Uttarakhand High Court ARO

Uttarakhand High Court ARO, Typist, Translators Exam Paper 2014 (AnswerKey)

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141. Young Bengal Movement was started by :
(a) Raja Rammohan Roy
(b) Henry Vivian Derozio
(c) Annie Besant
(d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

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Answer – (B)

142. Who wrote the book ‘Bandi Jivan”?
(a) Ram Prasad Bismil
(b) Jogesh Chatterjee
(c) Bhagat Singh
(d) Sachindra Nath Sanyal

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Answer – (D)

143. Who founded the ‘Abhinav Bharat’?
(a) Aurobindo Ghosh
(b) V. D. Savarkar
(c) B. C. Pal
(d) Lala Lajpat Rai

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Answer – (B)

144. Who was the first-Viceroy of India ?
(a) Lord Canning
(b) Lord Lawrence
(c) Lord Mayo
(d) Lord Ripon

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Answer – (A)

145. When did the Governor General Lord William Bentinck prohibit “Sati System”?
(a) 1826
(b) 1827
(c) 1828
(d) 1829

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Answer – (D)

146. Attorney General of India has the right to take part in the proceedings of the following, but shall not be entitled to vote :
(a) Either of the Houses of Paliament
(b) Joint sittings of the Houses of Parliament
(c) Committees of Parliament where he is nominated
(d) All of the above

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Answer – (D)

147. Minimum age for voting was reduced from 21 years to 18 years by which of the following contitutional amendments ?
(a) 72nd Amendment
(b) 86th Amendment
(c) 76th Amendment
(d) 6154 Amendment

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Answer – (D)

148. Provision for Local Self Government is made under :
(a) Article 361
(b) Article 243
(c) Article 324
(d) Article 368

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Answer – (B)

149. A constitutional Amendment bill can be introduced :
(a) First in Lok Sabha
(b) First in Rajya Sabha
(c) In any of the two Houses
(d) Only after the approval of the President of India

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Answer – (C)

150. To whom amongst the following, the President addresses his letter of resignation?
(a) Prime Minister
(b) Vice President
(c) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(d) Chief Justice of Supreme Court

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Answer – (B)

151. From which country the Renaissance started?
(a) Germany
(b) Italy
(c) France
(d) England

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Answer – (B)

152. Martin Luther was the native of which country?
(a) England
(b) Italy
(c) Germany
(d) France

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Answer – (C)

153. Who was the ruler of England at the time of the Glorious Revolution of 1688?
(a) James I
(b) James II
(c) Charles I
(d) Charles II

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Answer – (B)

154. Who wrote the book “The Praise of Folly”?
(a) Martin Luther
(b) Calvin
(c) Erasmus
(d) Voltaire

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Answer – (C)

155. Metternich was the chancellor of:
(a) Germany
(b) Italy
(c) France
(d) Austria

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Answer – (D)

156. Hindi language is provided special status in the constitution under :
(a) Article 342
(b) Article 351
(c) Article 343
(d) Article 340

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Answer – (C)

157. Salaries of the Judges of the Supreme Court can be reduced when :
(a) There is Financial Emergency
(b) There is National Emergency
(c) There is Constitutional Emergency
(d) Cannot be reduced in any case

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Answer – (A)

158. Who has the power to dissolve the Rajya Sabha?
(a) The President of India
(b) The Prime Minister
(c) The Lok Sabha
(d) None of the above

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Answer – (D)

159. The final authority for creating a new state in India lies with :
(a) The Parliament
(b) The President of India
(c) The Prime Minister
(d) The Council of Ministers

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Answer – (A)

160. Estimates Committee of Lok Sabha has a term of :
(a) One year
(b) Two years
(c) Four years
(d) Five years

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Answer – (A)

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