The Hindu Editorial Vocab - Page 2

The Hindu Editorial (Shopping for votes) Vocab – 02 Feb, 2019

As election-eve budgets go, Interim Budget 2019-20 must rank as one of the most politically expedient ones this country has seen.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Shopping for votes: on the Interim Budget 2019-20) – Feb 02, 2019.

Read This Article: – (Shopping for votes: on the Interim Budget 2019-20)


Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Shopping for votes: on the Interim Budget 2019-20) – Feb 02, 2019


  • Interim (adjective) अन्तरिम
    Meaning – In or for the intervening period
    Synonyms – provisional, transitional, temporary.
    Sentence – An interim arrangement.
  • Cast away (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – discard/reject, abandon, leave behind.
  • Convention (noun) – सम्मेलन
    Meaning – An agreement between states covering particular matters, especially one less formal than a treaty.
    Synonyms – protocol, custom/practice, agreement.
    Sentence – International conventions and the rule of law must be observed.
  • Sop (noun) शराबी, घूस
    Meaning – something insignificant given to stop criticism; 
    Synonyms – compromise, adjustment.
    Sentence –My agent telephones as a sop but never finds me work.
  • Expedient (noun) उपाय
    Meaning – (of an action) convenient and practical although possibly improper or immoral.
    Synonyms – convenient, advantageous, beneficial; tactical/strategic.
    Sentence – This is a very warped, although certainly expedient ‘analysis.’
  • Shadow (noun) – प्रतिफल
    Meaning – The slightest trace of something.
    Synonyms – hint, faint sign, trace/glimmer.
    Sentence – She knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was lying.
  • Squarely (adverb) – वर्गाकार
    Meaning – Directly, without deviating to one side.
    Synonyms – precisely, exactly, directly.
    Sentence – The nail was hit, but perhaps not as squarely as it could have been.
  • Hustings (noun) चुनाव
    Meaning – election platform
    Synonyms – campaign.
    Sentence – He could hold his own in an election hustings.
  • There is no denying (phrase)
    Meaning – it is undoubtedly true.
  • Distress (noun) संकट
    Meaning – Extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain.
    Synonyms – anguish, suffering
    Sentence – Her fingers flew to her throat in distress.
  • Reel under (phrase)
    Meaning –  to suffer (due to a burden). 
  • Rebate (noun) – छूट
    Meaning – A partial refund to someone who has paid too much for tax, rent, or a utility.
    Synonyms – refund, repayment, deduction.
    Sentence – Utility rebates can be obtained to make the financial deal even sweeter.
  • Statute (noun) – क़ानून
    Meaning – A written law passed by a legislative body.
    Synonyms – law, regulation, rule.
    Sentence – Rules are written to reflect the statutes passed in legislation.
  • Leg-up (noun) 
    Meaning – support provided to improve one’s situation; 
    Synonyms – contribution, allowance, benefaction.
    Sentence – To do so would mean giving a leg-up to the political opponents they defeated yesterday.
  • Glide-path (noun) – उडान पथ
    Meaning – a series of actions taken to get the expected result.
    Synonyms – trajectory, approach
    Sentence – If it’s too much sink, it’s time to alter your glide path to get out of the sink.
  • Spur (verb) – प्रेरणा
    Meaning – A thing that prompts or encourages someone; an incentive.
    Synonyms – stimulate, galvanize, encourage/motivate.
    Sentence – Wars act as a spur to practical invention.


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The Hindu Editorial (Not kosher) Vocab – 01 Feb, 2019

The inquiry by former Supreme Court judge Justice B.N. Srikrishna into the allegations against former ICICI Bank CEO Chanda Kochhar has taken eight long months to confirm what seems apparent – that she did not conduct herself as she should have in relation to conflict-of-interest issues. 

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Not kosher: on Chanda Kochhar case) – Feb 01, 2019.

Read This Article: – (Not kosher: on Chanda Kochhar case)


Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Not kosher: on Chanda Kochhar case) – Feb 01, 2019


  • Kosher (adjective) – वास्तविक 
    Meaning – Genuine and legitimate.
    Synonyms – authentic, real, actual, original.
    Sentence – She consulted lawyers to make sure everything was kosher.
  • Allegation (noun) – आरोप
    Meaning – A claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof.
    Synonyms – claim, charge, accusation.
    Sentence – He made allegations of corruption against the administration.
  • Apparent (adjective) स्पष्ट
    Meaning – Clearly visible or understood; obvious.
    Synonyms – evident/clear, noticeable, ostensible.
    Sentence – This becomes apparent in wet conditions, when the driver’s skill comes to the fore.
  • In relation to (phrase)
    Meaning – regarding, concerning, with respect to.
  • Sanction (noun) –  प्रतिबंध
    Meaning – A threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule.
    Synonyms – approval, official permission, assent.
    Sentence – A range of sanctions aimed at deterring insider abuse.
  • A long way to go (phrase)
    Meaning – continue to work hard to achieve/realise something (a goal/aim).
  • In return (phrase)
    Meaning – in exchange for, in consideration of, against.
  • Conspiracy (noun) षड़यन्त्र
    Meaning – A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
    Synonyms – secret plan, collusion, intrigue.
    Sentence – A conspiracy to destroy the government.
  • Err (verb) ग़लती होना
    Meaning – Be mistaken or incorrect; make a mistake.
    Synonyms – make a mistake, be wrong, be incorrect.
    Sentence – I’ll even shout out when I believe the company has erred in its judgement.
  • Disburse (verb) चुकाना
    Meaning – Pay out (money from a fund)
    Synonyms – give, spend/expend.
    Sentence – These individuals are able to disburse their funds quite easily.
  • There is no denying (phrase)
    Meaning – it is undoubtedly true. 
  • Suspicious (adjective) – संदेहजनक
    Meaning – Having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something.
    Synonyms – mistrustful, sceptical, doubtful.
    Sentence – He was suspicious of her motives.
  • Optics (noun) – प्रकाशिकी
    Meaning – (typically in a political situation) the way in which an event is recognized by the public.
    Sentence – One thing is for sure, the policy’s optics are bad.
  • Fiduciary (adjective) – ज़िम्मेदार व्यक्ति
    Meaning – Involving trust, especially with regard to the relationship between a trustee and a beneficiary.
    Synonyms – trustful, trustworthy.
    Sentence – The company has a fiduciary duty to shareholders.
  • Claw back (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – retrieve, retake, reclaim.
  • Divest (verb) – ले लेना
    Meaning – Deprive someone of (power, rights, or possessions)
    Synonyms – deprive, strip, dispossess/relieve of (power).
    Sentence – The grant of a licence to occupy, however, will not divest the owner of control.
  • Entitlement (noun) पात्रता
    Meaning – The amount to which a person has a right.
    Synonyms – allowance, allocation, grant.
    Sentence – Her annual leave entitlement.
  • Whistle-blower (noun) मुखबिर
    Meaning – one who reveals others’ illegal activities in public or to the government/authority.
    Synonyms – informant
    Sentence – They received information from a whistle-blower, reported the story, and protected their source
  • Influence (verb) – प्रभाव
    Synonyms – persuade, convince, manipulate.
    Sentence – On the southern slopes of the mountain the climate is heavily influenced by the sea.
  • Lapse (noun) चूक
    Meaning – A brief or temporary failure of concentration, memory, or judgement.
    Synonyms – failure/blunder, mistake/error, negligence/oversight.
    Sentence – This lead to the lapse of judgement involved in ordering the uber-drinks.
  • Up one’ game (phrase)
    Meaning – to improve in a way so that one can perform well like others.



