UPSC CDS (I) Exam 2024 - Paper (English) 21 April 2024 (Answer Key)

UPSC CDS (I) Exam 2024 – Paper (English) 21 April 2024 (Answer Key)



Directions: Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an underlined word followed by four words. Select the option that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word and mark your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.

101. She accepted the prospect of her medical treatment with equanimity.
(a) tranquillity
(b) agitation
(c) composure
(d) placidity

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Answer – (B)

102. He had been vehement in opposing the idea.
(a) ardent
(b) subdued
(c) fervent
(d) impassioned

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Answer – (B)

103. He indulges in nefarious activities.
(a) flagitious
(b) execrable
(c) admirable
(d) abominable

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Answer – (C)

104. When he was born, his family was indigent.
(a) pretentious
(b) impecunious
(c) affluent
(d) ruined

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Answer – (C)

105. All of us are living in turbulent times.
(a) capricious
(b) desolate
(c) tranquil
(d) obstreperous

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Answer – (C)


Directions: Each of the following sentences in this section has a blank space and is followed by four choices. Select the most appropriate choice to fill in the blank and mark your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.

106. I shall not be going to the theatre ________ .
(a) if it may snow
(b) if it snow
(c) if it snows
(d) if snowed

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Answer – (C)

107. ______ than a hundred passengers were killed in the recent train accident.
(a) Less
(b) No less
(c) Fewest
(d) No fewer

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Answer – (D)

108. Each of these paintings ______ made by a famous painter.
(a) are
(b) is
(c) be
(d) should

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Answer – (B)

109. This is an area of _________ dense population.
(a) extremely
(b) totally
(c) tangentially
(d) languidly

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Answer – (A)

110. Reading ability in young children ______ by speech disorders.
(a) effected
(b) affected
(c) is effected
(d) is affected

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Answer – (D)

111. She has faced almost _______ difficulty in arranging the funds for the event.
(a) big
(b) insurmountable
(c) gigantic
(d) large.

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Answer – (B)

112. Our school building is _______ dilapidated.
(a) visibly
(b) little
(c) deeply
(d) satisfactorily

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Answer – (C)

113. Ranikhet is a place of remarkably ______ beauty.
(a) scenery
(b) scenic
(c) scene
(d) scenically

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Answer – (B)

114. The criminal on the run managed to ______ capture by the police officer.
(a) invade
(b) evade
(c) slip
(d) run away

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Answer – (B)

115. I am ______ on the ambitious project of learning one new language every year.
(a) sailing
(b) embarking
(c) adventuring
(d) concurring

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Answer – (B)


Directions: Given below are some idioms/phrases followed by four alternative meanings to each. Choose the response (a), (b), (c) or (d), which presents the most appropriate meaning and mark your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.

116. Walking on eggshells
(a) Careful not to offend or upset others
(b) Walking with great care
(c) Making a noisy entry
(d) Undertaking an uncomfortable journey

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Answer – (A)

117. Feather your own nest
(a) To make one’s lodgings comfortable
(b) To make money for oneself by way of dishonest means
(c) To look at something with a lot of pleasure
(d) To make something more important than it really is

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Answer – (B)

118. Neither fish nor fowl
(a) Difficult to describe or classify
(b) Neither this or that
(c) Strict rules and regulations
(d) Feel awkward because of

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Answer – (B)

119. Elephant in the room unfamiliarity
(a) The important topic
(b) The unavoidable mind-set
(c) The obvious problem that is being avoided
(d) The prized possession in the room

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Answer – (C)

120. The ship has sailed
(a) The matter is carried over
(b) The matter is decided
(c) The opportunity has passed
(d) Seeking new opportunities

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Answer – (C)


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