Uttarakhand High Court ARO

Uttarakhand High Court ARO, Typist, Translators Exam Paper 2014 (AnswerKey)

Read in Hindi 

121. The first christian missionary to come to India was :
(a) St. Paul
(b) St. Thomas
(c) St. Augustine
(d) St. Francis

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Answer – (B)

122. Who was the author of the book “Natyashastra”?
(a) Bharatmuni
(b) Bhāsa
(c) Vasumitra
(d) Nagarjuna

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Answer – (A)

123. ‘Saka Era’ started from :
(a) 78 A.D.
(b) 320 A.D.
(c) 606 A.D.
(d) 58 A.D.

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Answer – (A)

124. According to Milind Panho, who was the Buddhist monk to whom King Milind posed a question?
(a) Anand
(b) Ashvaghosh
(c) Nagasena
(d) None of the above

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Answer – (C)

125. Who composed the Mandsaur Prasasti?
(a) Vasul
(b) Harisena
(c) Vats Bhatti
(d) None of the above

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Answer – (A)

126. When did ‘Tilari Kand’ occur?
(a) 21 May, 1930
(b) 30 May, 1930
(c) 25 July, 1931
(d) 25 May, 1930

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Answer – (B)

127. Who was the first Chief Information Commissioner of Uttarakhand?
(a) Ajay Vikram Singh
(b) R. K. Sudhansu
(c) R. S. Tolia
(d) N. S. Napchayal

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Answer – (C)

128. How many seats are there in the Rajya Sabha from Uttarakhand?
(a) 05
(b) 03
(c) 07
(d) 02

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Answer – (B)

129. Which of the following tribes of Uttarakhand had trade relations with Tibet before the Indo-China war of 1962?
(a) Bhotia
(b) Raji
(c) Boksa
(d) Jaunsari

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Answer – (A)

130. The outburst of which of the following lake/tal was the main cause of Kedar Nath disaster on June 16th & 17th 2013:
(a) Benital
(b) Vishnu tal
(c) Chaurabari tal
(d) Yam tal

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Answer – (C)

131. Name the first ruler of Delhi Sultanate who issued pure Arabic coins :
(a) Qutubuddin Aibek
(b) Shamsuddin Iltutmish
(c) Ruknuddin Firoze
(d) Bahram Shah

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Answer – (B)

132. What was the language of higher administration in the Mughal Empire ?
(a) Arabic
(b) Persian
(c) Urdu
(d) Hindi

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Answer – (B)

133. Which ruler of Delhi Sultanate declared himself Khalifa ?
(a) Alauddin Khilji
(b) Qutubuddin Mubarak Khilji
(c) Muhammad-Bin-Tughlaq
(d) Feroze Shah Tughlaq

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Answer – (B)

134. Who is the author of the book “Tarikh-i-Shershahi”?
(a) Ahmad Yadgar
(b) Abbas Sarwani
(c) Nizamuddin Ahmad
(d) Abdul Qadir Badayuni

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Answer – (B)

135. “Sikri’ was renamed ‘Fatehpur Sikri’ after Akbar’s victory over :
(a) Gujarat
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Mewar
(d) None of the above

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Answer – (A)

136. Indian Parliament does not have the authority to :
(a) Debate the proposals put forward by the Council of Ministers
(b) Propose new taxes
(c) Reduce taxes proposed by the Council of Ministers
(d) Refuse to pass the taxes proposed by the Council of Ministers

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Answer – (B)

137. Which State Assembly in India has six year term ?
(a) Mizoram
(b) Nagaland
(c) Jammu & Kashmir
(d) None of the above

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Answer – (C)

138. Which of the following states have bi-cameral legislature?
(a) Bihar, U.P., Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra
(b) Bihar, U.P., Maharashtra, Karnataka
(c) Bihar, U.P., Maharashtra, Tamilnadu
(d) Bihar, U.P., Madhya Pradesh, Tamilnadu

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Answer – (B)

139. Fundamental Duties have been included in Indian Constitution under the following constitutional amendments :
(a) 42nd and 46th
(b) 46nd and 86th
(c) 42nd and 86th
(d) 42nd

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Answer – (C)

140. Which one of the following Indian President’s had been the Speaker of Lok Sabha?
(a) Dr. Radhakrishnan
(b) Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy
(c) Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad
(d) Giani Zail Singh

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Answer – (B)

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