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  • This word the Hindu list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.


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The Hindu Editorial (Gold rush) Vocab – 31 Jan, 2019

Gold is shining once again. The price of gold in the Indian market reached its highest-ever level, hitting the ₹33,800 mark in Mumbai on Tuesday in the midst of increasing demand from buyers and lagging supply in the global market.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Gold rush: on yellow metal touching ₹33,800 mark in Mumbai) – Jan 31, 2019.

Read This Article: – (Gold rush: on yellow metal touching ₹33,800 mark in Mumbai)


Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Gold rush: on yellow metal touching ₹33,800 mark in Mumbai) – Jan 31, 2019


  • Spurt (noun) उछाल
    Meaning –  a sudden increase
    Synonyms – surge, rise/growth.
    Sentence – A sudden spurt of blood gushed into her eyes.
  • In the midst of (phrase)
    Meaning – in the middle of. 
  • Appreciation (noun) – अभिमूल्यन
    Meaning –  Increase in monetary value.
    Synonyms – increase/rise, gain, growth.
    Sentence – The appreciation of the dollar against the pound.
  • Uncertainty (noun) – अनिश्चितता
    Meaning – The state of being uncertain. 
    Synonyms – misgiving, doubt, second thought.
    Sentence – Times of uncertainty and danger.
  • Derail (verb) पटरी से उतर
    Meaning –  Obstruct (a process) by diverting it from its intended course.
    Synonyms – obstruct, interrupt, impede/thwart.
    Sentence – The plot is seen by some as an attempt to derail the negotiations.
  • Put an end to (phrase)
    Meaning –  stop, terminate, abolish. 
  • Forefront (noun) – सबसे आगे
    Meaning – the most important position 
    Synonyms – front line, driving force.
    Sentence – All the above considerations should be at the forefront in the development of models.
  • Depreciate (verb) मूल्य कम करना
    Meaning –  Diminish in value over a period of time.
    Synonyms – decrease, decline, drop/lose value.
    Sentence – The latest cars will depreciate heavily in the first year.
  • Divergence (noun) – विचलन
    Meaning –  A difference in opinions, interests, etc.
    Synonyms – difference, deviation, variance.
    Sentence – A fundamental divergence of attitude.
  • Vis-a-vis (preposition) – के सामने
    Meaning – in relation to, with regard to. 
    Synonyms – concerning, as regards, with regard to, in regard to
    Sentence – Is this making them re-evaluate their foreign relations policy, vis-à-vis Iran, for example?
  • Sideways (adjective/adverb) – चक्करदार रास्ता
    Meaning – by an indirect method/way. 
    Sentence – Camper has always had a sort of sideways commentary on politics.
  • Volatility (noun) अस्थिरता
    Meaning –  Liability to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.
    Synonyms – fluctuation, inconsistency, unpredictability.
    Sentence – A week of historic stock market volatility.
  • Hoard (verb) ढेर, संचय करना
    Meaning –  A stock or store of money or valued objects, typically one that is secret or carefully guarded.
    Synonyms – stockpile, stock up on, store.
    Sentence – He came back to rescue his little hoard of gold.
  • At play (phrase)
    Meaning – something active that affects a result. 
  • Keep up with (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – match, equal, compete/vie with. 
  • Slump (noun) – मंदी
    Meaning – failure or decline. 
    Synonyms – deteriorate, degenerate, worsen, get worse
    Sentence – United slumped to another one–nil defeat.
  • Inflationary (adjective) – मुद्रास्फीति
    Meaning – tending to cause monetary inflation. 
     Sentence – Succeeding governments tried to reduce inflationary pressures.
  • Rally (noun) – स्वास्थ्य लाभ, शक्ति संचय
    Meaning – A quick or marked recovery after a decline. 
    Synonyms – improvement, revival, comeback.
    Sentence – The market staged a late rally.



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  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.


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The Hindu Editorial (Clearer TV) Vocab – 30 Jan, 2019

The tariff order on broadcasting and cable services issued by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India is set to become effective on February 1, giving the consumer the option to pay only for those channels she wants to watch. 

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Clearer TV: on TRAI’s order on broadcasting, cable services) – Jan 30, 2019.

