biased, prejudiced, one-sided.
    Sentence – True democracy is dreaded by partisans of the old left and right alike.
  • Get in the way of (phrase)
    Meaning – to obstruct something. 
  • Rehabilitation (noun)पुनर्वास
    Meaning – the action of bringing (someone or something) back to a normal.
    Sentence – He tells of raising four siblings alone while his mother took drug rehabilitation.
  • Contrast (noun) – विरोध
    Meaning – The state of being strikingly different from something else in juxtaposition or close association.
    Synonyms – difference, dissimilarity, contradiction/incongruity.
    Sentence – The contrast between the two men couldn’t be more distinct.
  • Livestock (noun) – पशु, मवेशी
    Meaning – Farm animals regarded as an asset.
    Sentence – The government took the initiative to send seed and livestock to these farms.
  • Provision (noun) – प्रावधान
    Meaning – The action of providing or supplying something for use.
    Synonyms – supplying, giving, providing, allocation, distribution.
    Sentence – The Government’s provision of a limited amount of more money is welcome.
  • Far fewer (phrase)
    Meaning – much less (with a large difference).
  • Casualty (noun) दुर्घटना, दुर्घटना का शिकार
    Meaning – A person killed or injured in a war or accident.
    Synonyms – victim, fatality, dead and injured.
    Sentence – Regardless of this, the casualty figures for the Black Death were massive.
  • Hazard (noun) – जोखिम
    Meaning – A danger or risk.
    Synonyms – danger, risk, peril.
    Sentence – The 1998 case is a notorious example of the hazards of credit risk.



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The Hindu Editorial (A crippling shortage: on vacancies in courts) Vocab – 17 Nov, 2018

The burgeoning docket burden that weighs down the judiciary is not because of its lumbering judicial processes alone, as it is often made out.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (A crippling shortage: on vacancies in courts) – Nov 17, 2018.

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Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (A crippling shortage: on vacancies in courts) – Nov 17, 2018


  • Crippling (adjective) – गंभीर, विकलांग बनाना
    Meaning – Causing a person to become unable to walk or move properly.
    Synonyms – weakening, impairing, paralyzing.
    Sentence – A crippling disease.
  • Be bogged down (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – prevent, entangle, restrict/be stuck.
  • Burgeoning (adjective) – तेजी से बढ़ते
    Synonyms – growing, increasing rapidly.
    Sentence – The Vietnam anti-war movement began to burgeon in 1965.
  • Docket (noun)  – फैसलों की सूची, दलील
    Meaning – A list of cases for hearing/trail/proceedings.
    Synonyms – document, chit, coupon, voucher, certificate, counterfoil, bill, receipt,
    Sentence – With a small number of exceptions, the Supreme Court has control over its own docket.
  • Weigh down (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – trouble, worry, bother, disturb.
  • Lumbering (adjective) – लकड़ी काटने के काम
    Synonyms – clumsy, awkward, uncoordinated.
    Sentence – Bob was a big, lumbering, gentle sort.
  • Chronic (adjective) – जीर्ण, पुराना
    Meaning – (of an illness) persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.
    Synonyms – very bad, persistent, long-standing, long-term
    Sentence – the film was absolutely chronic.
  • Preside (verb) – सभापति होना, अधिकार पद पर बैठना
    Meaning – Be in the position of authority in a meeting or other gathering.
    Synonyms – take the chair, be chairman, be chairperson, be chairwoman, officiate.
    Sentence – the prime minister will preside at an emergency cabinet meeting.
  • Lay down (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – formulate, stipulate, set down.
  • Pull up  (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – reprimand, criticize, rebuke.
  • Alarming (adjective) – खतरनाक, भयप्रद
    Meaning – Worrying or disturbing.
    Synonyms – disturbing, worrying.
    Sentence – Such a policy will only worsen the already alarming housing situation.
  • Tardiness (noun) – मंदी
    Meaning – The quality or fact of being late; lateness.
    Synonyms – belatedness, unpunctuality, lateness, delay.
    Sentence – I owe a few people email responses but I know I’ll be forgiven for my tardiness.
  • Call for (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – require, make necessary, demand.
  • Accommodate (verb) – समायोजित, अनुकूल बनाना
    Meaning – (of a building or other area) provide lodging or sufficient space for.
    Synonyms – help/assist, serve, adjust, attune.
    Sentence – The cottages accommodate up to six people.
  • Prescribe (verb) – हुक्म देना, आज्ञा देना, निर्धारित करना
    Meaning – (of a medical practitioner) advise and authorize the use of (a medicine or treatment) for someone, especially in writing.
    Synonyms – advise, recommend, suggest.
    Sentence – Your doctor may prescribe a medicine for depression or anxiety.
  • Infusion (noun) – निषेचन, प्रेरणा
    Meaning – A drink, remedy, or extract prepared by soaking tea leaves or herbs in liquid.
    Synonyms – broth, bouillon, juice, gravy, liquid, extract, concentrate, decoction
    Sentence – She started drinking fruit infusions, water and coffee instead of tea.
  • Let down (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – fail to support, disappoint, abandon/neglect.
  • Litigant (noun) – विवादी, मुकदमेबाजी
    Meaning – A person involved in a lawsuit.
    Synonyms – opponent, petitioner, complainant, respondent.
    Sentence – Some of those litigants have their counterparts in the profession.
  • Stand to (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – be in a position, be ready (to suffer).


