CTET July 2019 Language - I (English) Answer Key

CTET July 2019 – Paper – II Language – I (English) Official Answer Key

CBSE conducted the CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test) Exam Paper held on 07th July 2019 Evening Shift. Here The CTET Paper – II Part – IV Language – I (English) Question Paper with Answer Key. CTET July 2019 Answer Key. 

CTET (Central Teachers Eligibility Test)
Paper – II Junior Level (Class 6 to Class 8)

Exam – CTET Paper II Junior Level (Class VI to VIII) 
Part – Part – IV Language – I (English)
Organized – CBSE 
Number of Question – 30
Paper Set – Y
Exam Date – 07th July 2019 (Evening Shift 02:00 PM – 04:30 PM)

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CTET Exam July 2019 Paper – 2 (Junior Level)
Part – IV – Language – I (English)

Directions : Read the passage given below and answer the questions (91 – 99) that follow by selecting the correct/most appropriate options :

There’s an air of excitement on the platform as the train’s departure time draws close. You’ve found your name on the passenger’s list, together with the names of those in the compartment with you; so you already know your fellow passengers’ names, ages, sex and destination. People are pushing past you to get on, as you show your coupon to the conductor and he tells you to board.

Your fellow passengers are settling in, staking out their claims to territory with too much luggage. A bell clangs but there is no slamming of carriage doors, no blowing of whistles and no shout of “All aboard !” as in the states. The train simply draws out of the station while people stroll alongside and with studied nonchalance, clamber on, one after the other through the still-open doors.

You claim your own seat, pleased to be on the move. Since you have a long journey ahead in the company of strangers, what happens next will govern your enjoyment of the trip. You can start up a conversation and make friends, allies quickly, or he anti-social and lonely for the whole of the journey. Of course, it depends on your personality but if you are travelling alone you’ll need an ally, someone you feel you can trust to watch your luggage when you go to the washroom. You can’t isolate yourself completely on a train so if that’s your style train travel isn’t for you.

I get a thrill out of the start of every train journey. It’s not just the excitement of moving on to a new place, there’s the anticipation of what’s going to happen during the journey; the pleasure at the new acquaintances I’m going to make; the dissolving of city skyline into lush, rural landscape beyond the windows; and the heightened emotions of everyone on board. Indians love to travel by train; they are used to it and prepare properly so it becomes a picnic on wheels. I get excited when I am part of it, you will too.

91. The phrase, ‘draws out’ as used here means :
(1) hurries out
(2) breaks away
(3) clears out
(4) moves out

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Answer – (4)

92. Which part of speech is the underlined word in the following sentence ?
People are pushing past you.

(1) Adjective
(2) Verb
(3) Preposition
(4) Adverb

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Answer – (3)

93. Which part of the following sentence has an error in it?
“Once you have made this decision (a) / there would be (b) / no going back” (c) / Ram warned me (d).
(1) (c)
(2) (d)
(3) (a)
(4) (b)

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Answer – (4)

94. You are well informed about your fellow passengers :
(1) after you have interacted with them.
(2) When you have settled in your seats.
(3) even before you have entered the compartment.
(4) after you have been introduced to them.

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Answer – (3)

95. Who stake a claim to territory in the compartment ?
(1) Those who don’t travel light.
(2) Those who haven’t reserved seats.
(3) Those who need more space in it.
(4) Those whose seats are already occupied.

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Answer – (1)

96. Even after the train has started moving why do some people stroll alongside ?
(1) They enjoy getting into a moving train.
(2) The doors are still open.
(3) They reached the platform late.
(4) They want to enjoy the outside scene.

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Answer – (2)

97. What can prevent you from enjoying your train trip?
(1) You are worried about your luggage.
(2) The travellers around you don’t trust you.
(3) There are strangers around you.
(4) You are lonely by temperament.