Read This Article: – (Clearer TV: on TRAI’s order on broadcasting, cable services)


Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Clearer TV: on TRAI’s order on broadcasting, cable services) – Jan 30, 2019


  • Transparency (noun) पारदर्शिता
    Meaning – The condition of being transparent.
    Synonyms – clarity, straightforwardness, openness.
    Sentence – In simple terms, the new code will create transparency in the process.
  • Provision (noun) – प्रावधान
    Meaning – A condition or requirement in a legal document.
    Synonyms – term, clause, requirement/condition.
    Sentence – The first private prosecution under the provisions of the 1989 Water Act.
  • Departure (noun) –  प्रस्थान
    Meaning – A deviation from an accepted, prescribed, or usual course of action.
    Synonyms – shift, variation, divergence.
    Sentence – We understand that this is a departure from our usual attitude
  • Bouquet (noun) फूलों का गुच्छा, गुच्छा
    Meaning – a compliment.
    Synonyms – commendation, tribute, accolade, eulogy
    Sentence – We will happily publish the bouquets and brickbats.
  • Thwart (verb) नकाम बनाना
    Meaning – Prevent (someone) from accomplishing something.
    Synonyms – prevent, block, impede/hinder.
    Sentence – He never did anything to thwart his father.
  • Stipulation (noun) – शर्त
    Meaning – A condition or requirement that is specified or demanded as part of an agreement.
    Synonyms – condition, requirement, provision.
    Sentence – An ordinary enough stipulation, one might suppose, and the story moves on quickly.
  • Distort (verb) बिगाड़ना
    Meaning – Pull or twist out of shape.
    Synonyms – falsify, misreport, misstate.
    Sentence – The tail section was bent awkwardly, distorted as if heated plastic.
  • Inflated (adjective) बढ़े हुए,  
    Meaning – Excessively or unreasonably high.
    Synonyms – exaggerated, magnified, overstated.
    Sentence – You have a very inflated opinion of your worth.
  • Stream (verb) – लहराना, प्रवाह
    Meaning – transmit (video & audio data) over the internet continuously as a flow.
    Sentence – YouTube launches a live-streaming tool for Chrome browsers.


  • Landscape (noun) – परिदृश्य
    Meaning – the distinctive features of a field of activity.
    Sentence – The event transformed the political landscape.
  • Conventional (adjective) परम्परागत
    Meaning – Based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed.
    Synonyms – traditional, established.
    Sentence – A conventional morality had dictated behaviour.
  • Regulatory (adjective) – नियामक
    Meaning – Serving or intended to regulate something.
    Synonyms – organizational, governmental, executive.
    Sentence – The existing legal and regulatory framework.
  • Empower (verb) – सशक्त
    Meaning – Give (someone) the authority or power to do something.
    Synonyms – authorize, allow, entitle.
    Sentence – Members are empowered to audit the accounts of limited companies.
  • Put up (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – provide, give, furnish. 
  • Bottleneck (noun) – टोंटी
    Meaning – A narrow section of road or a junction that impedes traffic flow.
    Synonyms – gridlock, restriction/obstruction, blockage.
    Sentence – This is why older roads are turning into bottlenecks.



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The Hindu Editorial (Shot in the arm) Vocab – 29 Jan, 2019

Last week’s Supreme Court judgment upholding the validity of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016 (IBC) in its “entirety” could have a major impact on the country’s economic landscape.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Shot in the arm: on SC upholding Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code) – Jan 29, 2019.

Read This Article: – (Shot in the arm: on SC upholding Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code)


Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Shot in the arm: on SC upholding Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code) – Jan 29, 2019


  • Shot in the arm (phrase) 
    Meaning – boost, fillip, stimulus. 
  • Uphold (verb) – कायम रखना
    Meaning – Confirm or support (something which has been questioned)
    Synonyms – preserve, protect, validate/justify.
    Sentence – The court upheld his claim for damages.
  • Insolvency (noun) दिवालियापन
    Meaning – a condition in which the financial difficulties of an individual or organisation are such it is unable to pay its debts.
    Synonyms – bankruptcy, liquidation, failure, collapse
    Sentence – The club was facing insolvency.
  • Bankruptcy (noun) – दिवालियापन
    Meaning – legal state of insolvency. 
    Synonyms – insolvency, liquidation, failure, ruin.
    Sentence – Many companies were facing bankruptcy.
  • Knotty (adjective) – विकट, जटिल
    Meaning – Extremely difficult or complex.
    Synonyms – complex, complicated, intricate.
    Sentence – A knotty legal problem.
  • In its entirety (phrase)
    Meaning – as a whole, completely, entirely/totally.
  • Landscape (noun) – परिदृश्य
    Meaning – the distinctive features of a field of activity.
    Sentence – The event transformed the political landscape.
  • Fledgling (adjective) अनुभवहीन मनुष्य
    Meaning – A person or organization that is immature, inexperienced, or underdeveloped.
    Synonyms – emerging, beginning, developing.
    Sentence – The country’s fledgling democracy.
  • Provision (noun) – प्रावधान
    Meaning – A condition or requirement in a legal document.
    Synonyms – term, clause, requirement/condition.
    Sentence – The first private prosecution under the provisions of the 1989 Water Act.
  • Loophole (noun) बचाव का रास्ता
    Meaning – An ambiguity or inadequacy in the law or a set of rules.
    Synonyms – means of evasion, means of escape, escape clause
    Sentence – They exploited tax loopholes.
  • Defaulter (noun) दोषी, दिवालिया
    Meaning – a person who is (purposefully) not repaying banks/lenders’ debt on time for various reasons.
    Synonyms – non-payer, debt dodger
    Sentence – The only organizational measure of the institution attended by defaulters was whether the defaulter graduated.
  • Take something lying down (phrase) 
    Meaning – accept (something) without protest.
  • Stamp of approval (phrase) 
    Meaning – official statement, indication of approval, assent.
  • Stifle (verb) दबाना
    Meaning – Prevent or constrain (an activity or idea)
    Synonyms – constrain, oppress, prevent/impede.
    Sentence – High taxes were stifling private enterprise.
  • Mount (verb) स्थापित करना
    Meaning – Establish
    Synonyms – set up, arrange, stage.
    Sentence – Security forces mounted check points at every key road.
  • Owe (verb) – ऋणी होना, आभारी होना
    Meaning – Have an obligation to pay or repay (something, especially money) in return for something received.
    Synonyms – be in debt, be under an obligation to, be indebted to.
    Sentence – They have denied they owe money to the company.
  • Prescribe (verb) – आज्ञा देना, नुसख़ा लिखना
    Meaning – Recommend (a substance or action) as something beneficial.
    Synonyms – advise, recommend, suggest.
    Sentence – Marriage is often prescribed as a universal remedy.
  • Liquidation (noun) – परिसमापन, दिवालियापन
    Meaning – conversion of assets into cash by selling them (to pay debts).
    Sentence – U.S. stocks could face liquidation by foreign holders.
  • Stymie (verb) – गतिरोध
    Meaning – Prevent or hinder the progress of.
    Synonyms – impede, prevent, hinder/obstruct.
    Sentence – The system is also stymied by a reporting loophole.
  • Infuse (verb) – उत्तेजित करना, उड़ेलना
    Meaning – Instil (a quality) in someone or something.
    Synonyms – add, introduce.
    Sentence – He did his best to infuse good humour into his voice.
  • Entrepreneur (noun) – व्यवसायी
    Meaning – A person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.
    Synonyms – businessman, businesswoman, business person.
    Sentence – You, too, can be an Internet entrepreneur.
  • Aid (verb) – सहायता
    Meaning – Promote or encourage (something)
    Synonyms – help, assist, sustain.
    Sentence – The guests were all kept on special diets to aid their recovery.
  • Paradise Lost (phrase) 
    Meaning – the story of Adam & Eve and their expulsion from their Garden of Eden (Paradise) by God for their disobedience.
  • Backing (noun) – समर्थन
    Meaning – Help or support.
    Synonyms – support, assistance, help/aid.
    Sentence – The foreign secretary won the backing of opposition parties.
  • Recalcitrant (adjective) – आज्ञा न माननेवाला
    Meaning – Having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline.
    Synonyms – wilful, uncooperative, obstinately disobedient.
    Sentence – Rarely do recalcitrant companies get punished.
  • Business as usual (phrase) 
    Meaning – routine, regularity, normal pattern.



