REET 2022 Answer Key

REET Level 2 Exam Paper 24 July 2022 (Shift-IV) (Section – II, Language-I, English) (Answer Key)

46. Checklist, Rating scale, Interview schedule and Anecdotal records are tools for :
(A) Summative Assessment
(B) Informative Assessment
(C) Annual Assessment
(D) Formative Assessment

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Answer – (D)

47. Which of these is not a technique of evaluation ?
(A) Appropriateness
(B) Effectiveness
(C) Imitation
(D) Practicability

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Answer – (*)

48. Check-list technique is used for evaluation :
(A) results, attendance, participation in games, sports,
(B) interest, attitudes and values of the students.
(C) of significant event and work performance of the students.
(D) None

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Answer – (A)

49. Which one of these commissions and committees has not made recommendation to encourage internal assessment through continuous and comprehensive evaluation ?
(A) Hartog Committee
(B) Hunter Commission
(C) Mudaliar Commission
(D) None

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Answer – (C)

50. Which one of these is not objective of CCE ?
(A) To make the process of teaching and learning a teacher-centred activity.
(B) To make the process of teaching and learning a learner-centred activity.
(C) To help develop cognitive, psychomotor and effective skills.
(D) To make evaluation an integral part of teaching-learning process.

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Answer – (A)

Read the passage and answer the Question Nos. 51 to 55:

India today presents a very mixed picture of hope and anguish of remarkable advances and at the same time of inertia, of a new spirit and also the dead hand of the past and of privileges; of an overall and growing unity and many disruptive tendencies. Withal there is a great vitality and ferment in people’s minds and activities. It is remarkable thing that a country and people rooted in this remote past, who have shown so much resistance to change in the past; should now be marching forward rapidly and with resolute steps.

51. Choose the synonym for the word ‘vitality:
(A) lethargy
(B) torpidity
(C) energy
(D) externality

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Answer – (C)

52. Choose the antonym for the word ‘anguish’:
(A) ecstacy
(B) agony
(C) excruciation
(D) affliction

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Answer – (A)

53. Choose the correctly spelt word:
(A) Fermantation
(B) Presantation
(C) Picturesque
(D) Resoluation

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Answer – (C)

54. ‘Adverb’ for the word ‘disruptive’ will be:
(A) disrupt
(B) disruptively
(C) disruption
(D) disrupter

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Answer – (B)

55. Choose one word for ‘a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged’
(A) anguish
(B) disruptive
(C) ferment
(D) inertia

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Answer – (D)

Read the passage and answer the Question Nos. 56 to 60:

The rich can provide their children with all that money can buy rich food; expensive clothes, cars and every other imaginable comfort and luxury. But they simply cannot give them what they need most – parental care and affection on a personal level for which there is no substitute in the whole world. These children who are brought up almost entirely by hired attendants develop a twisted personality. Their rich, busy and well-bred parents are one day shocked to find that their children have developed some of the traits of their own attendants which are, to say the least, considerable less than well-bred.

56. ______ and every other imaginable comfort and luxury. Here ‘imaginable’ is:
(A) a noun
(B) a conjunction
(C) an adjective
(D) an adverb

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Answer – (C)

57. Choose compound adjective from the phrase ‘well-bred parents’
(A) well-parents
(B) well-bred
(C) well
(D) bred

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Answer – (B)

58. Which one of these phrase has a determiner in it?
(A) But they simply cannot give.
(B) The rich can provide their children all they need.
(C) There is no substitute.
(D) Hired attendants develop twisted personality.

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Answer – (B)

59. ‘These children who are brought up almost entirely by hired attendants develop a twisted personality.’
Which tense is used in the above sentence ?
(A) Present perfect
(B) Present continuous
(C) Present indefinite
(D) Past indefinite

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Answer – (C)

60. Which of the following has the three degrees of the adjective in their correct form ?
(A) Simple, more simple, most simple
(B) Rich, more rich, most rich
(C) Little, less, least
(D) Expensive, expensiver, expensivest

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Answer – (C)


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