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Answer – (4)

98. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
(1) He/she does not enjoy a picnic in the train.
(2) He/she is thrilled at the scene outside.
(3) The narrator enjoys going to a new place.
(4) He/she loves to make friends.

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Answer – (1)

99. What does the word ‘Coupon’ here mean ?
(1) a railway ticket
(2) a counterfoil
(3) a railways pass
(4) a passport

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Answer – (1)

Directions : Read the extract given below and answer the questions (100 – 105) by selecting the correct/most appropriate options :

The work of hunters is another thing:
I have come after them and made repair
Where they have left not one stone on a stone,
But they would have the rabbit out of hiding,
To please the yelping dogs. The gaps I mean,
No one has seen them made or heard them made,
But at spring mending-time we find them there.
I let my neighbour know beyond the hill;
And on a day we meet to walk the line
And set the wall between us once again.
We keep the wall between us as we go.
To each the boulders that have fallen to each.
And some are loaves and some so nearly balls
We have to use a spell to make them balance :
‘Stay where you are until our backs are turned !’

100. The figure of speech used in the lines 9-10 is :
(1) Simile
(2) Irony
(3) Personification
(4) Metaphor

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Answer – (2)

101. Identify the figure of speech used in the expression :
‘And some are loaves and some so nearly balls’
(1) Personification
(2) Irony
(3) Simile
(4) Metaphor

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Answer – (4)

102. The hunters’ main aim is :
(1) to catch the rabbits.
(2) to make the neighbours build the wall again.
(3) to remove the stones.
(4) to please their dogs.

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Answer – (1)

103. The gaps in the wall are made by :
(1) hunters
(2) nature
(3) rabbits
(4) rabbits

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Answer – (1)

104. The neighbours meet in the spring season to :
(1) to find out who broke the wall.
(2) to lift the stones.
(3) fill the gaps in the wall.
(4) to go on a long walk.

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Answer – (3)

105. The neighbours have to use a spell to :
(1) to make the stones obey them.
(2) to fix the irregular stones in the wall.
(3) look for the rabbits.
(4) to count the number of stones.

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Answer – (2)

CTET July 2019 – Paper – I (Language – I English) Official Answer Key

CBSE conducted the CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test) Exam Paper held on 07th July 2019 Morning Shift. Here The CTET Paper – I Part – IV Language – I English Question Paper with Answer Key. CTET July 2019 Answer Key.

CTET (Central Teachers Eligibility Test)
Paper – I Primary Level (Class 1 to Class 5)

Exam – CTET Paper I Primary Level (Class I to V) 
Part – Part – IV – Language – I (English) 
Organized – CBSE 
Number of Question – 30
Paper Set – Q
Exam Date – 07th July 2019

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CTET Exam July 2019 Paper – 1 (Primary Level)
Part – IV Language – I (English)

Directions : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. (91 to 99) :

The future of water will be a gamble – resting entirely on the way we decide to play the game here. Either we continue to use water irresponsibly, threatening the very existence of this planet, or we adopt sustainable and smart water management practices to build a water secure future.

By 2050, India’s total water demand will increase by 32 percent from now. Industrial and domestic sectors will account for 85 percent of the additional demand. Over-exploitation of ground-water, failure to recharge acquires and reduction in catchment capacities due to uncontrolled urbanisation are all causes of the precarious tilt in the water balance.

If the present rate of groundwater persists, India will have only 22 percent of the present daily per capita water available in 2050, possibly forcing the country to import its water.

Optimists believe that India’s people some 1.7 billion by 2050, will have integrated water efficient practices into their daily lives. If the ambitious water sustainability goals set by global industries and governments are testament we dare say that the world has begun to recognize water as a resource after all.

While beverages giants are focussed on returning water to the communities where they manufacture their drinks, food processing are engaging with farmers and upstream actors to minimise water usage across the supply claim and textile houses are evangelising the concept sustainable fashion. Companies have realised the risks emanating from the possibility of a water-scarce future. This has triggered companies to engineer process, implement water optimizing, technologies, establish water audit standards, and use a collaborative approach to deal with the water crisis.