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  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.


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The Hindu Editorial (For honour’s sake) Vocab – 28 Jan, 2019

It is in the nature of our polity to use any opportunity possible for political signalling, and the Bharat Ratna, the nation’s highest civilian honour, has not been spared from this propensity.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (For honour’s sake: on the Bharat Ratna awards) – Jan 28, 2019.

Read This Article: – (For honour’s sake: on the Bharat Ratna awards)


Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (For honour’s sake: on the Bharat Ratna awards) – Jan 28, 2019


  • For someone’s sake (phrase)
    Meaning – benefit, advantage, good/gain.
  • Consideration (noun) विचार
    Meaning – A fact or a motive taken into account in deciding something.
    Synonyms – factor, issue/point, motive.
    Sentence – The idea was motivated by political considerations.
  • Propensity (noun) – झुकाव
    Meaning – An inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way.
    Synonyms – (natural) tendency, inclination, predisposition.
    Sentence – His propensity for violence.
  • Confer (verb) प्रदान करना
    Meaning – (with object) Grant (a title, degree, benefit, or right)
    Synonyms – grant, bestow, present/give.
    Sentence – The Minister may have exceeded the powers conferred on him by Parliament. 
  • Evoke (verb) – पुकारना
    Meaning – Invoke (a spirit or deity)
    Synonyms – give rise to, bring forth.
    Sentence – Akasha is evoked in India when a house is being built to ensure its completion.
  • Catch off guard (phrase)
    Meaning – surprise someone when not expected (in a good or bad way) to feel confused.


  • Fevered (adjective) – विह्वल, उत्तेजित
    Meaning – Feeling or displaying an excessive degree of nervous excitement, agitation, or energy.
    Synonyms – excited, agitated, frantic.
    Sentence – My fevered adolescent imagination.
  • Speculation (noun) सट्टा, परिकल्पना
    Meaning – The forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
    Synonyms – conjuncture/supposition, guesswork, opinion/surmise.
    Sentence – This is pure speculation on my part.
  • Statesman (noun) – राजनेता
    Meaning – A skilled, experienced, and respected political leader or figure.
    Synonyms – senior politician, respected political figure, political leader.
    Sentence – He would like to see state and federal elected officials become statesmen not politicians.
  • Bemused (adjective) भ्रांतconfused, bewildered, puzzled.
    Meaning – confused, bewildered, puzzled.
    Sentence – Her bemused expression. 
  • Hold out (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – continue, remain, last/keep on.
  • Unsympathetically (adverb)
    Meaning – disagreeably/objectionably, antagonistically, opposedly/inimically.
    Sentence – Reading unsympathetically, we may reflect that there’s not much he does that isn’t for show. 
  • Embrace (verb) सम्मिलित करना
    Meaning – Accept (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically.
    Synonyms – accept, be in favour of, support.
    Sentence – If energy enthusiasts wish to embrace vitalism, who are we sceptics to snatch it away from them?
  • Thwart (verb) विफल
    Meaning – Prevent (someone) from accomplishing something.
    Synonyms – prevent, block, impede/hinder.
    Sentence – He never did anything to thwart his father.
  • Idolise (verb) – पूजना
    Meaning – Admire, revere, or love greatly or excessively.
    Synonyms – deify, worship, look up to.
    Sentence – He idolized his mother.
  • Rite (noun) – संस्कार
    Meaning – A religious or other solemn ceremony or act.
    Synonyms – observance, ritual, worship.
    Sentence – The third deals with burial rites, mourning, and other kinds of ceremonies.