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  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.



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The Hindu Editorial (Home and beyond) Vocab – 03 Nov, 2018

Electoral competition, not ideological conflict, is the biggest obstacle to the making of political alliances. The coming together of the Congress and the Telugu Desam Party is not on account of any new-found affinity, but because of the cessation of an old rivalry. 

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Home and beyond: on TDP forming alliance with opposition) – Nov 03, 2018.

Read This Article: – Home and beyond: on TDP forming alliance with opposition

Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Home and beyond: on TDP forming alliance with opposition)  – Nov 03, 2018

  • Fortunes (noun)  भाग्य, तक़दीर
    Meaning –  Chance or luck as an arbitrary force affecting human affairs.

    Synonyms – coincidence, circumstances, condition, state of affairs, accident, destiny, twist of fate.
    Sentence – Some are not so lucky, but I believe that fortune has smiled on him.
  • Affinity (noun)आत्मीयता, लगाव, संबंध
    Meaning – A natural liking for and understanding of someone or something. 

    Synonyms – association, link, bond, relationship, harmony.
    Sentence – The natural affinity between these two just seems to be a fact.
  • Cessation (noun) – समाप्ति, अंत
    Meaning – The fact or process of ending or being brought to an end.

    Synonyms – ending, termination, suspension.
    Sentence – Making dietary changes could either support or hinder smoking cessation.
  • Breakaway (adjective) – तितर-बितर हो जाना
    Meaning – A divergence or radical change from something established or long-standing.
    Synonyms – separatist, secessionist, dissenting group.
    Sentence – Rock was a breakaway from pop.
  • Grant (verb) –  अनुदान, उपहार,स्वीकार करना 
    Meaning – Agree to give or allow (something requested) to.

    Synonyms – Give, accord, permit, present (power/recognition).
    Sentence – The judge granted his request to testify behind a screen.
  • Bifurcation (noun) – द्विभाजन, दो शाखाओं में बांटना
    Meaning – Division of something into two branches or parts.

    Synonyms – Separation, dividing, 
    Sentence – The bifurcation of the profession.
  • Forge (verb) – बनाना, मन से गढ़ लेना.
    Meaning – Make or shape (a metal object) by heating it in a fire or furnace and hammering it.
    Synonyms – Build, form, create, hammer out.

    Sentence – She taught me to forge iron bells out of nails hammered into the shape of feathers.
  • Bound to (adjective) – करने के लिए बाध्य
    Meaning – Certain to be or to do or have something.

    Synonyms – certain, sure, very likely, guaranteed.
    Sentence – His job kept him city-bound.
  • Non-starter (noun) सफलता प्राप्त न कर सकनेवाला
    Meaning – A person or animal that fails to take part in a race.

    Synonyms – failure, fiasco, catastrophe, mess.
    Sentence – As a business proposition it’s a non-starter.
  • Catalyst (noun) – उत्प्रेरक, मुख्य स्रोत
    Meaning –
    A person or thing that precipitates an event.
    Synonyms – stimulus, motivation, fillip, encouragement.
    Sentence – The prime minister’s speech acted as a catalyst for debate.
  • Uncouple (verb)जुदा करना, संबंध तोड़ना, अलग करना
    Meaning – Disconnect (something, especially a railway vehicle that has been coupled
    to another)
    Synonyms – disengage, disconnect, detach.
    Sentence – Public housing rents will be uncoupled from income.
  • Unseat(verb) – तोड़ना, छोड़ना
    Meaning – Cause (someone) to fall from a horse or bicycle.
    Synonyms – remove from office, depose, dethrone.
    Sentence – She gasped as he unseated her and she tumbled to the ground.
  • Tie up (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – Settle, finalize, conclude.
  • Lie with (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – (of a responsibility) be caused by/belonging to.
  • On account of (phrase) 
    Meaning – because of, owing to, due to, by virtue of.
  • Drive away (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – disband, separate, dispel, break up.
  • Ghost in daylight (phrase)
    Meaning – (relating to) something which is there without real purpose and so without real existence.
  • Stand to (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – be in a position, be ready.
  • Make headway (phrase)
    Meaning – make progress, make strides, gain ground, progress.



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  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.


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