The Hindu Editorial Vocab - Page 6

The Hindu Editorial (Friends for polls: On Congress’s need for more allies) Vocab – 13 Dec, 2018

Post-poll alliances between parties, shaped as they are by intractable realities, are easier to form than pre-poll alliances that have to reconcile competing expectations of the prospective partners. 

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Friends for polls: On Congress’s need for more allies)  – Dec 13, 2018.

Read This Article: – (Friends for polls: On Congress’s need for more allies)


Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Friends for polls: On Congress’s need for more allies) – Dec 13, 2018


  • Intractable (adjective) – असभ्य
    Meaning – Hard to control or deal with.
    Synonyms – unmanageable, uncontrollable, ungovernable.
    Sentence –Now it represents one of the world’s most intractable economies.
  • Reconcile (verb) – समाधान करना
    Meaning – Restore friendly relations between.
    Synonyms – make compatible, harmonize, adjust.
    Sentence –  She wanted to be reconciled with her father.
  • Prospective (adjective) – भावी
    Meaning – Expected or expecting to be the specified thing in the future.
    Synonyms – potential, possible/probable, likely.
    Sentence –  She showed a prospective buyer around the house.
  • Play hard to get (phrase)
    Meaning – pretend to be uninterested; the idea of not displaying interest when you have it. 
  • Short of (phrase)
    Meaning – less than. 
  • Reap (verb) – काटना, कटाई
    Meaning – Harvest the crop from (a piece of land)
    Synonyms – receive, obtain/get, acquire.
    Sentence –  Many men were employed to reap the harvest.
  • Materialise (verb) – अमल में लाना
    Meaning – Become actual fact; happen.
    Synonyms – happen, occur, take place.
    Sentence –  The forecast rate of increase did not materialise.
  • First-past-the-post (phrase)
    Meaning – it is an electoral system in which a candidate with the most votes in each constituency wins and becomes the MP/MLA for that seat. 
  • Beat back (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – repel, fight off, repulse/drive away. 
  • Stake (noun) – दाँव, बाजी
    Meaning – A situation involving competition in a specified area.
    Synonyms – competition, contest, challenge/rivalry; interest, involvement, concern.
    Sentence – We will keep you one step ahead in the fashion stakes.


  • Accommodative (adjective) – उदार
    Meaning – Fit in with the wishes or needs of.
    Synonyms – accommodating, cooperative, helpful.
    Sentence –  Any language must accommodate new concepts.
  • Swing (noun) झूला, अस्थिरता
    Meaning – A discernible change in opinion, especially the amount by which votes or points scored change from one side to another.
    Synonyms – change, drift, move.
    Sentence –  A five per cent swing to Labour.
  • Forestall (verb) – अनुमान करना
    Meaning – Prevent or obstruct (an anticipated event or action) by taking advance action.
    Synonyms – pre-empt, obstruct, prevent.
    Sentence –  Concentrated oil wealth at the top has forestalled political change.
  • Yield (noun) – प्राप्ति
    Meaning – Produce or generate (a result, gain, or financial return)
    Synonyms – gain, return, dividend.
    Sentence –  This method yields the same results.
  • Squeeze (verb) – निचोड़, दबाव
    Meaning – Firmly press (something soft or yielding), typically with one’s fingers.
    Synonyms – compress, squash/crush; pressurize/pressure, exploit.
    Sentence –  He wrapped his arms around her back and squeezed her tight.
  • Nose ahead (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – get into a favourable winning position in front of someone. 
  • Persuade (verb) – राज़ी करना, समझाना
    Meaning – Cause (someone) to believe something, especially after a sustained effort; convince.
    Synonyms – convince, influence, coax/prompt.
    Sentence – Health boards were finally persuaded of the desirability of psychiatric units.
  • Add to (phrase) 
    Meaning – increase, boost/enhance, reinforce. 
  • Deploy (verb) – तैनात, फैलाना
    Meaning – Move (troops or equipment) into position for military action.
    Synonyms – use, utilize, employ, bring into play.
    Sentence –  Forces were deployed at strategic locations.
  • Indifferent (adjective) – उदासीन
    Meaning – Having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned.
    Synonyms – mediocre, ordinary, average, casual.
    Sentence – He gave an indifferent shrug.


Note – 

  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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The Hindu Editorial (Northern comfort: on Congress’s win in Hindi heartland) Vocab – 12 Dec, 2018

For a party that had appeared to be lost in the political wilderness over the past few years, the Congress has plenty to cheer about following the results in the recent round of Assembly elections.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Northern comfort: on Congress’s win in Hindi heartland)  – Dec 12, 2018.

Read This Article: – (Northern comfort: on Congress’s win in Hindi heartland)


Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Northern comfort: on Congress’s win in Hindi heartland) – Dec 12, 2018


