HPAS Pre Exam 2020 Paper I (General Studies) Official Answer Key | TheExamPillar
HPAS Preliminary Exam 2020 Paper I (General Studies) Answer Key

HPAS Pre Exam 2020 Paper I (General Studies) Official Answer Key

81. Which state topped the good governance index (GGI), launched by the Central Government on 25th December, 2019?
(a) Tamil Nadu
(b) Maharashtra
(c) Kerla
(d) Gujarat

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Answer – (A)

82. Which one of the following was not an Arya Samajist?
(a) Lala Hansraj
(b) Baba Ramchandra
(c) Bhai Parmanand
(d) Lala Lajpat Rai

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Answer – (B)

83. Which of the following organizations was the last to be established ?
(a) Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
(b) Hindu Maha Sabha
(c) Salyashodak Samaj
(d) Hindustan Republican Association

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Answer – (A)
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh – 1925
Hindu Maha Sabha – 1915
Salyashodak Samaj – 1873
Hindustan Republican Association – 1924

84. When was the ‘Vernacular Press Act’ passed?
(a) 1878
(b) 1881
(c) 1884
(d) 1887

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Answer – (A)

85. Which one of the following regions did the ‘Pabna’ Revolt (1873-76) take place ?
(a) Punjab
(b) Gujarat
(c) Bengal
(d) Malabar

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Answer – (C)

86. In which year was first session of the ‘Chamber of Princes’ held?
(a) 1858
(b) 1905
(c) 1921
(d) 1935

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Answer – (C)

87. Who presided over the Commission appointed on Famine Policy in 1880?
(a) James Lyall
(b) Richard Strachey
(c) Anthony MacDonnel
(d) John Lawrence

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Answer – (B)

88. Which one of the following attended the ‘Congress of Oppressed Nationalities’ at Brussels in 1927?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
(c) Dr.B.R. Ambedkar
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru

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Answer – (D)

89. What was ‘Ulgulan’?
(a) A Munda Revolt
(b) A Khasi Revolt
(c) A Bhil Revolt
(d) A Koya Revolt

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Answer – (A)

90. Which one of the following organizations was the last to be established?
(a) East India Association
(b) Madras Mahajan Sabha
(c) India Association
(d) Poona Sarvajanik Sabha

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Answer – (B)
East India Association – 1866
Madras Mahajan Sabha – 1884
India Association – 1876
Poona Sarvajanik Sabha -1870

91. When did the British Prime Minister declare in in the British Parliament that transfer of power to responsible Indian hands will be done by June, 1948 ?
(a) January 26, 1947
(b) February 20, 1947
(c) March 20, 1947
(d) January 20, 1947

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Answer – (B)

92. Which of the following works was written by ‘Sachindranath Sanyal’ to attract the youth to Revolutionary Nationalism?
(a) Bhavani Mandir
(b) Manifesto of Navjawan Sabha
(c) Philosophy of the Bomb
(d) Bandi Jivan

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Answer – (D)

93. Which one of the following is not a soil type in India?
(a) Arid
(b) Peat
(c) Laterite
(d) Choes

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Answer – (D)

94. Jalandhar doab is closely related to which of the following?
(a) Area between Ghaggar and Sutlej
(b) Area between Beas and Ravi
(c) Area between Ravi and Chenab
(d) Area between Beas and Sutlej

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Answer – (D)

95. Which of the following is the highest peak in Eastern Ghats?
(a) Madugula Konda
(b) Arma Konda
(c) Gali Konda
(d) Vagai Konda

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Answer – (B)

96. Khetri has rich deposits of:
(a) Mica
(b) Salt
(c) Copper
(d) Gypsum

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Answer – (C)

97. 49th parallel is associated with:
(a) Portugal and Spain
(b) Canada and USA
(c) Germany and Poland
(d) Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan

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Answer – (B)

98. Lena river of Russia empties in:
(a) Laptev Sea
(b) Lake Baikal
(c) Sea of Okhotsk
(d) Barents Sea

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Answer – (A)

99. Barren Falls are associated with which structural division of Australia?
(a) The Eastern Highlands
(b) The Western Plateau
(c) The Central Lowlands
(d) The Barkley Tableland

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Answer – (A)

100. Winnipeg in Canada is famous for:
(a) Fur trapping
(b) Softwood collection
(c) Saw Mills
(d) Newsprint

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Answer – (A)

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