Rajasthan High Court LDC Exam Paper - 13 March 2022 (Answer Key)

Rajasthan High Court LDC Exam Paper – 13 March 2022 (Answer Key)

41. कर्मधारय समास का उदाहरण नहीं है
(1) सरासर
(2) छुटभैया
(3) कालीमिर्च
(4) भलामानस

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42. ‘हाथ’ का पर्यायवाची शब्द नहीं है
(1) पाणि
(2) हस्त
(3) दस्त
(4) दशन

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43. ‘जिनकी आशा न की गयी हो।’ वाक्यांश हेतु सार्थक शब्द है
(1) आशातीत
(2) अप्रत्याशित
(3) असंभव
(4) आशेतर

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44. निम्नलिखित में कौनसा विवरण सही नहीं है?
(1) ‘प्रेरणा’ में ‘प्र’ उपसर्ग है।
(2) ‘पर्याप्त’ में ‘परि’ उपसर्ग है।
(3) ‘अध्यात्म’ में ‘अधि’ उपसर्ग है।
(4) ‘अभ्यास’ में ‘अ’ उपसर्ग है।

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45. ‘नटों में श्रेष्ठ’ हेतु उपयुक्त सामासिक पद है
(1) नटवर
(2) नटेश्वर
(3) नरेश
(4) नराधीश

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46. ‘कार’ प्रत्यय से निर्मित नहीं है
(1) बेकार
(2) स्वर्णकार
(3) कुम्भकार
(4) नाटककार

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47. शुद्ध शब्द है
(1) तदुपरान्त
(2) धुरंदर
(3) चर्मोत्कर्ष
(4) श्रृंगार

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48. किस अनेकार्थक शब्द के सभी अर्थ सही हैं?
(1) भूत – अतीत, राख
(2) दंड – जुर्माना, भूमि
(3) अंश-कंधा, भाग
(4) पक्ष – पंख, किनारा

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49. ‘अमृत’ का पर्यायवाची नहीं है
(1) पीयूष
(2) अमिय
(3) व्योम रस
(4) सुधा

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50. कौनसा शब्द स्वर संधि का उदाहरण है?
(1) पवित्र
(2) नीरस
(3) पुरस्कार
(4) अंततोगत्वा

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51. A killing of one person by the other is called:
(1) Ominous
(2) Homogenize
(3) Homicide
(4) Hominid

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52. He likes people to call him Sir.
Select the passive voice from the options:
(1) He likes Sir to be called by people.
(2) He likes to be called Sir.
(3) People like him to call Sir.
(4) None of the above.

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53. Choose the option where the prefix
Mis _____ is wrongly used.
(1) Misdeed
(2) Mislead
(3) Misjudge
(4) Misez

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54. Choose the word which can be a substitute for the given phrase:
A person appointed by two parties to solve a dispute.
(1) Compere
(2) Auditor
(3) Arbitrator
(4) Insolvent

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55. Choose the antonym of:
(1) In agreement
(2) Equal
(3) Same
(4) Undecided

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56. Fill in the blank using the appropriate option:
Prakash ______ tennis for an hour when the news of his selection came in.
(1) had play
(2) had been playing
(3) had played
(4) had been played

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57. Fill in the blank with appropriate article:
Men fear ______ death
(1) the
(2) a
(4) no article

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58. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition.
I thought you would be late ______ dinner.
(1) for
(2) at
(3) on
(4) will

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Answer – (1)

59. Sentence has been broken up into four parts. Choose the part which is grammatically and meaningfully WRONG.
(1) He told me that
(2) if he had time
(3) he will be visiting
(4) his family and friends.

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60. Choose the correct meaning of the Italicised Idiom.
She had given up all hope when out of the blue she got a call from one of the most sought after universities.
(1) With God’s grace
(2) Helped by her peers
(3) From a distant connection
(4) Unexpectedly

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Answer – (4)

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