  • Heartland (noun) – गहरा पीछा
    Meaning – The central or most important part of a country, area, or field of activity.
    Sentence – Wildlife sites in the heartland of Russia.
  • Enthuse (verb) – अति उत्साहित करना
    Meaning – Express eager enjoyment, interest, or approval regarding something.
    Synonyms – motivate, excite, inspire, encourage.
    Sentence –  They both enthused over my new look.
  • Run-up to (noun)
    Meaning –  A period/time before an important event.
  • Wilderness (noun)
    Meaning – a position of disapproval/dislike.
  • Creditably (adverb)श्रेयपूर्वक
    Synonyms – laudably, notably, commendably.
    Sentence –  This man did not burn out and by all accounts performed his duties creditably.
  • Revival (noun) पुनः प्रवर्तन
    Meaning – An improvement in the condition, strength, or fortunes of someone or something.
    Synonyms – improvement, betterment, restoration.
    Sentence –  A revival in the fortunes of the party.
  • Fortunes (noun) भाग्य
    Meaning – Chance or luck as an arbitrary force affecting human affairs.
    Synonyms – circumstances, state of affairs, conditions.
    Sentence –  Some are not so lucky, but I believe that fortune has smiled on him.
  • Gear up (phrasal verb)
    Meaning –  get ready, prepare, lay the groundwork.
  • Keel (noun) – तली
    Meaning – The lengthwise timber or steel structure along the base of a ship, supporting the framework of the whole, in some vessels extended downwards as a ridge to increase stability.
    Synonyms – base, bottom, underside (support for framework).
    Sentence – It’s not just a keel and hull and a deck and sails.
  • Breast the tape (phrase)
    Meaning –  crossing the finish-line first and win a race.
  • Interpret (verb) – व्याख्या
    Meaning – Explain the meaning of (information or actions)
    Synonyms – understand, construe, read.
    Sentence –  The evidence is difficult to interpret.
  • Pointer (noun) – सूचक
    Meaning – A long, thin piece of metal on a scale or dial which moves to indicate a figure or position.
    Synonyms – indication, hint, signal.
    Sentence –  A scale and pointer indicated the relative angle.


  • Play out (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – happen, occur, take place.
  • Short of (phrase)
    Meaning –  less than.
  • Infuse (verb) – मन में बैठाना
    Meaning – Instil (a quality) in someone or something.
    Synonyms – imbue, inculcate, inspire.
    Sentence –  He did his best to infuse good humour into his voice.
  • Trail (noun) निशान, पगडंडी
    Meaning – A beaten path through the countryside.
    Synonyms – path, route, course.
    Sentence –  Country parks with nature trails.
  • Sting (noun)डंक, घाव
    Meaning – A hurtful quality or effect.
    Synonyms – heartbreak, agony, distress,severity.
    Sentence –  I recalled the sting of his betrayal.
  • Make light of (phrase)
    Meaning – downplay/understate, diminish, downgrade/reduce.
  • Polarise (verb)फूट डालना
    Meaning – separate into two opposing groups.
    Sentence –  The cultural sphere has polarised into two competing ideological positions.
  • Vacillation (noun) – अस्थिरता
    Meaning – The inability to decide between different opinions or actions; indecision.
    Synonyms – indecisiveness, irresoluteness, uncertainty.
    Sentence –  The First Minister’s vacillation over the affair.
  • Recompense (noun) बदला चुकाना
    Meaning – Compensation or reward given for loss or harm suffered or effort made.
    Synonyms – compensation, reparation, restitution.
    Sentence –  Adequate recompense for workers who lose their jobs.
  • Erosion (noun) – कटाव
    Meaning – The process of eroding or being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents.
    Synonyms – destruction, deterioration, decline.
    Sentence –  The problem of soil erosion.
  • Citadel (noun) गढ़
    Meaning – A fortress, typically one on high ground above a city.
    Synonyms – fortress, fort, stronghold, fortification.
    Sentence –  Each city was laid out on a grid plan with a high citadel and a lower city of domestic dwellings.
  • Chunk of (noun) टुकड़ा
    Meaning – a significant amount of.
    Sentence –  She invested a chunk of her inheritance in the stock market.
  • Anti-incumbency (noun) – विरोधी लहर
    Meaning –  a situation which is against elected officials currently in power; discontent against ruling government/ party in power.
  • Take heart (phrase)
    Meaning – to feel motivated.
  • Overwhelmingly (adverb) अत्यधिक रूप से
    Meaning – with a great majority.
    Sentence –  The country voted overwhelmingly for independence.
  • Ride high (phrase)
    Meaning –  be successful.
  • Sub-par (adjective) 
    Meaning –  below an average.
    Sentence –  That boy may be regarded as somewhat subpar by his female peers.
  • Incumbent (noun) – निर्भर 
    Meaning – the current/existing/present holder of an office.
    Synonyms –  holder, bearer, occupant
    Sentence –  The very idea of the present incumbent supporting a factory occupation is laughable.
  • Concede (verb) स्वीकार करना
    Meaning – Admit that something is true or valid after first denying or resisting it.
    Synonyms – give up, relinquish, cede/hand over.
    Sentence –  It is true, as I concede in the essay, that money is fungible.


