Idioms | Meaning |
Halcyon days | Peaceful days (खुशगवार दिन) |
Hammer and sickle | A symbolic representation of commu-nism in general. (समाजवाद का प्रतीक) |
Hammer and tongs | With great effort or energy. (बहुत अधिक मेहनत से) |
Hand and glove with | In close co-operation. (अच्छे सहयोग से) |
Hang by a thread | Be in a risky situation. (बहुत नाजुक स्थिति में) |
Hard nut to crack | A difficult problem to solve/ A person difficult to understand. (जटिलसमस्या/व्यक्ति) |
Haul over the coals | To take to task, to reprimand. (कोसना) |
Have finger in the pie | To be involved in something. (किसी कार्य में शामिल रहना) |
Have one’s hands full | To be completely occupied. (काम की कमी नहीं होना) |
Have one’s way | The way one wants. (अपनी इच्छा के अनुसार) |
Have several irons in the fire | To be involved in many projects or activities at the same time. (एक ही समय कई कार्यों में शामिल होना) |
High and dry | In a deprived situation (alone). (अकेला) |
High handed | Overbearing (निरंकुश) |
High living | Living with comfort and ease. (ऐश आरण की जिन्दगी) |
Hit below the belt | To strike unfairly. (गलत तरीके से प्रहार करना) |
Hit the jackpot | Gaining a big/ great success (speci-ally by luck). (बड़ी कमियाबी मिलाना) |
Hit the nail on the head | To do the right thing at the right time (सही समय पर सही कार्य करना) |
Hole and corner policy | Secret policy (गुप्त निति) |
Hue and cry | Any loud public outcry (हो हल्ला) |
Hale and hearty | Healthy and sound (पूर्ण रूप से स्वस्थ होना) |
Half hearted | Lacking enthusiasm (बे मन से) |
Hand in glove | Very close (घनिष्ठ सम्बन्ध होना) |
Hair breadth escape | Narrow escape (बाल-बाल बचना ) |
Hard and fast rule | Rule that cannot be broken and modified (सख्त नियम) |
Hard and fast | Strict (सख्त) |
Hard of hearing | Somewhat deaf (ऊँचा सुनना) |
Hard pressed | In difficulties (परेशानी में होना) |
Hard up | Short of money (पैसे की तंगी) |
Have the last laugh | To be victorious in an argument (तर्क-वितर्क में आखिरकार विजय होना) |
Hear of | To get the news about (समाचार मिलना) |
Heart and soul | With full energy (पूरे मन से ) |
Helter skelter | In disorderly haste (बहुत अधिक जल्दबाजी में) |
Hen pecked husband | A husband under the control of his wife (जोरू का गुलाम) |
Herculean task | A work requiring very great effort (कठिन कार्य) |
High time | Already late (पहले से देरी होना) |
His own doing | Caused by himself (स्वयं के कारण) |
Hobson’s choice | No choice at all (कोई विकल्प न होना) |
Hold back | To control expression, Not to reveal (व्यक्त करने से रोकना, छुपा लेना) |
Hold down | To prevent by force (जबरदस्ती नियंत्रित करना) |
Hold on | To keep something in a position (पकड़कर रखना) |
Hold one’s head high | Be proud of (गर्व करना) |
Hold out | To resist (प्रतिरोध करना) |
Hold with | To approve (सहमत होना) |
Hoping against hope | To have very little chance of success (सफल होने की बहुत कम संभावना होना) |
Hush money | Bribe paid to secure silence (चुप्पी बनाये रखने के लिए रिश्वत देना) |
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