  • Veneration (noun) – उपासना
    Meaning – Great respect; reverence.
    Synonyms – idolization, respect, reverence.
    Sentence – The traditional veneration of saints.
  • Pursuit (noun) पीछा
    Meaning – The action of pursuing someone or something.
    Synonyms – search for, quest for, striving towards.
    Sentence – The cat crouched in the grass in pursuit of a bird.
  • Partisan (adjective) – पक्षपातपूर्ण
    Meaning – Prejudiced in favour of a particular cause. 
    Synonyms – biased, prejudiced, one-sided.
    Sentence – Newspapers have become increasingly partisan.
  • Overshadow (verb) ढांकना, रक्षा देना
    Meaning – Be more impressive or successful than (another person)
    Synonyms – conceal, obscure, outshine/eclipse.
    Sentence – He was always overshadowed by his brilliant elder brother.
  • Cynical (adjective) निंदक
    Meaning – Believing that people are motivated purely by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.
    Synonyms – sceptical, doubtful, distrustful.
    Sentence – He was brutally cynical and hardened to every sob story under the sun.
  • Assertion (noun) – अभिकथन
    Meaning – A confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.
    Synonyms – declaration, statement, contention/protestation.
    Sentence – I politely disagree with the assertion that it was didactic and lengthy.
  • Elite (noun) अभिजात वर्ग
    Meaning – a select group of people (with power and influence).
    Synonyms – pick, cream, flower, nonpareil, elect
    Sentence – Town life also presented new challenges of economic and social organization to urban elites.
  • Clamour (noun) कोलाहल
    Meaning – A loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting.
    Synonyms – protest, complaint, outcry/commotion.
    Sentence – The questions rose to a clamour.
  • Majesty (noun) महिमा
    Meaning – Royal power.
    Synonyms – nobleness, pride; sovereignty/authority.
    Sentence – The majesty of the royal household.
  • Posthumous (adjective) – मरणोत्तर
    Meaning – awarded after someone’s death.
    Sentence – A posthumous collection of his articles.
  • Arbitrariness (noun) मनमानी करना
    Meaning – The quality of being based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
    Sentence – The collection examines the arbitrariness of color lines drawn both between and within races.



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The Hindu Editorial (Season’s worst) Vocab – 25 Jan, 2019

India, as the world’s fastest-growing major economy, may well be catching up with the richer economies in terms of absolute size. 

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Season’s worst: on the influenza outbreak) – Jan 25, 2019.

Read This Article: – (Season’s worst: on the influenza outbreak)


Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Season’s worst: on the influenza outbreak) – Jan 25, 2019


  • Influenza (noun) एक तरह का बुखार
    Meaning – it is commonly known as “the flu”, is an infectious disease caused by an influenza virus.
    Sentence – The best way to avoid influenza or reduce its symptoms is to get a flu shot every year.
  • Outbreak (noun) प्रकोप
    Meaning – A sudden occurrence of something unwelcome, such as war or disease.
    Synonyms – occurrence. outburst, epidemic.
    Sentence – We learned of a deadly cholera outbreak in the area.
  • Concerted (adjective) अनुकूल
    Meaning – Jointly arranged or carried out
    Synonyms – strenuous, vigorous; active & cooperative, coordinated.
    Sentence – A concerted attempt to preserve religious unity.
  • Periodic (adjective) – सामयिक, मीयादी
    Meaning – Appearing or occurring at intervals.
    Synonyms – regular, periodical, recurrent.
    Sentence – The periodic visits she made to her father.
  • Spurt (noun) उछाल
    Meaning – A sudden marked burst or increase of activity or speed.
    Synonyms – a sudden burst, increase of activity.
    Sentence – However, after an initial spurt of action, nothing else really happened.
  • Cry out for (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – require, demand, need. 
  • Contain (verb) नियंत्रित करना
    Meaning – Control or restrain (oneself or a feeling)
    Synonyms – control, stifle, restrain.
    Sentence – He must contain his hatred.
  • Caseload (noun) 
    Meaning – the number of cases with which a doctor is concerned at one time.
    Sentence – Given the caseloads of medical examiners, the quality of their science is sometimes suspect.
  • Soar (verb) – ऊंची उड़ान भरना
    Meaning – Increase rapidly above the usual level.
    Synonyms – rise rapidly, escalate, increase quickly.
    Sentence – the cost of living continued to soar
  • Toll (noun) टोल
    Meaning – The number of deaths or casualties arising from a natural disaster, conflict, accident, etc.
    Synonyms – (loss) number, count, total.
    Sentence – The toll of dead and injured mounted. 
  • Pertinent (adjective) – उचित
    Meaning – Relevant or applicable to a particular matter; apposite.
    Synonyms – relevant/suitable, apposite, appropriate/germane.
    Sentence – She asked me a lot of very pertinent questions.
  • Put in place (phrase) 
    Meaning – initiate, usher in, bring in.
  • Vaccination (noun) –  टीका
    Meaning – Treatment with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease; inoculation.
    Synonyms – immunization, inoculation.
    Sentence – Vaccination against yellow fever is essential.
  • Put out (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – publish, release, publicize/circulate. 
  • Profiteering (noun) – सट्टेबाज़ी
    Meaning – Make or seek to make an excessive or unfair profit, especially illegally.
    Synonyms – extortion, racketeering, exploitation.
    Sentence – To prevent profiteering on bad news, the wagers would have been kept small.
  • Respiratory (adjective) – श्वसन
    Meaning – relating to or affecting breathing (or organs of breathing).
    Sentence – We transferred the patient to the intensive care unit for respiratory and inotropic support.
  • Etiquette (noun) – शिष्टाचार
    Meaning – The customary code of polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession or group.
    Synonyms – decorum/standards, formalities, rules of conduct.
    Sentence – The rules of etiquette are changing.
  • Mutation (noun) परिवर्तन
    Meaning – a significant and basic “alteration” in the DNA sequence.
    Synonyms – change, variation, modification, transformation, metamorphosis
    Sentence – First, new mod variants can arise by mutation and spread by drift.
  • Peer (verb) – सहकर्मी, बराबर होना
    Meaning – Look with difficulty or concentration at someone or something.
    Synonyms – look closely, observe, study.
    Sentence – He squinted, peering at it and trying to make out the figures.
  • Remedy (noun) उपाय
    Meaning – A medicine or treatment for a disease or injury.
    Synonyms – solution, answer, antidote/panacea.
    Sentence – Herbal remedies for aches and pains.
  • Oseltamivir (noun) 
    Meaning – the antiviral commonly deployed against flu (influenza).
  • Resurface (verb) फिर से संगठित करना
    Meaning – Come back up to the surface of water.
    Synonyms – come out, arise again.
    Sentence – He resurfaced beside the boat.
  • Comprehensive (adjective) व्यापक
    Meaning – Of large content or scope; wide-ranging.
    Synonyms – complete/full, thorough, extensive.
    Sentence – A comprehensive collection of photographs.