  • Solace (noun) – सांत्वना, आश्वासन
    Meaning – Comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.
    Synonyms – comfort, consolation/relief, support.
    Sentence –  She sought solace in her religion.
  • Minuscule (adjective) एक प्रकार का हस्तलेख
    Synonyms – very small, insignificant, negligible.
  • Embrace (noun) आलिंगन
    Meaning – Hold (someone) closely in one’s arms, especially as a sign of affection.
    Synonyms – approval, adoption, integration.
    Sentence – The two embraced, holding each other tightly.
  • Landscape (noun) परिदृश्य
    Meaning – the distinctive features of a field of activity.
    Sentence – The giant cacti that dominate this landscape.
  • Introspect (verb) आत्मनिरीक्षण
    Meaning – Examine one’s own thoughts or feelings.
    Synonyms – examine, analyse, assess (own/self).
    Sentence – The potentially spiritual human being introspects and detects no inner spiritual fire.
  • Intangible (adjective) – अमूर्त, अस्पृश्य
    Meaning –  Difficult or impossible to define or understand; vague and abstract.
    Synonyms – indefinable, indescribable, inexpressible.
    Sentence –  Don’t they sound just a little bit vague, intangible, or unclear?
  • Potent (adjective) – प्रबल, शक्तिशाली
    Meaning – Having great power, influence, or effect.
    Synonyms – powerful, strong, mighty/formidable.
    Sentence –  Thrones were potent symbols of authority.
  • Disproportionately (adverb) – अनुपातहीन
    Meaning – To an extent that is too large or too small in comparison with something else.
    Synonyms – excessively, unduly, unnecessarily.
    Sentence –  Insufficient health insurance disproportionately affects women.
  • Demonetisation (noun) विमुद्रीकरण
    Meaning – the act of deprive currency unit (note/coin) of its status as money.
    Sentence –  The demonetization of the local currency will be completed by June.
  • Handicap (verb) – अपंगता
    Meaning – A circumstance that makes progress or success difficult.
    Synonyms – hamper, hinder; obstruct.
    Sentence –  The lack of capacity and facilities is also a handicap to success in the lower divisions.
  • Straitjacket (noun) हथकड़ी
    Meaning – Used in reference to something that restricts freedom of action, development, or expression.
    Synonyms – restriction, restraint, constraint.
    Sentence – The government is operating in an economic straitjacket.
  • Vigilantism (noun)  अतिसतर्कता
    Meaning – unofficial way of punishing crime by a self-appointed group of people.
    Sentence –  I don’t believe in vigilantism or the violation of anybody’s rights.
  • Underline (verb) – रेखांकित करना
    Meaning – Draw a line under (a word or phrase) to give emphasis or indicate special type.
    Synonyms – emphasize, highlight, point up.
    Sentence –  Anybody notice as your surfing around blogs that there are some words underlined?
  • Arrest (verb) – गिरफ़्तार करना, बन्दी बनाना
    Meaning – Stop or check (progress or a process)
    Synonyms – stop, halt, end.
    Sentence – The spread of the disease can be arrested.


Note – 

  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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The Hindu Editorial (A valid pause: on RBI holding rates) Vocab – 06 Dec, 2018

The Reserve Bank of India’s decision to leave interest rates unchanged, given easing inflation and the slowdown in economic momentum, was both expected and reasonable.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (A valid pause: on RBI holding rates)  – Dec 06, 2018.

Read This Article: – (A valid pause: on RBI holding rates)


Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (A valid pause: on RBI holding rates) – Dec 06, 2018


  • Stick to (phrasal verb) – ध्यान न बँटना
    Meaning – Adhere to (a commitment, belief, or rule)
    Synonyms – adhere to/abide by, keep, hold to.
    Sentence – The government stuck to their election pledges.
  • Calibrated (adjective) – जांच करना
    Meaning – carefully assessed, carefully regulated, carefully adjusted.

    Sentence – Core reforms need calibrated policies.
  • Inflation (noun) – मुद्रास्फीति
    Meaning – A general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.
    Sentence – Policies aimed at controlling inflation.
  • Slowdown (noun) – रोकना, सुस्त होना  
    Meaning –  A decline in economic activity.
    Synonyms – economic decline, recession, slump/depression. 
    Sentence – However, the group is anticipating an expected slowdown in continental Europe.
  • Projection (noun) – प्रक्षेपण, आयोजन 
    Meaning – An estimate or forecast of a future situation based on a study of present trends.
    Synonyms – expectation, prognosis, prediction. 
    Sentence – Population projection is essential for planning.
  • Tumble (verb) – लुढकना, गिराव 
    Meaning – fall sharply, decrease, decline/slump.
    Synonyms – anticipate, predict, expect. 
    Sentence – He released the gun and tumbled down the stairs.
  • Foresee (verb) – पूर्वानुमान
    Meaning – Be aware of beforehand.
    Synonyms – anticipate, predict, expect. 
    Sentence – All this makes it impossible to foresee the likely development of Europe.


  • Hover (verb) – मंडराना
    Meaning – remain at a level.
    Synonyms –  be poised, hang, float, levitate 
    Sentence – Army helicopters hovered overhead.
  • Stand pat (phrase)  
    Meaning – stick firmly to a decision made.
  • Bolster (verb) – आधार, गद्दी
    Meaning – A long, thick pillow that is placed under other pillows for support.
    Synonyms – strengthen, support, reinforce/buttress. 
    Sentence – Place a firm bolster against the wall.
  • Tailwinds (noun) – अनुकूल हवा
    Meaning – (in business) it describes a situation or condition that will move growth, revenues, or profits higher. Headwinds (noun) – (in business) situations or conditions that make growth harder/difficult. 
  • Keep (the powder) dry (phrase)  
    Meaning – be prepared for an emergency.
  • Remit (noun) – छोड़ना
    Meaning – Cancel or refrain from exacting or inflicting (a debt or punishment)
    Synonyms – task/duty, responsibility, ambit. 
    Sentence – As you will be aware, the punishment has already been remitted.
  • Wary (adjective) – सावधान
    Meaning –  Feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems.

    Synonyms – cautious, careful, circumspect. 
    Sentence – He was truly despairing, but the muted female voice was firm, but understandably wary.
  • Cloud (verb) – उलझन
    Meaning –  Make (a matter or mental process) unclear or uncertain.

