UPSC CDS (I) Exam 2024 - Paper (English) 21 April 2024 (Answer Key)

UPSC CDS (I) Exam 2024 – Paper (English) 21 April 2024 (Answer Key)



Directions: Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an underlined word followed by four words/groups of words. Select the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word and mark your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.

21. Winning the World Cup was the most exhilarating moment for the Indian cricket team.
(a) peaceful
(b) prominent
(c) thrilling
(d) eager

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Answer – (C)

22. Justice prevailed and the murderer was decapitated.
(a) beheaded
(b) dismissed
(c) kidnapped
(d) discharged

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Answer – (A)

23. The hotel room had dingy walls.
(a) hazy
(b) dark and dirty
(c) pale
(d) cloudy

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Answer – (A)

24. Keshav planned the event with fastidious care.
(a) inattentive
(b) boring
(c) meticulous
(d) uninteresting

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Answer – (C)

25. Her left leg was paralysed due to a debilitating disease.
(a) crippling
(b) sad
(c) strange
(d) critical

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Answer – (A)


Directions: Given below are pairs of sentences (S1, S2). Select the co-relationship of the second sentence to the first from among the options (a), (b), (c) and (d), and mark your resnanos Answer Sheet accordingly.

S1: Civics classes focus on citizenship and governance.
S2: The subject develops concepts that enable the reader to apply knowledge about government and the state to the idea of participative citizenship.
The second sentence
(a) expands the first
(b) contrasts with the first
(c) proposes a solution.
(d) states an effect

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Answer – (A)

S1: China has made rapid economic strides but at the cost of democracy.
S2: India has followed a path towards rapid economic growth, but by abiding by the norms of a democratic polity.
The second sentence
(a) negates the first
(b) explains what is stated in the first
(c) offers a contrast to the first
(d) confirms the first

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Answer – (C)

S1: The concept of right or wrong needs to be determined on the basis of principles.
S2: When it comes to matters related to the field of human rights, positions should be based solely on principles.
The second sentence
(a) establishes the first
(b) develops an axiom based on the first
(c) contradicts the first
(d) delegitimises the premise of the first

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Answer – (A)

S1: The concept of Ahimsa was adopted by Gandhiji after he was introduced to it by Tolstoy. The latter first read about it in German translation of Thirukkural, the great moral treatise in Tamil.
S2: Much in the same way that Gandhi was influenced by Tolstoy, in the United States of America, Martin Luther King Jr. shaped his Civil Rights Movement based on Gandhian principles.
The second sentence
(a) counters the first
(b) defends the premise of the first
(c) provides an analogy for the first
(d) explains the first

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Answer – (D)

S1: The best ever cricket captain India has ever had is XYZ.
S2: As captain, XYZ has won considerably more matches for India than any other captain.
The second sentence
(a) rebuts the first
(b) is the premise for the first
(c) contrasts with the first
(d) dilutes the first

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Answer – (B)


Directions: In the following items, a pair of words is provided. You are required to select the option that most appropriately describes the meaning of both the words and mark your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.

31. ‘Compliment’ and ‘Complement’
(a) Compliment means to synthesise and complement means to praise
(b) Compliment means to go well with and complement means to praise
(c) Compliment means to praise and complement means to blend well with
(d) Compliment means to blend well with and complement means to praise

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Answer – (C)

32. ‘Deify’ and ‘Defy’
(a) Deify means to confer upon one the status of god and defy means to oppose
(b) Deify means to oppose and defy means to confer upon one the status of god
(c) Deify means to define and defy means to oppose
(d) Deify means to deny and defy means to oppose

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Answer – (A)

33. ‘Stationery’ and ‘Stationary’
(a) Stationery means standing still and stationary means immobile
(b) Stationery means writing and office material and stationary means in station
(c) Stationery means writing and office material and stationary means immobile
(d) Stationery means standing still and stationary means writing and office material

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Answer – (C)

34. ‘Complaisant’ and ‘Complacent’
(a) Complaisant means overconfident and complacent means eager to please
(b) Complaisant means confident and complacent means overconfident
(c) Complaisant means eager to please and complacent means to manifest universally
(d) Complaisant means eager to please and complacent means over-confident

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Answer – (A)

35. ‘Enquiry’ and ‘Inquiry’
(a) Enquiry means to seek information and inquiry means to investigate
(b) Enquiry means to investigate and inquiry means to seek information
(c) Enquiry means to seek information and inquiry means act of investiture
(d) Enquiry means act of investiture and inquiry means to investigate

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Answer – (A)

36. ‘Masterful’ and ‘Masterly’
(a) Masterful means imperious and masterly means autocratic
(b) Masterful means skilful and masterly means imperious
(c) Masterful means leader-like and masterly means skilful
(d) Masterful means imperious and masterly means highly skilful

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Answer – (B)

37. ‘Boarder’ and ‘Border’
(a) Boarder means a food-and-lodge resident and border means boundary
(b) Boarder means boundary and border means a food-and-lodge resident
(c) Boarder means one who fits planks on the surfaces and border means boundary
(d) Boarder means wider and border means one who fits planks on the surfaces

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Answer – (A)

38. ‘Concurrent’ and ‘Consecutive’
(a) Concurrent means occurring at the same time and consecutive means occurring one after the other
(b) Concurrent means occurring non- simultaneously and consecutive means occurring one after the other
(c) Concurrent means occurring at the same time and consecutive means occurring thereafter
(d) Concurrent means occurring thereafter and consecutive means occurring at the same time

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Answer – (A)

39. ‘Epitaph’ and ‘Epithet’
(a) Epitaph means a tombstone and epithet means a phrase expressing an attribute
(b) Epitaph means words written on a tombstone and epithet means a phrase expressing an attribute
(c) Epitaph means unspoken words and epithet means a phrase expressing an attribute
(d) Epitaph means words written on a tombstone and epithet means an epigram

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Answer – (B)

40. ‘Discomfort’ and ‘Discomfit’
(a) Discomfort means disturb and discomfit means unfit
(b) Discomfort means unease and discomfit means to embarrass
(c) Discomfort means to embarrass and discomfit means unfit
(d) Discomfort means unfit and discomfit means comfortable to make

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Answer – (B)

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