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The Hindu Editorial (The gap within) Vocab – 24 Jan, 2019

India, as the world’s fastest-growing major economy, may well be catching up with the richer economies in terms of absolute size. 

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (The gap within: on inter-State disparities) – Jan 24, 2019.

Read This Article: – (The gap within: on inter-State disparities)


Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (The gap within: on inter-State disparities) – Jan 24, 2019


  • Inter-State (adjective) – अन्तर्राज्यीय
    Meaning – existing or taking place between states

    Sentence – He was traveling on a dark interstate road with a 75 Km/H posted speed limit
  • Disparity (noun) – असमानता
    Meaning – a difference between things

    Synonyms – discrepancy, inconsistency, imbalance, inequality, incongruity, unevenness.
    Sentence – Economic disparities between different regions of the country.
  • Catch up (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning –Succeed in reaching a person who is ahead of one.
  • Absolute पूर्ण
    Meaning – Not qualified or diminished in any way; total.

    Synonyms – very great, or complete
    Sentence – To River’s total and absolute horror, Adam’s fingers caught and fastened around his neck.
  • Convergence (noun) संमिलन
    Meaning – a situation in which people or things gradually become the same or very similar

    Synonyms – junction, fork, branching, intersection, interchange, confluence, meeting point
    Sentence – The convergence of communications processing is an issue.
  • Widen (verb) – विस्तृत बनाना
    Meaning – to (cause something to) become larger or to include a larger amount or number

    Synonyms – broaden, open up, open out, spread, expand, extend, enlarge
    Sentence – The lane widened out into a small clearing.
  • Evaluate (verb) मूल्यांकन करना
    Meaning – to think carefully about something before making a judgment about its value, importance, or quality

    Synonyms – assess the worth of, put a price on, put a value on
    Sentence – The study will assist in evaluating the impact of recent changes.
  • Bridge the gap (idiom)
    Meaning – to reduce the differences that separate two things or groups.
  • Sustained (adjective) निरंतर 
    Meaning – continuing at the same level or rate for a long time

    Sentence – Several years of sustained economic growth.
  • For instance (phrase)
    Meaning – for example
  • Albeit (conjunction) यद्यपि, हालांकि
    Meaning – Though

    Synonyms – although, even if, even though, in spite of the fact that.
    Sentence – He was making progress, albeit rather slowly.
  • Subsequent (adjective) आगामी
    Meaning – happening or coming after something else

    Synonyms – following, ensuing, succeeding, successive, later, future,.
    Sentence – It is noted that there was an episode of enuresis subsequent to this report.
  • Significant (adjective) महत्वपूर्ण
    Meaning – very large or noticeable

    Synonyms – notable, noteworthy, worthy of attention, remarkable, outstanding, important.
    Sentence – A significant increase in sales.
  • Divergence (noun) विचलन
    Meaning – A difference in opinions, interests, etc.

    Synonyms – dissimilarity, variance, polarity, disparity, contrast, difference
    Sentence – A fundamental divergence of attitude.
  • Fortune  (noun) संपत्ति
    Meaning – money and success

    Synonyms – wealth, riches, substance, property, assets, resources.
    Sentence – He inherited a substantial fortune. 
  • On the other hand (phrase) 
    Meaning – used for giving two different opinions about something
  • Burgeon (verb) तेजी से बढ़ना 
    Meaning – growing or developing quickly

    Synonyms – increase exponentially, increase rapidly, expand, spring up, shoot up
    Sentence – Manufacturers are keen to cash in on the burgeoning demand.
  • Breach (noun) उल्लंघन 
    Meaning – to break a law, rule, or agreement

    Synonyms – contravention, violation, breaking, non-observance, infringement.
    Sentence – I am talking about gross breaches of code of conduct.
  • Deficit (noun) घाटा
    Meaning – The amount by which something, especially a sum of money, is too small.

    Synonyms – shortfall, deficiency, shortage, undersupply, slippage.
    Sentence – They had turned a five-point deficit into a one-point lead inside six minutes.
  • Profligate अपव्ययी, भ्रष्टाचरण
    Meaning – Recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources.

    Synonyms – wasteful, extravagant, spendthrift, improvident, prodigal, immoderate.
    Sentence – The combined loss of possession and position is profligate to the point of wasteful.
  • Uphold (verb) कायम रखना 
    Meaning – Maintain (a custom or practice)

    Synonyms – sustain, continue, preserve, protect, keep, hold to, keep alive.
    Sentence – They uphold a tradition of not causing distress to living creatures.
  • Thrive (verb) कामयाब होना, बढ़ना
    Meaning – to become very successful

    Synonyms – happy, healthy, developing, blooming
    Sentence – Education groups thrive on organization.
  • Crucial (adjective) महत्वपूर्ण
    Meaning – something that is crucial is extremely important because it has a major effect on the result of something

    Synonyms – pivotal, critical, key, climacteric, decisive, deciding, determining
    Sentence – I see the next 18 months as crucial to the long-term development of the game.
  • Determinant (noun) सिद्ध, निर्धारक
    Meaning – something that controls or decides how something else will develop or what result it will have

    Synonyms – factor, issue, point, concern, item, matter, element.
    Sentence – Pure force of will was the main determinant of his success.
  • Long-run (noun) – आगे जाकर
    Meaning – not immediately but at some time in the future.
  • Prospect (noun) आशा, संभावना
    Meaning – the possibility that something will happen, especially something good
    Synonyms – hope, expectation, anticipation, chance, good chance, poor chance
    Sentence – It is not a prospect which he anticipates with much enthusiasm.



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The Hindu Editorial (A wide Democratic field) Vocab – 23 Jan, 2019

As expected, the array of presidential hopefuls for the 2020 U.S. election has widened considerably on the Democratic Party side, with at least eight candidates declared running, another six likely to run, and a further eight potential entrants sitting on the fence.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (A wide Democratic field) – Jan 23, 2019.

