Rajasthan PTET Exam Paper - 09 June 2024 (Answer Key)

Rajasthan PTET Exam Paper – 09 June 2024 (Answer Key)

171. I am not scared ______ him.
(A) by
(B) of
(C) with
(D) to

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Answer – (B)

172. ‘His threats had become a nightmare’ in this sentence ‘a nightmare’ is –
(A) Object (Indirect)
(B) Complement
(C) Adjunct
(D) Object (Direct )

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Answer – (B)

174. Identify the suffix in ‘Friendliness’ –
(A) to
(B) Ness
(C) Friendly
(D) Fri

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Answer – (B)

175. Choose the prefix that can be attached to ‘comprehensible’ –
(A) Non
(B) Un
(C) Dis
(D) In

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Answer – (D)

176. She is allergic ______ cats.
(A) to
(B) With
(C) by
(D) for

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Answer – (A)

177. Identify the correct sequence of jumbled sentence –
(P) sales last year
(Q) effect much
(R) improvement in
(S) we did not

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Answer – (A)

178. If you ______ the history of the world, you will find that many great men have also been good.
(A) look at
(B) go from
(C) meanwhile
(D) such as

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Answer – (A)

179. He cleared the ________ with acid.
(A) flower
(B) flour
(C) floor
(D) flow

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Answer – (C)

180. You will certain by come to grief if you follow his foot steps.
(A) Again
(B) Benefited
(C) Ruined
(D) Outshine

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Answer – (C)

181. Choose the word similar in meaning to ‘fostering’ –
(A) Safeguarding
(B) Neglecting
(C) Ignoring
(D) Nurturing

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Answer – (D)

Direction (Q. no. 182-186 ) : Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:

In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become a common phenomenon affecting people of all ages. Stress can be triggered by various factors such as work pressure, financial worries, relationship issues or health concerns. When left unmanaged stress can have detrimental effects on both physical and mental well-being. Therefore, it is essential to develop effective coping strategies to deal with stressors and maintain a healthy balance in life. One effective way to manage stress is through relaxation techniques. These may include deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga and spending time in nature. Engaging in hobbies or activities that bring joy and relaxation can also help alleviate stress. Additionally maintaining a healthy life style with regular exercise, proper nutrition and sufficient sleeps can build resilience against stressors and promote overall well-being. Furthermore, seeking social support is crucial in times of stress. Talking to friends, family members or a therapist can provide emotional support and perspective. It’s essential to remember that it’s okay to ask for help, when needed. By addressing stress proactively and incorporating relaxation techniques and social support in daily life, individuals can better manage stress and lead healthier more fulfilling lives.

182. What is the main focus of the passage ?
(A) Impact of stress on physical health
(B) Techniques for managing stress
(C) The prevalence of stress in modern society
(D) The importance of meditation

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Answer – (C)

183. What role does social-support play in managing stress?
(A) It has no impact on individual life.
(B) It can provide emotional support and perspective.
(C) It exacerbates stress.
(D) It is the only factor causing stress.

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Answer – (C)

184. What triggers stress according to the passage?
(A) Only financial worries
(B) Only work pressures
(C) Only relationship issues
(D) All of the above

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Answer – (D)

185. What is NOT mentioned as a method of stress management?
(A) Deep breathing exercises
(B) Yoga and meditation
(C) Playing video games
(D) Spending time in nature

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Answer – (C)

186. What is considered important for maintaining healthy balance?
(A) Developing effective coping strategies
(B) Engaging in work without breaks
(C) Avoiding social interactions
(D) Forgetting stressors

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Answer – (A)

187. Select the synonyms of the word ‘Rendezvous’
(A) Restless
(B) Party
(C) Meeting
(D) Fantastic

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Answer – (C)

188. What is one word for ‘custom of having many wives’?
(A) Monogamy
(B) Bigamy
(C) Polygamy
(D) Matrimony

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Answer – (C)

189. Choose the correct form of ‘be’ verb for the sentence –
The team ______ practicing hard for the upcoming match.
(A) are
(B) is
(C) were
(D) Matrimony

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Answer – (B)

190. Find out synonyms for the underlined word- The old Mansion was shrouded in mystery, its dark corridors echoing with whisper of the past.
(A) Plainness
(B) Clarity
(C) Overt
(D) Enigma

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Answer – (D)

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