UTET Answer Key 2019

UTET Exam 2019 Paper – 2 (Language II – English) (Official Answer Key)

76. We visited ______ .
(A) Canada and United States
(B) the Canada and the United States
(C) Canada and the United States
(D) the Canada and United States

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Answer – (C)

77. I wish I ______ a car. It would make life so much easier.
(A) have
(B) had
(C) would have
(D) will have

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Answer – (B)

78. This famous quotable line “They are serve who only stand and wait” has been taken from :
(A) Shakespeare’s Macbeth
(B) Spencer’s Fairy Queen
(C) Milton’s On His Blindness
(D) Marlow’s Dr. Faustus

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Answer – (C)

79. ‘Let not ambition mock their useful toil’ has a figure of speech :
(A) Oxymoron
(B) Metaphor
(C) Transferred Epithet
(D) Personification

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Answer – (D)

80. A teacher of English should begin to teach English to small kids with :
(A) Polysyllabic words
(B) Monosyllabic words
(C) Bisyllabic words
(D) Compound words

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Answer – (B)

81. A ‘sadist’ is one :
(A) who remains sad most of the time
(B) who makes horse saddles
(C) who gets pleasure from hurting others
(D) who wanders from place to place in search of food

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Answer – (C)

82. Which one is not the component of language?
(A) Sounds
(B) Words
(C) Structures
(D) Literature

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Answer – (D)

83. It was her ‘own’ idea. In this sentence ‘own’ is :
(A) Passessive pronoun
(B) Emphasizing Adjective
(C) Demonstrative Adjective
(D) Relative Pronoun

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Answer – (B)

84. Choose the sentence with correct preposition in the following:
(A) An Irish girl married to an American scientist.
(B) An Irish girl married with an American scientist.
(C) An Irish girl married for an American scientist.
(D) An Irish girl married by an American Scientist.

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Answer – (A)

85. “Ramesh often likes to blow his own trumpet.” It implies that :
(A) Ramesh likes to praise his own abilities and achievements.
(B) Ramesh blows his trumpet on winning.
(C) Ramesh blows his nose.
(D) Ramesh is ecstatic when the wind blows.

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Answer – (A)

86. “Spelling is caught rather than taught” who said this statement?
(A) Bhatia and Bhatia
(B) W.S. Tomkinson
(C) Dr. Witherspoon
(D) Prof. Ernest Weekly

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Answer – (B)

87. Identify the figure of speech in the following stanza :
“Water, water, everywhere,
And all the boards did shrink.
Water, water, everywhere,
Nor any drop to drink”
(A) Metaphor
(B) Simile
(C) Personification
(D) Irony

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Answer – (D)

88. “Curse it!” exclaimed the driver, “Who could have foreseen such ill luck? But for the accident we should have caught the train easily”. This can best be reported as:
(A) The driver said that who could have foreseen such ill luck. But for the accident they would catch the train easily.
(B) The driver exclaimed with an oath that nobody could have seen such ill luck. But for the accident they would have caught the train easily.
(C) The driver asked that everybody could have foreseen such an ill luck. But for the accident we could catch the train easily.
(D) None of the above

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Answer – (B)

89. The word ‘Untruthfully’ has :
(A) two free morphemes and one bound morpheme
(B) three free morphemes and two bound morphemes
(C) One free morpheme and three bound morphemes
(D) Only one free morpheme and one bound morpheme

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Answer – (C)

90. ‘The teacher made the boy run fast’. In this sentence, ‘made’ is a :
(A) Principal verb
(B) Modal verb
(C) Causative verb
(D) Auxiliary verb

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Answer – (C)


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