91. The problem of acute water scarcity in future cannot be dealt with by companies through
(1) implementing water optimising technologies
(2) discovering a viable substitute water.
(3) re-engineering processes
(4) establishing water audit standards

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Answer – (2)

92. Which one of the following words is most similar in meaning to the word ‘threatening’ as used in the passage?
(1) menacing
(2) coercing
(3) persisting
(4) frightening

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Answer – (1)

93. Which one of the following words is most opposite to the meaning of the word ‘increase’ as used in the passage ?
(1) perceive
(2) achieve
(3) relieve
(4) decrease

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Answer – (4)

94. Identify the clause in the underlined part of the following sentence :
He breathed his last in the village where he was born.
(1) Adjective clause
(2) Adverb clause
(3) Principal clause
(4) Noun clause

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Answer – (1)

95. What part of speech is the underlined word in the following sentence ?
I do not know why he is so curious about it.
(1) Noun clause
(2) Principal clause
(3) Adverb clause
(4) Adjective clause

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Answer – (1)

96. We will face a severe water-scarcity problem in future mostly because :
(1) water is not a renewable source.
(2) by 2050, demand for water will increase considerably.
(3) we do not use water responsibly..
(4) ground-water level water is steadily decreasing.

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Answer – (1)

97. Which of the following will NOT lead to a severe water imbalance ?
(1) over-exploitation of water.
(2) failure to recharge acquifers.
(3) uncontrolled urbanisation
(4) flawless water infrastructure.

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Answer – (4)

98. Persistent ground water depletion will water NOT necessitate :
(1) shutting down of industries
(2) adoption of smart adoption management technologies
(3) using water judiciously
(4) import of water

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Answer – (1)

99. Optimists cannot pin their hope for better water management on :
(1) reducing demand for water by using new technologies.
(2) discovering new ways of augmenting water supply.
(3) treating sea water for domestic and industrial sectors.
(4) integrating water efficient practices into daily use.

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Answer – (3)

Directions : Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow (Q. Nos. 100 to 105) by selecting the correct/most appropriate options :

All creation drinks with pleasure,
Drinks at Mother Nature’s breast;
All the just, and all the evil,
Follow down her rosy path.
Kisses she bestowed, and grape wine,
Friendship true, proved e’en in death;
Every worm knows nature’s pleasure,
Every cherub meets his God.
Gladly, like the planets flying
True to heaven’s mighty plan,
Brothers, run your course now,
Happy as a knight in victory.

100. What is the hallmark of a true friend?
(1) He helps you to enjoy the fruits of nature.
(2) He proves true even in death.
(3) He can take on all the evils for you.
(4) He saves you from troubles.

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Answer – (2)

101. Rosy path is followed by ______.
(1) the evil
(2) both just and evil
(3) neither the just nor the evil
(4) the just

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Answer – (2)

102. Identify and name the figure of speech used in “All creation “Drinks at Mother Nature’s breast”.
(1) Simile
(2) Personification
(3) Alliteration
(4) Metonymy

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Answer – (2)

103. What does the expression, “Brothers, run your course now’ mean?
(1) Don’t let failures upset you.
(2) Seek god’s help when you are in difficulty.
(3) Cultivate a positive attitude to life.
(4) Keep on moving towards your goal.

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Answer – (4)

104. How can we say that God’s creatures are most fortunate and happy ?
(1) They have no friends to share their joys and sorrows.
(2) They do not have enough pleasures at their disposal.
(3) They have a benevolent Mother Nature to look after them.
(4) The world they live in lacks romance and beauty.

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Answer – (3)

105. Which of the following does not support the idea that Mother Nature’s love embraces all ?
(1) She bestows kisses on all her children
(2) She loves all the just but not all the evil.
(3) She also blesses us with true friendship.
(4) All creation drinks at Mother Nature’s heart.

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Answer – (2)

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