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Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (A wide Democratic field) – Jan 23, 2019


  • Capitalise on (verb) – पूँजी के रूप में बदलना
    Meaning – Take the chance to gain advantage from.
    Synonyms – take advantage of, exploit, benefit from.
    Sentence – An attempt by the opposition to capitalize on the government’s embarrassment.
  • Soaring (adjective) – उड़ान
    Meaning – Flying or rising high in the air.
    Synonyms – escalating, increasing. ballooning.
    Sentence – The coloured trails of soaring rockets.
  • Array (noun) – सरणी, व्यूह
    Meaning – An ordered series or arrangement.
    Synonyms – arrangement, line-up, disposition.
    Sentence – Several arrays of solar panels will help provide power.
  • Entrant (noun) शामिल होनेवाला
    Meaning – A person or group that enters or takes part in something.
    Synonyms – new member, beginner, newcomer.
    Sentence – The company is a new entrant into an established market.
  • Sit on the fence (phrase)
    Meaning – undecided, uncertain, unsure.
  • Heft (noun) – वज़न
    Synonyms – ability, influence.
    Sentence – They lacked the political heft to get the formulation banned. 
  • Accumulate (verb) संचय करें, संग्रह करना
    Meaning – Gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.
    Synonyms – gather, build up, collect.
    Sentence – Continuing for two years, he accumulated enough money to return to medical school.
  • Nevertheless (adverb) फिर भी
    Meaning – In spite of that
    Synonyms –  nonetheless, however.
    Sentence – Statements which, although literally true, are nevertheless misleading.
  • Take on (phrasal verb) 
    Meaning – compete against, oppose, challenge/confront.
  • Ancestry (noun) – वंशावली
    Meaning – One’s family or ethnic descent.
    Synonyms – line of descent, family tree, origin/heredity.
    Sentence – He was proud of his Irish ancestry.
  • Ballot (noun) – मतदान
    Meaning – The total number of votes cast in a ballot.
    Synonyms – election, referendum, vote
    Sentence – The union was unable to reveal the level of turnout for the ballot.
  • Drop out (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – withdraw from, give up, cancel.
  • Throw one’s hat in the ring (phrase)
    Meaning – contend for, challenge for, struggle for.
  • Juncture (noun) – समय, समयबिंदु
    Meaning – A particular point in events or time.
    Synonyms – point, time/moment, stage.
    Sentence – At this juncture, there is a desperate need for human contact.
  • Prospect (noun) आशा
    Meaning – Chances or opportunities for success or wealth.
    Synonyms – future, chances/opportunities, possibilities.
    Sentence – The poor prospects for the steel industry.
  • Inherit (verb) उत्तराधिकार
    Meaning – Receive (money, property, or a title) as an heir at the death of the previous holder.
    Synonyms – assume, take over, come into (a situation from a predecessor).
    Sentence – She inherited a fortune from her father.
  • Swirl (verb) घुमाव
    Meaning – Move in a twisting or spiralling pattern.
    Synonyms – circulate, revolve, spiral/spin.
    Sentence – The smoke was swirling around him.
  • Diverse (adjective) – विविध
    Meaning – very different.
    Synonyms – various, multiple, manifold.
    Sentence – A culturally diverse population.
  • Lie in (phrasal verb)
    Meaning – be present, be contained, exist.
  • Spectrum (noun) विस्तार
    Meaning – A wide range.
    Synonyms – range, gamut, span.
    Sentence – I have read a wide spectrum of theories and history, ranging from Marx to Mises.
  • Loom (verb) धुंधला दिखाई देना
    Meaning – Appear as a vague form, especially one that is large or threatening.
    Synonyms – be imminent/close, about to happen, impend/brew.
    Sentence – Vehicles loomed out of the darkness.
  • Pollster (noun) 
    Meaning – a person who does opinion polls.
    Sentence – Then the pollsters started conducting scientific polls of the general population.
  • Undoing (noun) – नाश
    Meaning – A person’s ruin or downfall.
    Synonyms – downfall, defeat, failure/collapse.
    Sentence – The forces that led to the council’s undoing will not disappear.
  • Tip the scales (phrase) 
    Meaning – be the deciding point/make crucial difference.
  • Populism (noun) – लोकलुभावनवाद
    Meaning – related to policies that supposedly represent the opinions of ordinary people 
    Sentence – It is written in the fulminating language of angry populism.



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The Hindu Editorial (Death by design: on Jallikattu) Vocab – 22 Jan, 2019

In situations involving humans and animals, Murphy’s law takes a strong hold: if things can go wrong, they most likely will.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Death by design: on Jallikattu) – Jan 22, 2019.

Read This Article: – (Death by design: on Jallikattu)


Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Death by design: on Jallikattu) – Jan 22, 2019


  • Regulation (noun)  विनियमन
    Meaning – An official rule or the act of controlling something.

    Synonyms – ruling, order, directive, act, law, by-law, statute.
    Sentence – I do know there is a provision in the regulations relating to length of sailing vessels.
  • Intrinsic (adjective)  स्वाभाविक
    Meaning – Belonging naturally; essential.

    Synonyms – innate, inborn, inbred, congenital, natural, native
    Sentence – Access to the arts is intrinsic to a high quality of life.
  • Likely (adjective)  उपयुक्त, संभावित
    Meaning – if something is likely, it will probably happen or is expected

    Synonyms – probable, distinctly possible, to be expected, odds-on
    Sentence – Speculation on the likely effect of opting out.
  • Activist ()  कार्यकर्ता 
    Meaning – A person who campaigns to bring about political or social change.

    Sentence – Police arrested three activists.
  • Innumerable (adjective)  असंख्य
    Meaning – too many to be counted.

    Synonyms – countless, numerous, very many, manifold, multitudinous.
    Sentence – Innumerable flags of all colours.
  • Ledger (noun)  खाता बही
    Meaning – a book in which things are regularly recorded.

    Synonyms – book, account book, record book, register.
    Sentence – The total balance of the purchases ledger.
  • Survive (verb)  बना रहना
    Meaning – to continue to live or exist, especially after coming close to dying or being destroyed or after being in a difficult or threatening situation.

