UTET Exam 2022 (Answer Key)

UTET Exam 30 Sep 2022 Paper – 1 (Language I – English) (Official Answer Key)

Direction (Q. No. 46) : Out of the given alternatives, choose the one which is closest to the opposite in meaning of the underlined word.

46. My uncle is very wealthy, but rather parsimonious is his habits.
(A) Extravagant
(B) Thrifty
(C) Careless
(D) Strict

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Answer – (A)

Direction (Q. No. 47) : Improve the underlined part of the sentence by choosing the correct option. If there is no need of improvement, the answer will be option (d).

47. Either Radha or Sita forgot to take their umbrella.
(A) Her
(B) His
(C) One’s
(D) No improvement

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Answer – (A)

Direction (Q. No. 48) : An idiomatic expression / a proverb has been given below, followed by four alternatives. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given idiom/proverb.

48. A bolt from the blue.
(A) A delayed event
(B) An inexplicable event
(C) An unexpected event
(D) An unpleasant event

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Answer – (C)

49. Choose the correct adjective of the noun ‘Advice’ –
(A) Advisable
(B) Advise
(C) Advisedly
(D) Adviser

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Answer – (A)

Direction (Q. No. 50-52): Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option. This

50. Being a philanthropist, he ______ this institution,
(A) Founded
(B) was founded
(C) Find
(D) Found

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Answer – (A)

51. The judge acquitted him ______ the murder.
(A) off
(B) of
(C) for
(D) from

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Answer – (B)

52. The eggs are sold by ______ dozen.
(A) a
(B) an
(C) the
(D) None of these

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Answer – (C)

53. Point out the active voice of the following sentence – It is being done by us.
(A) We are doing it.
(B) It will be done by us.
(C) We can do it.
(D) We must do it.

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Answer – (A)

54. Identify the correct form of the given sentence –
Dad said to Pankaj, “I will not give you pocket money.”
(A) Dad ordered Pankaj not to give him pocket money.
(B) Dad told Pankaj that he would not give him pocket money
(C) Dad told Pankaj that I will not give you pocket money.
(D) Dad said to Pankaj that he would not give her pocket money.

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Answer – (B)

55. Choose the correct figure of speech in the following sentence –
‘The wind lies asleep in the arms of dawn.’
(A) Metaphor
(B) Hyperbole
(C) Personification
(D) Oxymoron

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Answer – (C)

56. Choose the correctly spelt word –
(A) Tarif
(B) Tartif
(C) Tarriff
(D) Tariff

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Answer – (D)

Direction (Q. No. 57-60): Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option –

I Build Walls
I build Walls
Walls that protect,
Walls that shield,

Walls that say I shall not yield
Or reveal
Who I am or how I feel
I build walls

Walls that hide,
Walls that cover what’s inside,
Walls that stare or smile or look away,
Silent lies,

Walls that even block my eyes
From the tears I might have cried
I build walls
Walls that never let me

Truly touch
Those I love so very much.
Walls that need to fall!
Walls meant to be fortresses
Are prisons after all.

57. What are the walls in this poem made of?
(A) Blood and flesh
(B) Hidden feelings and thoughts
(C) Bricks or any physical material
(D) Cement and tiles

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Answer – (B)

58. The expression ‘silent lies’ in the poem implies that –
(A) Walls make one hide one’s true feelings.
(B) Walls lie silently around all of us.
(C) Walls are silent.
(D) Wall are liars.

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Answer – (A)

59. Why is it not a good idea to have these ‘Walls’?
(A) They are made of bricks
(B) They hurt others
(C) They act as a fortress
(D) They act as a prison and keep loved ones away

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Answer – (D)

60. Walls built to protect us ultimately turn into a prison. It is an example of a –
(A) puzzle
(B) riddle
(C) Satire
(D) paradox

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Answer – (D)


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