Idioms Beginning With 'H'

Idioms Beginning With ‘H’


Halcyon days

Peaceful days (खुशगवार दिन)
Hammer and sickleA symbolic representation of commu-nism in general. (समाजवाद का प्रतीक)
Hammer and tongsWith great effort or energy. (बहुत अधिक मेहनत से)
Hand and glove withIn close co-operation. (अच्छे सहयोग से)
Hang by a threadBe in a risky situation. (बहुत नाजुक स्थिति में)
Hard nut to crackA difficult problem to solve/ A person difficult to understand. (जटिलसमस्या/व्यक्ति)
Haul over the coalsTo take to task, to reprimand. (कोसना)
Have finger in the pieTo be involved in something. (किसी कार्य में शामिल रहना)
Have one’s hands fullTo be completely occupied. (काम की कमी नहीं होना)
Have one’s wayThe way one wants. (अपनी इच्छा के अनुसार)
Have several irons in the fireTo be involved in many projects or activities at the same time. (एक ही समय कई कार्यों में शामिल होना)
High and dryIn a deprived situation (alone). (अकेला)
High handedOverbearing (निरंकुश)
High livingLiving with comfort and ease. (ऐश आरण की जिन्दगी)
Hit below the beltTo strike unfairly. (गलत तरीके से प्रहार करना)
Hit the jackpotGaining a big/ great success (speci-ally by luck). (बड़ी कमियाबी मिलाना)
Hit the nail on the headTo do the right thing at the right time (सही समय पर सही कार्य करना)
Hole and corner policy Secret policy (गुप्त निति)
Hue and cryAny loud public outcry (हो हल्ला)
Hale and heartyHealthy and sound (पूर्ण रूप से स्वस्थ होना)
Half heartedLacking enthusiasm (बे मन से)
Hand in gloveVery close (घनिष्ठ सम्बन्ध होना)
Hair breadth escapeNarrow escape (बाल-बाल बचना )
Hard and fast ruleRule that cannot be broken and modified (सख्त नियम)
Hard and fastStrict (सख्त)
Hard of hearingSomewhat deaf (ऊँचा सुनना)
Hard pressedIn difficulties (परेशानी में होना)
Hard upShort of money (पैसे की तंगी)
Have the last laughTo be victorious in an argument (तर्क-वितर्क में आखिरकार विजय होना)
Hear ofTo get the news about (समाचार मिलना)
Heart and soulWith full energy (पूरे मन से )
Helter skelterIn disorderly haste (बहुत अधिक जल्दबाजी में)
Hen pecked husbandA husband under the control of his wife (जोरू का गुलाम)
Herculean taskA work requiring very great effort (कठिन कार्य)
High time Already late (पहले से देरी होना)
His own doingCaused by himself (स्वयं के कारण)
Hobson’s choiceNo choice at all (कोई विकल्प न होना)
Hold backTo control expression, Not to reveal (व्यक्त करने से रोकना, छुपा लेना)
Hold downTo prevent by force (जबरदस्ती नियंत्रित करना)
Hold onTo keep something in a position (पकड़कर रखना)
Hold one’s head highBe proud of (गर्व करना)
Hold out To resist (प्रतिरोध करना)
Hold with To approve (सहमत होना)
Hoping against hopeTo have very little chance of success (सफल होने की बहुत कम संभावना होना)
Hush moneyBribe paid to secure silence (चुप्पी बनाये रखने के लिए रिश्वत देना)

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