21. for guest teachers (P) / in the department of Biotechnology (Q) / was also held (R) / a Selection Committee meeting (S)
(a) SPRO
(b) QRSP
(c) PROS
(d) RSPQ
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22. for contractual assignment at Cultural Centres abroad (P) / as Teacher of Indian Culture for two years (Q) / applications are invited in a prescribed format (R) / from Indian Nationals for deployment (S)
(a) QPRS
(b) SRPQ
(c) PQRS
(d) RSQP
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23. while they are small (P) / and do the great things (Q) / while they are easy do (R) / the difficult things (S)
(a) SRQP
(b) PSQR
(c) SRPQ
(d) QPSR
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24. then you sure (P) / if you can’t (Q) / don’t deserve me at my best (R) / handle me at my worst (S)
(a) PROS
(b) QSPR
(c) RQSP
(d) PSRQ
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25. you will be more disappointed (P) / than by the ones you did do (Q) / by the things you didn’t do (R)/ twenty years from now (S)
(a) PRSQ
(b) PROS
(c) PQSR
(d) SPRO
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26. man is one who can lay (P) / a firm foundation with the bricks (Q) / a successful (R) / others have thrown at him (S)
(a) PQSR
(b) RQSP
(c) RPQS
(d) QSPR
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27. what we may be (P) / but we know not (Q) / we know (R) / what we are (S)
(a) RSQP
(b) QPRS
(c) QRPS
(d) ROPS
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28. for the ordinary (P)/ not willing to risk the unusual (Q) / if you are (R) / you will have to settle (S)
(a) PROS
(b) SPOR
(c) RQSP
(d) QSRP
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29. as mere stepping stones (P) / his major achievements (Q) / for the next advance (R) / he regarded (S)
(a) SPQR
(b) SQPR
(c) SPRO
(d) RPQS
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30. have a great influence (P) / and they often shape our personality (Q) / on our adult lives (R) / events in our childhood (S)
(a) SPRO
(b) SQRP
(c) SRQP
(d) PQRS
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Directions : Each item in this section has a sentence which has multiple parts. Find out the no error and indicate your response from the options (a), (b), (c) and (d) on the Answer Sheet
31. Experience has shown that the change-over from a closed economy to a mercantile economy has presented in human society innumerable problems.
(a) Experience has shown that
(b) the change-over from a closed economy
(c) to a mercantile economy has presented
(d) in human society innumerable problems
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32. A closed economy is identified as a human community which produces all it consumes and consumed all it produces.
(a) A closed economy is identified
(b) as a human community
(c) which produces all it consumes
(d) and consumed all it produces
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33. Iron is the most useful against all metals.
(a) Iron is
(b) the most user
(c) against all metals
(d) No error
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34. Mumbai is largest cotton centre in the country.
(a) Mumbai is
(b) largest cotton centre
(c) in the country
(d) No error
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35. While every care have been taken in preparing the results, the company reserves the right to correct any inadvertent errors at a later stage.
(a) While every care have been taken
(b) in preparing the results,
(c) the company reserves the right to correct
(d) any inadvertent errors at a later stage
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36. My sister and me are planning a trip from Jaipur to Delhi.
(a) My sister and me are
(b) planning a trip
(c) from Jaipur to Delhi
(d) No error
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37. Despite the thrill of winning the lottery last week, my neighbour still seems happy.
(a) Despite the thrill of winning
(b) the lottery last week,
(c) my neighbour
(d) still seems happy
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38. Children are not allowed to use the swimming pool unless they are with an adult.
(a) Children are not allowed
(b) to use the swimming pool
(c) unless they are with an adult
(d) No error
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39. Her knowledge of Indian languages are far beyond the common.
(a) Her knowledge
(b) of Indian languages
(c) are far beyond the common
(d) No error
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40. The care, as well as the love of a father, were missing in her life.
(a) The care, as well as the love
(b) of a father,
(c) were missing in her life
(d) No error
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