Idioms Beginning With 'J'

Idioms Beginning With ‘J’

Jack of all tradesDoing so many works without mastering even single (हरफनमौला)
Join handsWork collectively (हाथ मिलाना)
Jam-packedCrowded to the bursting point (खचाखच भरा)
Juvenile delinquentSomeone under age who breaks the law or gets into trouble. (बाल अपराधी)
Jump the Gun Do something too early. (किसी काम को जल्दी करना)
John Hancock A person’s signature (हस्ताक्षर करना)
Just desertsGet what one deserves  (मन की मुराद पूरी होना)
Judas kissFalse love (झूठा प्यार) 

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