    Synonyms – confuse, muddle, make unclear.
    Sentence – The issue is further clouded by two other factors.
  • Horizon (noun) – क्षितिज
    Meaning – The limit of a person’s knowledge, experience, or interest.
    Synonyms – outlook, purview, perspective. 
    Sentence – She wanted to leave home and broaden her horizons.
  • Reckon (verb) – मानना, सम्मिलित करना
    Meaning – Establish by calculation.
    Synonyms – think, consider; suppose. 
    Sentence – India is now reckoned to be home to about 10 million Bangladeshis.
  • Volatile (adjective) – परिवर्तनशील
    Meaning –  (of a substance) easily evaporated at normal temperatures.
    Synonyms – unpredictable, changeable, variable/inconstant. 
    Sentence – In fact, all volatile substances are potentially narcotics.
  • Perishable (adjective) – नष्ट होनेवाला
    Meaning – (especially of food) likely to decay or go bad quickly
    Synonyms – easily spoilt, decomposable, biodegradable 
    Sentence – Pack just the amount of perishable food that can be eaten at lunch.
  • Hazy (adjective) – धुंधला
    Meaning – Vague or ill-defined.
    Synonyms – indistinct, unclear. 
    Sentence – The picture we have of him is extremely hazy.
  • Flare-up (noun) – भड़कना, उत्तेजित होना
    Meaning –  A sudden outburst of something, especially violence or hostility.
    Synonyms – (a sudden) eruption, outburst, outbreak. 
    Sentence – This prevents flare-ups and makes the meat healthier to eat.
  • Heighten (verb) – ऊंचा करना, बढ़ाना
    Meaning –  Make or become more intense.
    Synonyms – increase, raise; aggravate/worsen. 
    Sentence – Formality does not freeze emotion but heightens it.
  • Opportune (adjective) – सामयिक, समयानुकूल
    Meaning –  (of a time) especially convenient or appropriate for a particular action or event.
    Synonyms – favorable, advantageous, right. 
    Sentence – This is perhaps the most opportune time to make a beginning.
  • Macroeconomic (adjective) 
    Meaning –  relating to the branch of economics concerned with large-scale factors (interest rates/national productivity).
  • Fiscal prudence (noun) 
    Meaning – cautiousness, carefulness, judgement on fiscal decisions like borrowing, and spending, and managing the fiscal targets.


Note – 

  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.


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The Hindu Editorial (Cool it: on labour loss due to heatwave) Vocab – 30 Nov, 2018

The staggering loss of an estimated 153 billion hours of labour during 2017 due to rising temperatures around the globe is a reminder to governments that they are not doing enough to dramatically curb greenhouse gas emissions.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Cool it: on labour loss due to heatwave) – Nov 30, 2018.

Read This Article: – (Cool it: on labour loss due to heatwave)


Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Cool it: on labour loss due to heatwave) – Nov 30, 2018


  • Heatwave (noun) – सख़्त गर्मी
    Meaning – A prolonged period of abnormally hot weather.
    Synonyms – hotness, warm weather, warmth, warmness, sultriness, closeness

    Sentence – Extreme weather events, floods, droughts, and heatwaves are more frequent.
  • Staggering (adjective) – चक्कर, लड़खड़ाहट
    Meaning – Deeply shocking; astonishing.
    Synonyms – 
    shocking, appalling, surprising, astonishing.

    Sentence – He staggering bills for maintenance and repair.
  • Curb (verb) – प्रतिबंध, नियंत्रण करना
    Meaning – Restrain or keep in check.
    Synonyms – control, restrain, contain.

    Sentence –  She promised she would curb her temper.
  • Countdown (noun) – उलटी गिनती
    Meaning – a period of time leading up to a significant event.
    Sentence – The missiles’ launch crews would begin their final countdown.
  • Implications (noun) – निहितार्थ, उलझाव
    Meaning – The conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated.
    Synonyms – consequence, outcome, ramification, repercussion.

    Sentence – The implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible.
  • Well-being (noun) – हाल चाल, शुभ
    Meaning – The state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.
    Synonyms – prosperity, fortune, wealth.

    Sentence – 
  • At stake (phrase) 
    Meaning – at risk, at issue, in question.
  • Vulnerable (noun) – चपेट में, आलोचनीय, भेद्य
    Meaning – Exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.
    Synonyms – prone to, subject to,  susceptible.

    Sentence – Small fish are vulnerable to predators.
  • Ambitious (adjective) – महत्त्वाकांक्षी
    Meaning – Having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.
    Synonyms – difficult, exacting, formidable, challenging.

    Sentence – Some of the more ambitious regional economic groupings are striving to become a common market.
  • Cut back (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – reduce, cut, decrease. 
  • Obligation (noun) – कर्तव्य, आभार
    Meaning – An act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.
    Synonyms – condition, requirement, moral imperative, responsibility.

    Sentence – I have an obligation to look after her
  • Sustained (adjective) – निरंतर, लगातार
    Meaning – Continuing for an extended period or without interruption.
    Synonyms – continuous, uninterrupted, constant.

    Sentence – Several years of sustained economic growth.
  • Renewable energy (noun) – नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा
    Meaning – Energy from a source that is not depleted when used, such as wind or solar power.
    Sentence – The environmental benefits of renewable energy.
  • Photovoltaics (noun) 
    Meaning – the branch of technology used to generate electricity directly from sunlight by an electronic process naturally occurring in semiconductors.
    Sentence – Solar-powered accessories make use of a technology called photovoltaics.
  • Cornerstone (noun) – आधारशिला
    Meaning – An important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based.
    Synonyms – focus, crux, fundamental principle, central component.

    Sentence – A national minimum wage remained the cornerstone of policy.
  • Fossil fuel (noun) – जीवाश्म ईंधन
    Meaning – A natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.
    Sentence – The fossil fuel burned by a passing car becomes a Palaeolithic thought bubble in the present.
  • Consensus (noun) – आम सहमति
    Meaning – A general agreement.
    Synonyms – (general) opinion, view, agreement, concurrence.

    Sentence – The general consensus is that faith in an afterlife is a positive psychological state.
  • Catastrophe (noun) – तबाही
    Meaning – An event causing great and usually sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.
    Synonyms – disaster, calamity,crisis, tragedy.

