The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary

The Hindu Editorial (Scapegoating: On Afghan refugees in Pakistan) Vocab – 03 Nov, 2023

Welcome to “The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary,” your trusted source for enhancing your linguistic prowess. In our concise yet insightful articles, we break down the complex terminology and phrases found in “The Hindu” editorials, empowering you to understand, apply, and integrate these words into your daily communication. Today we will discuss about the The Hindu Editorial (Scapegoating: On Afghan refugees in Pakistan) of 3rd November 2023. 

The Pakistan government’s order to all undocumented migrants to leave the country by October 31 has thrown the lives of hundreds of thousands of Afghan refugees in jeopardy. The interim government in Islamabad says its decision is not targeted at any particular nationality.

Read This Article: – (Scapegoating: On Afghan refugees in Pakistan)

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Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Scapegoating: On Afghan refugees in Pakistan) – November 03, 2023.

Daily Vocabulary : The Hindu Editorial (Scapegoating: On Afghan refugees in Pakistan) – November 03, 2023

  • Undocumented (adjective) — गैर-दस्तावेजी
    Meaning – not supported by written proof

    Synonyms – hypothetical, speculative, apocryphal, theoretical, unauthentic, theoretic, fantastical, chimeric
    Antonyms – true, historical, actual, real, literal, factual, documentary

    Sentence – A growing problem is the undocumented asylum seeker.
  • Migrant (noun) — प्रवासी
    Meaning –
     a person that travels to a different country or place, often in order to find work

    Synonyms – immigrants, settlers, refugees, emigrants
    Antonyms – natives, residents, citizens, inhabitants, nonimmigrants, nationals
    Sentence – The cities are full of migrants looking for work.
  • Refugee (noun) — शरणार्थी
    Meaning – a person who has escaped from their own country for political, religious, or economic reasons or because of a war
    Synonyms – exile, fugitive, alien, expatriate
    Sentence – We have been tasked with setting up camps for refugees.
  • Jeopardy (noun) — ख़तरा
    Meaning – in danger of being damaged or destroyed
    Synonyms – danger, risk, trouble, peril

    Antonyms – safety, security, salvation
    Sentence – They have also put their entitlements in the home country in jeopardy.
  • Evident (adjective) — प्रत्यक्ष
    Meaning –  easily seen or understood
    Synonyms – apparent, presumed, possible, obvious

    Antonyms – hidden, impossible, unlikely, inconceivable, real
    Sentence – Harry’s courage during his illness was evident to everyone.
  • Violence (noun) — हिंसा
    Meaning – actions or words that are intended to hurt people
    Synonyms – brutality, injury, assault, terror, force

    Antonyms – nonviolence, pacifism
    Sentence – More police were sent to help contain the violence.


  • Intervention (noun) — हस्तक्षेप
    Meaning – the action of becoming intentionally involved in a difficult situation, in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse
    Synonyms – interfere, intercede, mediate, intermediate
    Antonyms – avoid, stand by, ignore, shun
    Sentence – The government was reluctant to sanction intervention in the crisis.
  • Detention (noun) — कैद
    Meaning – the act or condition of being officially forced to stay in a place
    Synonyms – imprisonment, incarceration, captivity, confinement
    Antonyms – discharge, release, freedom, liberation
    Sentence – He made the confession while under detention.
  • Deportation (verb) — निर्वासन
    Meaning – to force someone to leave a country
    Synonyms – 
    expulsion, displacement, migration
    Antonyms – 
    return, immigration, repatriation
    Sentence – The refugees were deported back to their country of origin.
  • Humanitarian (adjective) — मानवीय 
    Meaning – involved in or connected with improving people’s lives and reducing suffering
    Synonyms – 
    philanthropic, charitable, philanthropical, benevolent
    Antonyms – 
    selfish, selfcentered, parsimonious
    Sentence – The prisoner has been released for humanitarian reasons.
  • Interim (adjective) — अन्तरिम
    Meaning – temporary and intended to be used or accepted until something permanent exists
    Synonyms – temporary, provisional, transitional, shortterm
    Antonyms – permanent, final, longterm, fixed

    Sentence – The move is intended as an interim measure.
  • Hyperinflation (noun) — बेलगाम
    Meaning – a condition where the price of everything in a national economy goes out of control and increases very quickly
    Sentence – 
    In the presence of hyperinflation, currency substitution may have positive effects.
  • Depreciation (verb) — मूल्यह्रास
    Meaning – to (cause something to) lose value, especially over time
    Synonyms – 
    criticism, defamation, condemnation, abuse, disparagement
    Antonyms – 
    magnification, aggrandizement, glorification, exaltation, praise
    Sentence – In the last year our house has depreciated in value.
  • Woes (noun) — संकट
    Meaning – big problems or troubles
    Synonyms – pains, distresses, agonies, miseries, anguishes
    Antonyms – consolations, comforts, solaces, eases
    Sentence – Her face was lined and full of woe.
  • Outwit (verb) — चतुरता में मात देना
    Meaning – to get an advantage over someone by acting more cleverly and often by using a trick
    Synonyms – outsmart, outmaneuver, thwart, deceive, overcome, outfox
    Sentence – You need to know that there are ways to outwit one’s craving for crullers.
  • Neglected (verb) — नजरअंदाज कर दिया
    Meaning – to not give enough care or attention to people or things that are your responsibility
    Synonyms – 
    dilapidated, abandoned, miserable, tired, desolate
    Antonyms – 
    maintained, fresh, keptup
    Sentence – She’s been neglecting her studies this semester.
  • Skirmishes (noun) — झड़पों
    Meaning – a fight between a small number of soldiers that is usually short and not planned
    Synonyms – 
    encounters, fights, brushes
    Antonyms – 
    Sentence – For days, separatists and troops had skirmished along the border.
  • Porous (adjective) — झरझरा, छिद्रयुक्त
    Meaning – having many small holes that allow water or air to pass through slowly
    Synonyms – penetrable, permeable, absorbent, pervious
    Antonyms – 
    impermeable, impervious, impenetrable, impassable
    Sentence –
    The boundary between politics and play could be very porous.
  • Scapegoating (noun) — बलि का बकरा 
    Meaning – a person who is blamed for something that someone else has done
    Synonyms – 
    victim, excusefall guy
    Sentence – 
    The captain was made a scapegoat for the team’s failure.



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Daily The Hindu Vocabulary 


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