REET 2022 Answer Key

REET Level 2 Exam Paper 24 July 2022 (Shift-III) (Section – II, Language-I, English) (Official Answer Key)

माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड राजस्थान द्वारा REET (Rajasthan Eligibility Exam for Teachers) 2022 की परीक्षा का आयोजन 24 जुलाई 2022 को किया गया, इस REET Level 2 Exam Primary Exam 2022 का खंड – II (भाषा – I अंग्रेजी) का प्रश्नपत्र उत्तर कुंजी के साथ यहाँ पर उपलब्ध है – 

Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan Conduct The REET Exam 2022, this exam paper held on 24 July 2022, REET Level 2 Primary Exam 2022 Paper II (Section – II Language-I English) exam question paper with Official answer key Available Here. 

पोस्ट (Post) :- REET Level 2 Junior Exam 2022
विषय (Subject) : – Paper II – Section II – (Language-I English)
परीक्षा तिथि (Exam Date) :- 24 July, 2022 (Shift – III)

कुल प्रश्न (Number of Questions) :- 30
Paper Set – A

REET Level 2 (Junior Level) 23 July 2022 (IInd Shift)
REET Level 2 Exam – 23 July, 2022 (Section – I, C.D.P.) (Answer Key) Click Here
REET Level 2 Exam – 23 July, 2022 (Section – II, Language I – Hindi) (Answer Key) Click Here
REET Level 2 Exam – 23 July, 2022 (Section – II, Language I – English) (Answer Key) Click Here
REET Level 2 Exam – 23 July, 2022 (Section – II, Language I – Sanskrit) (Answer Key) Click Here
REET Level 2 Exam – 23 July, 2022 (Section – III, Language II – Hindi) (Answer Key) Click Here
REET Level 2 Exam – 23 July, 2022 (Section – III, Language II – English) (Answer Key) Click Here
REET Level 2 Exam – 23 July, 2022 (Section – III, Language II – Sanskrit) (Answer Key) Click Here
REET Level 2 Exam – 23 July, 2022 (Section – IV(a) – Mathematics & Science) (Answer Key) Click Here
REET Level 2 Exam – 23 July, 2022 (Section – IV(b) – Social Studies) (Answer Key) Click Here

REET Level-II (Junior Level) Exam Paper 2022
Paper II – (Section – II – Language-I, English)
(Official Answer Key)

Section – II (Language – I – English)

31. Choose the sentence which is correct in structure :
(A) How does the world tending to become a unity ?
(B) How is the world tending to become a unity ?
(C) How will the world tending to become a unity ?
(D) How did the world tending to become a unity ?

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Answer – (B)

32. Choose the correct option to fill the blank in the sentence given below :
The wounded man _____ by some boys.
(A) were being helped
(B) are being helped
(C) was being helped
(D) will being helped

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Answer – (C)

33. He said, ‘Be quiet and listen to my words’. Choose the correct option to complete indirect speech of the above sentence using phrase given below :
He urged them _____.
(A) be quiet and listen to his words
(B) to be quiet and listen to my words
(C) that be quiet and listen to his words
(D) to be quiet and listen to his words

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Answer – (D)

34. Choose the nasal’s sounds :
(A) | m, n, ŋ|
(B) | l, p, t |
(C) | w, j, z |
(D) | q, ð, ʃ |

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Answer – (A)

35. Choose the correct phonetic transcription for the word ‘Kimberlite’ :
(A) | ‘K I m ǝ b l ʌ I t |
(B) | ‘K I m b ǝ l ʌ I t |
(C) | ‘K I m b ʌ r l ʌ I t |
(D) | ‘K I m b ǝ l ǝ i t |

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Answer – (B)

36. Grouping and sequence are involved in the principles of _____.
(A) Habit formation
(B) Follow the natural way
(C) Controlled vocabulary
(D) Gradation

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Answer – (D)

37. The teaching material should be in accordance with the mental age and should have relevance in real life situations. It is main characteristic of :
(A) Principles of Selection
(B) Principles of Habit formation
(C) Principles of Gradation
(D) Principles of Controlled vocabulary

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Answer – (A)

38. In which method Mother tongue dominates in the teaching of English ?
(A) Direct method
(B) Dr. Michael West’s New method
(C) Translation cum Grammar method
(D) Audio-Visual method

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Answer – (C)

39. Dr. Michael West’s New Method is based on the principle :
(A) Priority of reading, separate provision for readers
(B) Priority of writing, speaking
(C) Priority of speaking, writing
(D) Priority of writing, separate provision for writers

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Answer – (A)

40. Which one of these is not related to the Direct Method of teaching English ?
(A) It is Natural Method also.
(B) It is Mother’s Method also.
(C) It was approved and spread by International Phonetic Association of France.
(D) This method consider visual appeal over aural – oral.

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Answer – (D)

41. Which type of reading is also known as rapid reading or independent silent reading ?
(A) Extensive reading
(B) Intensive reading
(C) Library reading
(D) Loud reading

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Answer – (A)

42. Which one of these is not the method of teaching writing ?
(A) Tracing method
(B) Free imitation method
(C) Intensive writing method
(D) F.G. French’s method

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Answer – (C)

43. Reproduction technique, Role play and Performance are the main techniques for :
(A) Reading skill
(B) Writing skill
(C) Speaking skill
(D) Listening and understanding skills

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Answer – (C)

44. The speaking and listening skills are developed by using :
(A) Flannel Boards
(B) Pictures
(C) Film strips
(D) Record-player

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Answer – (D)

45. Language laboratory is a very popular technical innovation. It is derived from :
(A) United Kingdom
(B) America
(C) France
(D) Germany

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Answer – (B)

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