    Sentence – An environmental catastrophe.
  • Rehabilitation (noun) – पुनर्वास
    Meaning – The action of bringing (someone or something) back to a normal.
    Sentence – She underwent rehabilitation and was walking within three weeks.
  • Underscore (verb) – बल देना, जांचना
    Meaning – Underline (something).
    Synonyms – emphasize, highlight, underline.
  • Aggravated (adjective) – बहुत बिगड़, गंभीरता बढ़ाना
    Meaning –  (of an offence) made more serious by attendant circumstances.
    Synonyms – made serious, severe, exacerbated, enraged.

    Sentence – He was jailed for three years in December 2015 for aggravated burglary and other offences.



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The Hindu Editorial (Central bank recap) Vocab – 29 Nov, 2018

There are two important takeaways from the deposition of Reserve Bank of India Governor Urjit Patel before the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance on Tuesday. 

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Central bank recap: on Urjit Patel’s deposition before parliamentary panel) – Nov 29, 2018.

Read This Article: – (Central bank recap: on Urjit Patel’s deposition before parliamentary panel)


Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Central bank recap: on Urjit Patel’s deposition before parliamentary panel) – Nov 29, 2018

  • Recap (noun)  संक्षिप्त, पुनर्कथन
    Meaning – State again as a summary; recapitulate.
    Synonyms – summary, synopsis, abstract, abridgement.

    Sentence – A way of recapping the story so far.
  • Deposition (noun) निक्षेप, बयान
    Meaning –A formal, usually written, statement to be used as evidence.
    Synonyms – statement, affirmation, assertion, attestation.

    Sentence – A commissioner to take depositions from witnesses.
  • Detente (noun) शांति बनाए रखने
    Meaning – The easing of hostility or strained relations, especially between countries.
    Synonyms – restoration of harmony, agreement, compromise, understanding, peace, an end to hostilities, amity.

    Sentence – His policy of arms control and detente with the Soviet Union.
  • Takeaway (noun) हटाना, बहिष्कार करना
    Meaning – a key point/idea/fact (to be remembered).
    Sentence – The takeaway message.
  • Over the hump (phrase) 
    Meaning – On the road to recovery, getting better, making progress (from the difficult/worst part). 
  • Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) (noun) 
    Meaning – Bad loans, troubled accounts, stressed loans; an account where principal and/or interest remains overdue for a period of time. 
  • Slippage (noun) फिसलन
    Meaning –The action or process of slipping or subsiding.
    Synonyms – deficiency, shortage, undersupply

    Sentence – Major slippages in body condition can lead to undesirable further problems next year.
  • Heap (noun) ढेर, संग्रह
    Meaning – An untidy collection of objects placed haphazardly on top of each other.
    Synonyms – accumulation, pile, quantity, lot.

    Sentence – A disordered heap of a lot of boxes.
  • Skeleton in the cupboard/closet (phrase) 
    Meaning – (embarrassing & unpleasant) things in a person’s past that he/she wants to be (kept) hidden/disclosed. 
  • Onerous (adjective) – कष्टदायक, भारी
    Meaning – (of a task or responsibility) involving a great deal of effort, trouble, or difficulty.
    Synonyms – arduous, demanding, tough, formidable.

    Sentence – He found his duties increasingly onerous.
  • Hair-cut (noun)
    Meaning – A reduction in the stated value of an asset.
    Sentence – The banks would probably be willing to take a haircut on the rest.
  • Insolvency (noun) – दिवालियापन
    Meaning – a condition in which the financial difficulties of an individual or organisation are such it is unable to pay its debts.
    Synonyms – bankruptcy, liquidation, failure, collapse, ruin

    Sentence – The club was facing insolvency.
  • Wary (adjective) सावधान, ख़बरदार
    Meaning – Feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems.
    Synonyms – cautious, careful, circumspect.

    Sentence – He was truly despairing, but the muted female voice was firm, but understandably wary.
  • Portfolio (noun) निवेश सूची
    Meaning – a variety of products or services 
    Synonyms – binder, ring binder, document case

    Sentence – He snatched up his jacket and the leather portfolio.
  • Forge (verb) बनाना, जाली नक़ल करना
    Meaning – Make or shape (a metal object) by heating it in a fire or furnace and hammering it.
    Synonyms – build, form, create.

    Sentence – He forged a great suit of black armour.
  • Reserves (noun) भंडार 
    Meaning – Retain for future use.
    Synonyms – funds (resources as stock/reservoir).

    Sentence – Then drain the mushrooms, reserving the liquor.
  • Nip something in the bud (phrase) 
    Meaning – obstruct, block, stop.
  • Preserve (noun) रक्षित
    Meaning – A sphere of activity regarded as being reserved for a particular person or group.
    Synonyms – department, domain, field.

    Sentence – The civil service became the preserve of the educated middle class.
  • Gorilla in the room (phrase) 
    Meaning – it is mostly used to refer to a serious problem — one which people are aware of, but choose to ignore. They think that if they do not talk about it, the problem will somehow go away. 
  • Cast a shadow over (phrase) 
    Meaning – spoil, diminish, let down. 
  • Tenure (noun) – कार्यकाल
    Meaning –A period for which an office is held.
    Synonyms – term, period, time (in office).

    Sentence – In an eleven-member ensemble, he can boast of dancers with two- and three-decade tenures.



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The Hindu Editorial (Breathing space: on the strengthening rupee) Vocab – 28 Nov, 2018

After falling consistently against the U.S. dollar for most of this year, the rupee has managed to gain some ground over the last few weeks.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Breathing space: on the strengthening rupee) – Nov 28, 2018.

