Uttarakhand High Court ARO, Typist, Translators Exam 2018 (Answer Key)

UKPSC High Court ARO, Typist, Translators Exam 2018 (Official Answer Key)

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21. In which year the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam granted the ‘Deewani of Bengal’ to company?
(a) In 1762
(b) In 1763
(c) In 1764
(d) In 1765

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Answer – (D)

22. By the Regulating Act, 1773, the Supreme Court was created at which place out of the following ?
(a) Bombay
(b) Madras
(c) Calcutta
(d) Surat

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Answer – (C)

23. Portuguese were the first European nations to acquire land of Bombay in the year of
(a) 1600
(b) 1661
(c) 1534
(d) 1668

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Answer – (C)

24. In which one of the following countries, ‘Taklamakan’ desert is located ?
(a) Mongolia
(b) Tajikistan
(c) China
(d) Kazakhstan

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Answer – (C)

25. Which one of the following charters initiated the system of appeals to the privy council in England ?
(a) Charter of 1661
(b) Charter of 1753
(c) Charter of 1726
(d) Charter of 1773

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Answer – (C)

26. Lex Loci Report was presented by:
(a) First Law Commission
(b) Second Law Commission
(c) Third Law Commission
(d) Fourth Law Commission

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Answer – (A)

27. The Chaultry Court was related to the matters concerning to
(a) petty cash
(b) heinous offences
(c) big civil matters
(d) big civil and revenue matters

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Answer – (A)

28. In Judicial plan of 1772, the Sadar Nizamat Adalat consisted of an Indian judge, who was known as
(a) Nawabe-Adalat
(c) Darogaie Adalat
(b) Muftees Adalat
(d) Maulvi-a-adalat

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Answer – (C)

29. ‘Amicus Curiae’ is a person who helps the court in any judicial proceedings voluntarily or on the invitation of
(a) The Plantiff
(b) The Defendant
(c) The Court
(d) None of these

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Answer – (C)

30. The maxim ‘Res ipsa loquitur’ denotes
(a) The Thing speaks for itself
(b) A case of Noval Impression
(c) According to Pleadings and Proofs
(d) A thing which has no owner

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Answer – (A)

31. The maxim ‘ubi jus ibi remedium’ denotes :
(a) Where there is a right, there is a remedy
(b) Where there is no right, there is remedy
(c) Where there is right, there may be no remedy
(d) Where there is remedy, there may not be a right

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Answer – (A)

32. Abatement means :
(a) to increase
(b) to decrease
(c) to compromise
(d) to abet

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Answer – (B)

33. The principle of ‘Renvoi’ is related to
(a) Private International Law
(b) Public International Law
(c) Municipal Law
(d) Hindu law

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Answer – (A)

34. ‘Mutatis mutandis’ means
(a) The manner of living
(b) Mode of operating
(c) With the necessary changes in points of details
(d) A bad custom

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Answer – (C)

35. ‘Inter alia’ means
(a) Within the powers
(b) Beyond one’s powers
(c) Amongst other things
(d) By the law itself

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Answer – (C)

36. ‘Moratorium’ means
(a) Moral duty to pay the debt
(b) Legal duty to pay the debt
(c) Legal authorization to a debtor to postpone payment one payment for a certain time
(d) None of these

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Answer – (C)

37. ‘Misfeasance’ means
(a) Misconduct
(b) Improper performance of a lawful act
(c) Proper performance of an illegal act
(d) Proper performance of a lawful act

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Answer – (B)

38. ‘Ejusdem’ generis, means
(a) Of the same kind
(c) To know from association
(b) Of the different kind
(d) Intention of the legislature

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Answer – (A)

39. ‘Nudum pactum’ means
(a) With consideration
(b) Without consideration
(c) Not of sound mind
(d) Sharer of a crime

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Answer – (B)

40. The term ‘persona non grata’ means
(a) An acceptable person to a country.
(b) An unacceptable person to a country.
(c) An specified person
(d) None of these

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Answer – (B)


  1. Question 63 Right answer is FRI not survey of India..survey was founded in 1767 in Bengal and transferred to ddun in 1942 but FRI was estb in 1878 as school and later as FRI in 1906 .

  2. 95 question absolutely wrong …..because the anglo-indian community are nominated by president in India to the rajya Sabha 12 members artical 80(४)

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