    Synonyms – remain alive, live, sustain oneself, cling to life, pull through, get through, hold on.
    Sentence – Against all odds the child survived.
  • Ordeal (noun)  परख, कड़ी परीक्षा
    Meaning – a very unpleasant and painful or difficult experience.

    Synonyms –  unpleasant experience, trial, tribulation, test, nightmare, trauma.
    Sentence – The ordeal of having to give evidence.
  • Tragedy  शोकपूर्ण घटना, त्रासदी
    Meaning – a very sad event or situation, especially one involving death or suffering

    Synonyms – disaster, calamity, catastrophe, cataclysm, devastation.
    Sentence – His life had been plagued by tragedy.
  • Gore (verb)  सींग घुसाना
    Meaning – (of an animal such as a bull) pierce or stab (a person or other animal) with a horn or tusk.

    Synonyms – pierce, stab, stick, impale, puncture.
    Sentence – He was gored to death by a charging bull.
  • Precaution (noun)  एहतियात 
    Meaning – an action that is done to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous happening.

    Synonyms – safeguard, preventative measure, preventive measure.
    Sentence – He had taken the precaution of seeking legal advice.
  • Rampaging (verb)  उन्मादी, क्रोध में इधर-उधर दौड़ना
    Meaning – to go through an area making a lot of noise and causing damage.

    Synonyms – rush madly, rush wildly, riot, run riot, go on the rampage, run amok.
    Sentence – Several thousand demonstrators rampaged through the city.
  • Arena (noun)  अखाड़ा
    Meaning – a large, flat area surrounded by seats used for sports or entertainment.

    Synonyms – stadium, amphitheatre, theatre, coliseum
    Sentence – An arena demonstrating traditional sports such as kabaddi will give fans a chance to test their skills.
  • Accommodate (verb)  समायोजित
    Meaning – to provide space or a place for a group.

    Synonyms – lodge, house, put up, billet, quarter, board, take in.
    Sentence – The cottages accommodate up to six people.
  • Barricade  आड़
    Meaning – a line or pile of objects put together, often quickly, to stop people from going where they want to go.

    Synonyms – barrier, obstacle, blockade, bar, fence.
    Sentence – 
    As with any structure, only vigilance, guards, and barricades could prevent such attacks.
  • Bull-tamers
    Meaning – people who try to control bull.
  • Rein (noun)  लगाम 
    Meaning – A long, narrow strap attached at one end to a horse’s bit, typically used in pairs to guide or check a horse in riding or driving.

    Sentence – Sir Evelyn’s squire bowed, holding out the reins to the horse.
  • Spectator (noun)  दर्शक
    Meaning – A person who watches at a show, game, or other event.

    Synonyms – onlooker, watcher, looker-on, fly on the wall, viewer.
    Sentence – It was as if my trip had become a movie and I was a spectator watching.
  • Pierce (verb)  प्रवेश करना
    Meaning – to go in or through something, esp. with a pointed object, making a hole.

    Synonyms – punch holes in, put holes in, perforate, puncture, prick, hole
    Sentence – The doctor had dreadlocks, pierced ears and nose and tattoos everywhere.
  • Abdomen (noun)  पेट
    Meaning – The part of the body of a vertebrate containing the digestive and reproductive organs; the belly.

    Synonyms – stomach, belly, gut, middle, midriff, intestines.
    Sentence – Girls with ovarian tumors may have abdominal pain and masses that can be felt in the abdomen.
  • Regulate (verb)  विनियमित 
    Meaning – to control something, especially by making it work in a particular way.

    Synonyms – control, adjust, manage, balance, set, synchronize, modulate, tune.
    Sentence – A hormone which regulates metabolism.
  • Deploy (verb)  तैनात
    Meaning – Move (troops or equipment) into position for military action.

    Synonyms – position, station, post, place, install, locate
    Sentence – Forces were deployed at strategic locations.
  • Makeshift (adjective)  अस्थायी 
    Meaning – temporary and of low quality, but used because of a sudden need.

    Synonyms – temporary, make-do, provisional, stopgap, standby.
    Sentence – Arranging a row of chairs to form a makeshift bed.
  • Blood sport (noun)  खून का खेल
    Meaning – A sport involving the hunting, wounding, or killing of animals.

    Sentence – Blood sports such as dogfighting and cockfighting.
  • Unpredictability (noun)  अनिश्चितता
    Meaning – the quality or fact of being unpredictable (= likely to change suddenly and without reason)

    Sentence – The unpredictability of the British weather.
  • Intrinsic (adjective)  स्वाभाविक 
    Meaning – being an extremely important and basic characteristic of a person or thing.

    Synonyms – innate, inborn, inbred, congenital, natural, native
    Sentence – access to the arts is intrinsic to a high quality of life.
  • On the ground (phrase) 
    Meaning – among the general public.
  • Inseparable (noun)  अवियोज्य
    Meaning – if two or more people are inseparable, they are such good friends that they spend most of their time together

    Sentence – We are two good old enemies, Edith and I, inseparables, in fact.
  • Ordinance (noun)  अध्यादेश
    Meaning – a law or rule made by a government or authority.

    Synonyms – edict, decree, law, injunction, fiat, command, order, rule.
    Sentence – The ordinance also says government authorities cannot ‘request forced labor.’
  • Exempt (adjective)  मुक्त 
    Meaning – Free from an obligation or liability imposed on others.

    Synonyms – free from, not liable to, not subject to.
    Sentence – These patients are exempt from all charges.
  • Ensure (verb)  सुनिश्चित करें
    Meaning – to make something certain to happen.

    Synonyms – make sure, make certain, see to it.
    Sentence – This guarantee ensures the full value is repayable should any structural issues arise.
  • Well-being (noun)  भलाई
    Meaning – the state of feeling healthy and happy.

    Synonyms – welfare, health, good health, happiness, comfort, security.
    Sentence – An improvement in the patient’s well-being.
  • Danger life and limb (phrase) 
    Meaning – to be put, or to put yourself, in physical danger.



Note – 

  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.


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