Read This Article: – (Breathing space: on the strengthening rupee)

Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Breathing space: on the strengthening rupee) – Nov 28, 2018


  • Breathing Space (noun) – विश्राम, 
    Meaning – An opportunity to pause, relax, or decide what to do next.
    Synonyms – interval, break, respite, stoppage.

    Sentence – We all need a breathing space during the working week.
  • Gain ground (phrase) 
    Meaning – make headway, make progress, advance.
  • Fortunes (noun) भाग्य, संपत्ति
    Meaning – Chance or luck as an arbitrary force affecting human affairs.
    Synonyms – condition, position, status, circumstances.

    Sentence – Some malicious act of fortune keeps them separate.
  • Appreciation (noun) – प्रशंसा
    Meaning – Recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something.
    Synonyms – increase, rise, gain, growth.

    Sentence – It reduces wine appreciation and enjoyment to a purely technical interpretation.
  • Tank (verb) 
    Meaning – fail completely.
  • Amid (preposition) – के बीच, 
    Synonyms – in the middle of, surrounded by; during.
    Sentence – Our dream home, set amid magnificent rolling countryside.
  • In tandem (phrase) 
    Meaning – alongside each other.
  • Boom (noun) तेजी, उछाल
    Meaning – a period of rapid economic growth.
    Synonyms – resonance, resounding.

    Sentence – The deep boom of the bass drum.
  • Shale (noun)एक प्रकार का पत्थर 
    Meaning –Soft finely stratified sedimentary rock that formed from consolidated mud or clay and can be split easily into fragile plates.
  • Faltering (adjective)हीनता, दुर्बलता 
    Meaning – Losing strength or momentum.
    Synonyms – delaying, indecisive, irresolute, fluctuating.

    Sentence – His faltering career.
  • Macroeconomic (adjective) – व्यापक आर्थिक
    Meaning – Relating to the branch of economics concerned with large-scale factors (interest rates/national productivity).
    Sentence – Macroeconomic stability has allowed sustained economic growth.
  • Fiscal deficit (noun) राजकोषीय घाटा
    Meaning – the difference between total expenditure and total income of the government.
  • Relieve (verb) सहायता करना, भारमुक्त करना
    Meaning – Cause (pain, distress, or difficulty) to become less severe or serious.
    Synonyms – alleviate, mitigate, assuage, appease.

    Sentence – The drug was used to promote sleep and to relieve pain.
  • Inflation (noun) मुद्रास्फीति
    Meaning – increase of price level of goods & services & vice versa decrease of currency value.
    Sentence – It’s like there’s inflation on the currency of romance or something.
  • Lie ahead (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – be going to happen.
  • Break-even point (noun) 
    Meaning – it is the production level where total revenues equals total expenses. The point at which cost or expenses and revenue are equal.
  • Anyone’s guess (phrase) 
    Meaning – unable, tough to predict, decide.
  • Capitalise on (verb) – मूल बनाना, पूंजी के रूप में बदलना
    Meaning – take advantage of, exploit, benefit from.



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The Hindu Editorial (Magnificent Mary: on making history at World Boxing Championships) Vocab – 27 Nov, 2018

M.C. Mary Kom enhanced her already legendary status when she defeated Ukraine’s Hanna Okhota in the 48 kg segment of the Women’s World Boxing Championship in Delhi on Saturday. 

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Magnificent Mary: on making history at World Boxing Championships) – Nov 27, 2018.

Read This Article: – (Magnificent Mary: on making history at World Boxing Championships)

Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Magnificent Mary: on making history at World Boxing Championships) – Nov 27, 2018


  • Legendary (adjective) – प्रसिद्ध
    Meaning – Remarkable enough to be famous; very well known.
    Synonyms – famous, celebrated, famed, renowned, acclaimed, illustrious, esteemed, honoured.

    Sentence – They will do very well if they emulate the success of their legendary father.
  • Draw (verb) 
    Meaning – A draw or tie occurs in a competitive sport when the results are identical or inconclusive.
    Synonyms – level, to equalize. 
  • Amateur (noun)अव्यवसायी, शौक़ीन व्यक्ति
    Meaning – A person who engages in a pursuit, especially a sport, on an unpaid basis.

    Synonyms – non-professional, non-specialist, layman, layperson
    Sentence – This is a unique event where the top professionals race against the top amateurs and the top youth.
  • Defy the odds (phrase) 
    Meaning – achieve something considered as impossible. 
  • Bust (verb) –  तोड़ देना, हलचल
    Synonyms – Break, split, overcome, defeat.
    Sentence – the film bust every box office record.
  • Stereotype (noun) – टकसाली, स्थिर नमूना, घिसा-पिटा
    Meaning – A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

    Synonyms – standard image, received idea, cliché, hackneyed idea, formula
    Sentence – The stereotype of the woman as the carer.
  • Hold back (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – prevent, block, thwart/retrain. 
  • Firm up (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – make something resolute  
  • Landscape (noun) – परिदृश्य
    Meaning – All the visible features of an area of land, often considered in terms of their aesthetic appeal.
    Synonyms – scenery, countryside, topography, country, land, terrain, environment
    Sentence – Water is one of three dominating features of the landscape here – the other two being hills and forests.
  • Determination (noun) – दृढ़ निश्चय, संकल्प
    Meaning – The quality of being determined; firmness of purpose.

