HPAS Pre Exam 2020 Paper I (General Studies) Official Answer Key | TheExamPillar
HPAS Preliminary Exam 2020 Paper I (General Studies) Answer Key

HPAS Pre Exam 2020 Paper I (General Studies) Official Answer Key

41. What is name of the web-based software implemented by the department of Transport of Himachal Pradesh for issuing Driving License?
(a) Vahan
(b) Sarathi
(c) Sathi
(d) Sahyogi

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Answer – (B)

42. Name the Superintendent of Botanical Garden who set up ‘Delhi Tea Estate’ in 1852?
(a) Major Straut
(b) Dr. Jameson
(c) Alexander Couts
(d) Samuel Stokes

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Answer – (B)

43. After an intensive research and success of the project which of which district of H.P. is likely to emerge as pistachios bowl of the State?
(a) Lahaul Spiti
(b) Una
(c) Kangra
(d) Kinnaur

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Answer – (D)

44. Where is the first ‘Emu’ breeding farm of H.P. set up by multi level marketing company ‘Easy Way With’?
(a) Gandwal in Una
(b) Jeori in Shimla
(c) Paonta Sahib Sirmaur
(d) Jwali in Kangra

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Answer – (A)

45. Who amongst the following were the two wild life experts who were main force behind setting up Himachal’s first ‘Bird Ringing Station at Salropa?
(a) Col. Napier and Donald Macleed
(b) Henry Hardings and Hugh Gough
(c) Franscis Bunar and T. H. Walkar
(d) William Finch and Thomas Coryat

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Answer – (C)

46. Which of the following has been included in the 8 wonders of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)?’
(a) Bhimbetka caves
(b) Golden Temple
(c) Statue of Unity
(d) Amber Fort

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Answer – (C)

47. To which country India gifted a ‘Made in India’ patrol vessel named ‘KAAMIYAAB’?
(a) Sri Lanka
(b) Maldives
(c) South Africa
(d) Bangladesh

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Answer – (B)

48. Indian Air Force aircraft was decommissioned on December 27, 2019?
(a) MiG-27
(b) MiG-29
(c) Sukhoi-30
(d) MiG-21

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Answer – (A)

49. Which Tribal refugee community will now be given permission to settle in Tripura following the singing of historic agreement on January 16, 2020?
(a) Jayantia
(b) Bru-Reang
(c) Rengma-Bodo
(d) Deori-Garo

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Answer – (B)

50. What is the ranking of Indian Passport in Henley Passport Index 2020?
(a) 40
(b) 52
(c) 66
(d) 84

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Answer – (D)

51. Where is the headquarters of Global Tiger Forum (GTF)?
(a) Kathmandu
(b) New Delhi
(c) Dhaka
(d) Beijing

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Answer – (B)

52. What is ‘BOID QIT’, which was in the news recently?
(a) Biodiversity conservation techniques
(b) Digital monitoring of the borders
(c) DNA editing tool
(d) F-16 Missile equipment

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Answer – (B)

53. What is the status of House Sparrow in India as per the State of India’s Birds 2020 Report:
(a) Stable
(b) Uncertain
(c) Strong Decline
(d) Data not available

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Answer – (A)

54. India signed an agreement with which country to establish Addu Tourism?
(a) Maldives
(b) Bhutan
(c) Afghanistan
(d) Nepal

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Answer – (A)

55. What was India’s rank among 156 countries in the Global Happiness Index 2019?
(a) 140th
(b) 124th
(c) 132nd
(d) 137th

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Answer – (A)

56. Which State Government has launched ‘One family, one job’ scheme?
(a) Uttarakhand
(b) Sikkim
(c) Meghalaya
(d) Madhya Pradesh

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Answer – (B)

57. Which cities are called ‘Non-attainment’ cities in India?
(a) The cities where solid waste management system has not been implemented
(b) The cities that are not following water quality standards
(c) The cities which are not complying noise pollution norms
(d) Consistently showing poorer air quality than the National Ambient Air Quality Standards

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Answer – (D)

58. Which country topped the list of Global Diplomacy Index 2019 released by Sydney based Lowy institute?
(a) USA
(b) Russia
(c) France
(d) China

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Answer – (D)

59. Which country has criminalized offences related to match-fixing?
(a) Pakistan
(b) South Africa
(c) Bangladesh
(d) Sri Lanka

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Answer – (D)

60. ‘Bada Dashain’ is the festival celebrated in which country?
(a) India
(b) Nepal
(c) Myanmar
(d) Sri Lanka

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Answer – (B)


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