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61. At half past 5 in the evening, the smaller angle between the hour & minute hands of a clock is
(a) 10°
(b) 120°
(c) 15°
(d) 180°
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62. Fill in the blanks
(a) AACB
(b) BBCA
(c) CCBA
(d) CBAC
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63. Angles of a given triangle are in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 4. What kind of triangle is the given triangle?
(a) Right angled
(b) Obtuse angle
(c) Isosceles
(d) Acute angle
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64. The houses of A and B face each other on a road going north-south, A’s being on the western side. A comes out of his house, turns left, travels 5 km, turns right, travels 5 km to the front of D’s house. B does exactly the same and reaches the front of C’s house. In this context, which one of the following statements is correct?
(a) C and D live on the same street.
(b) C’s house faces south.
(c) Houses of C & D are less than 20 km apart.
(d) None of the above
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65. BEH, DGJ, (?), EJ0, GLQ, INS
(a) FLR
(b) FIS
(c) FK0
(d) FIL
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66. H, V, G, T, F, R, E, P, ?
(a) K, L
(b) D, N
(c) C, D
(d) L,K
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67. 4.3 : 10 :: 8 : ?
(a) 10
(b) 13
(c) 17
(d) 14
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68. If TOUR is written as 1234, CLEAR is written as 56784 and SPARE is written as 90847, find the code for CARE
(a) 1247
(b) 4847
(c) 5247
(d) 5847
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69. CALANDER is coded in a code as CLANAEDR. Find the code for CIRCULAR under the same rule.
(d) None of these
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A. Either he is happy or he is p00r.
B. He is happy.
Inference : He is p00r.
(a) The inference is definitely true
(b) The inference is definitely false
(c) The inference is probably false or true
(d) The inference can not be drawn
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A. Those who are honest are good teachers.
B. Hard working people are honest.
Inference: Hard work is the necessary quality of a good teacher
(a) The inference is definitely true
(b) The inference is definitely false
(c) The inference is probably false or true
(d) The inference can not be drawn
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72. Based on the following statements, which is the correct conclusion drawn.
Only gentlemen can become members of the club. Many of the members of the club are officers. Some of the officers have been invited for dinner.
(a) All the members of the club have been invited for dinner
(b) Some of the officers are not gentlemen
(c) All gentlemen are members of the club
(d) Only gentlemen have been invited for dinner
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73. In a family there are husband, wife, two sons and two daughters. All the ladies were invited to a dinner. Both sons went out to play. Husband did not return from office. Who was at home?
(a) Only wife was at home
(b) All ladies were at home
(c) Only sons were at home
(d) Nobody was at home
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74. If A is the son of Q, Q and Y are sisters, Z is the mother of Y, P is the son of Z, then which of the following statements is correct?
(a) P is maternal uncle of A
(b) P and Y are sisters
(c) A and P are cousins
(d) None of the above
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75. There are 5 books A, B, C, D and E placed on a table. If a placed below E, C is placed above D, B is placed below A and D is placed above E, then which of the following books touches the surface of the table?
(a) C
(b) B
(c) A
(d) E
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