    Synonyms – resolution, resolve, strength of character.
    Sentence – Those who succeed because of sheer grit and determination.
  • Grace (noun) – कृपा, दया
    Meaning – Smoothness and elegance of movement.
    Synonyms – politeness, courtesy, propriety.
    Sentence – She moved through the water with effortless grace.
  • Cement (verb) – जोड़ना
    Meaning – establish firmly.
    Synonyms –  bond, join, connect
    Sentence – the two firms are expected to cement an agreement soon
  • Haul (noun) – विजयोपहार 
    Meaning – The number of points, medals, or titles won by a person or team in a sporting event or over a period.
    Sentence – His seven-goal haul against Liverpool.
  • Clinch (verb) – पकड
    Meaning – Confirm the winning or achievement of (a match, competition, or victory)

    Synonyms – win, achieve, success in, triumph.
    Sentence – Warrington finally clinched victory with a goal five minutes from time.
  • Bout (noun) – बार
    Meaning – A short period of intense activity of a specified kind.
    Synonyms – match, round, contest.
    Sentence – Usually these writing bouts are intensive periods of a week or so.
  • Burst (noun) – विस्फोट, तीव्रता से प्रवेश करना
    Meaning – A period of continuous and intense effort.
    Synonyms – spell, session, stint.
    Sentence – He sailed 474 miles in one 24-hour burst.
  • Pursuit (noun) – पीछा, लक्ष्य
    Meaning – The action of pursuing someone or something.
    Synonyms – goal, objective, aim.
    Sentence – The vehicle sped off in pursuit of the prisoner and quickly caught up with him.
  • Hail (verb) – पुकारना, अभिवादन करना
    Synonyms –acclaim, praise, applaud, commend.
    Sentence – it hailed so hard we had to stop.
  • Humble (adjective) – विनीत
    Meaning – Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance.
    Synonyms – lower-class, poor, simple, ordinary.
    Sentence – I felt very humble when meeting her.
  • Chronicle (verb) – इतिवृत्त, तिथि-ग्रंथ
    Meaning – Record (a series of events) in a factual and detailed way.
    Synonyms – record, register, set down.
    Sentence – It chronicled the African-American experience through a series of ten plays.
  • Sum up (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – review, summarize, outline.
  • Diverse (adjective) – विविध, अनेक
    Meaning – Showing a great deal of variety; very different.
    Synonyms – various, multiple, manifold.
    Sentence – A culturally diverse population.
  • On a par with (phrase) 
    Meaning – as good as, equal to, on a level with.
  • Remuneration (noun) – पारिश्रमिक, पुरस्कार, मेहनताना
    Meaning – Money paid for work or a service.
    Synonyms – payment, earnings, wages.
    Sentence – The four consultants receive no additional remuneration for the screening project.
  • Give heart to (phrase) 
    Meaning – make someone more confident/hopeful.



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The Hindu Editorial (Another orbit: on GSAT29 launch) Vocab – 16 Nov, 2018

The Indian Space Research Organisation has marked a big milestone by successfully testing its heavy-lift launcher while launching an advanced communication satellite. 

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Another Orbit: on GSAT29 launch) – Nov 16, 2018.

Read This Article: – Another Orbit: on GSAT29 launch

Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Another Orbit: on GSAT29 launch) – Nov 16, 2018


  • Geosynchronous orbit (noun) – भू-समकालिक कक्षा
    Meaning – a circular orbit around the Earth having a period of 24 hours.
    Sentence – This required that it would be launched into a geosynchronous orbit that is, one with a period equal to one sidereal day of 23h 56m.
  • Bear (verb) – सहना, ले जाना, संभालना
    Meaning – (of a person) carry.
    Synonyms – carry, take, transport.
    Sentence – He was bearing a tray of brimming glasses.
  • Take off (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – lift off, be launched, leave the ground.
  • Manoeuvre (verb)पैंतरेबाज़ी, चालाकी, कौशल, छल करना
    Meaning – move skillfully or carefully.
    Synonyms – move, navigate, guide, direct (carefully & skilfully).
    Sentence – She tried to manoeuvre her trolley round people.
  • Unfold (verb)उधेड़ना, प्रकट करना, प्रकाशित करना
    Meaning – Open or spread out from a folded position.
    Synonyms – communicate, report, present.
    Sentence – The white flowers were just starting to unfold.
  • Stand out (phrasal verb)  
    Meaning – be more significant; be better than others.
  • Payload (noun)
    Meaning – The part of a vehicle’s load, especially an aircraft’s, from which revenue is derived; passengers and cargo.
  • Cater (verb) – पूरा, सेवा करना, चलाना
    Meaning – Provide people with food and drink at a social event or other gathering.
    Synonyms – fulfil, satisfy, serve.
    Sentence – My mother helped to cater for the party.
  • Joins the ranks of (phrase) 
    Meaning – to become a part of a large group (of something).
  • Far fewer (phrase)  
    Meaning – much less (with a large difference).
  • Propellant (noun) – फेंकने योग्य, बढ़ाने वाला
    Meaning – A substance that propels something.
    Synonyms – fuel, power source (in a rocket engine) to provide thrust during launch.
    Sentence – The main uses of CFCs are in aerosols as propellants.
  • Cryogenic (adjective) तापमान कम करने वाला अथवा कम तापमान से संबंधित
    Meaning – Relating to or involving the branch of physics that deals with the production and effects of very low temperatures.
    Sentence –  A powerful cryogenic engine.
  • Precede (verb) – पूर्व में होना, अधिक महत्त्व का होना, पूर्वकालीन होना
    Meaning – Come before (something) in time.
    Synonyms – come before, go before, go in advance of, lead up to, lead to.
    Sentence – A gun battle had preceded the explosions.
  • Morale (noun) – हौसला, मनोबल
    Meaning – The confidence, enthusiasm, and discipline of a person or group at a particular time.
    Synonyms – confidence, enthusiasm, team spirit.
    Sentence – The team’s morale was high.
  • Dent (verb) – काटने का निशान, धंसना
    Meaning – Mark with a dent.
    Synonyms – diminish, reduce, weaken.
    Sentence – He hit a concrete bollard, denting the wing.



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The Hindu Editorial (Turn the page: on Sri Lanka crisis) Vocab – 15 Nov, 2018

After three weeks of political turmoil, Sri Lanka’s controversially dismissed Prime Minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe, appears to have gained the upper hand.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Turn the page: on Sri Lanka crisis) – Nov 15, 2018.

Read This Article: – Turn the page: on Sri Lanka crisis

Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Turn the page: on Sri Lanka crisis) – Nov 15, 2018


  • Turn the page (phrase)
    Meaning –
    To move on to new involvements or activities; to make a fresh start.
  • Turmoil (noun) – उथल-पुथल
    Meaning – 
    A state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty.
    Synonyms – confusion, upheaval, upheavals, turbulence, tumult, disorder, commotion.
    Sentence – Political Turmoil of Sri Lanka.
  • Upper hand (noun) A position of advantage, power, and/or control (over someone, something, or some situation).
  • Swear in (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – To administer an oath to someone as part of the official process of taking public office.
    Synonyms – admit into office, inaugurate, introduce (into office).
  • Chamber (noun) – कक्ष, कोठरी, कमरा
    Meaning – 
    a room used for a special or official purpose, or a group of people who form (part of) a parliament.
    Synonyms – room, hall, assembly room, auditorium.
    Sentence – The celebration will be held in the council chamber, in the Public Hall, Lee Lane, next Thursday.
  • Contention (noun) – विवाद
    Meaning – 
    Heated disagreement.
    Synonyms – assertion, argument, claim.
    Sentence – Last night he had put himself in medal contention in the decathlon.
  • Pale (verb) – धुंधला, फीका
    Meaning – 
    Seem or become less important.
    Synonyms – decrease in importance, lose significance, pale into insignificance.
    Sentence – Hunting is important to me but it pales in comparison to family responsibility.
  • Memorandum (noun) – ज्ञापन, अनुबोधक
    Meaning – 
    A written message in business or diplomacy.
    Synonyms – record, note, contract, agreement.
    Sentence – Government has approved a Cabinet memorandum to turn the National Council for Construction into a statutory body.
  • Letter and spirit (phrase) 
    Meaning – 
    Adhering to, obeying both literal interpretation, purpose of the law.
  • Prorogue (verb)अवसान करना, टालना
    Meaning –
    (Parliamentary Procedure) to discontinue the meetings of (a legislative body) without dissolving it.
    Synonyms – disband, disestablish, dismiss.
    Sentence – The government was hoping to prorogue parliament on 20 November.
  • Confront (verb) – सामना
    Meaning – 
    Come face to face with (someone) with hostile or argumentative intent.
    Synonyms – trouble, bother, annoy, irritate.
    Sentence – 300 policemen confronted an equal number of union supporters.
  • Be stacked against (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – 
    be unfavourable, be disadvantageous, be adverse, opposed.
  • Plunge (verb) – डुबकी, गोता, प्रवेश
    Meaning – 
    Fall suddenly and uncontrollably.
    Synonyms – push, thrust, force suddenly.
    Sentence – The lack of employment in this part of the country is causing house prices to plunge.
  • Ascertain (verb) – पता लगाना, सुनिश्चित करना
    Meaning – 
    Find (something) out for certain; make sure of.
    Synonyms – find out, make sure of, come to know.
    Sentence – The same could be said about ascertaining the guilt.
  • Instinct (noun) – स्वाभाविक, सहज प्रवृत्ति
    Meaning –
    A natural or intuitive way of acting or thinking.
    Synonyms – inclination, desire, tendency, urge.
    Sentence – She could sit down and analyse her instincts and intuitions and decide it is all nonsense.
  • Premise (noun) – परिसर, प्रतिज्ञा
    Meaning – 
    A previous statement or proposition from which another is inferred or follows as a conclusion.
    Synonyms – proposition, assumption, thesis.
    Sentence – A valid inference is one where the conclusion follows from the premiss.
  • Crossover (noun) 
    Meaning – 
    the method of attaining success in a different field. 
  • Setback (noun) – नाकामयाबी, असफलता
    Meaning – 
    A reversal or check in progress.
    Synonyms – problem, difficulty, issue, mishap.
    Sentence – This lack of preparation caused some serious setbacks.
  • Averse (adjective) – प्रतिकूल, विरुद्ध
    Meaning – 
    Having a strong dislike of or opposition to something.
    Synonyms – opposed to, against, disinclined to.
    Sentence – They are not suitable for risk averse investors on any grounds.
  • Turn down (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – 
    reject, dismiss, discard, rule out.
  • Untenable (adjective) – अस्थिर, असमर्थनीय
    Meaning – 
    (especially of a position or view) not able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection.
    Synonyms – unacceptable, unjustifiable, illogical.
    Sentence – This is an untenable position to take and is fantasy politics. 
  • Invoke (verb) – आह्वान, विनती करना
    Meaning – 
    Call on (a deity or spirit) in prayer, as a witness, or for inspiration.
    Synonyms – cause, give rise to, bring out, evoke.
    Sentence – What image of the Spirit might be invoked for the next stage of the human pilgrimage?
  • Statesmanship (noun) – राज-नीति
    Meaning –
    Skill in managing public affairs.
    Sentence – The protection of the environment is the definitive test of statesmanship.
  • Exacerbate (verb) – ख़राब करना
    Meaning – 
    Make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.
    Synonyms – aggravate, make worse, worsen, compound.
    Sentence – At least the government is trying to find an actual solution, rather than exacerbating the problem.
  • Bleak (adjective) – बेरंग, निष्कपट
    Synonyms – unpromising, unfavourable, disadvantageous.


Note – 

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