46. Select the word which means exactly the same to the word FUNNY.
(A) humorous
(B) excited
(C) rude
(D) jealous
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Note : Select the nearest meaning for the Idiom/Phrase for Questions No. 47 to 51.
47. We should guard against our green-eyed friends
(A) jealous
(B) handsome
(C) rich
(D) enthusiastic
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48. He had a hair-breadth escape from the accident
(A) narrow
(B) lucky
(C) easy
(D) quick
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49. All his efforts ended in smoke.
(A) got on fire
(B) burnt up
(C) appreciated
(D) come to nothing
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50. Ram decided to bury the hatchet.
(A) To keep a secret
(B) To fool
(C) To make peace
(D) To bury the wealth
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51. Gopal is different student. He is often all at sea.
(A) Completely confused
(B) Shocked
(C) In danger
(D) Intelligent
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52. Who said “English is our major window on the modern world”.
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Palmer
(C) Thompson and Wyatt
(D) Pandit Nehru
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53. William Shakespear was a great.
(A) Essay – Writer
(B) Dramatist
(C) Actor
(D) Poet
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54. I first met him ______ year ago.
(A) an
(B) a
(C) the
(D) of
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55. Where is the boy about ______ you were speaking ?
(A) whom
(B) whose
(C) who
(D) him
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56. He hanged himself ______ a piece of cloth.
(A) of
(B) by
(C) with
(D) at
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57. She writes slowly ______ neatly.
(A) if
(B) since
(C) that
(D) but
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58. Synonym of ‘Fishy’ is ______ .
(A) suspicious
(B) a fish
(C) aquatic
(D) whale
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59. Antonym of ‘Adore’ is ______.
(A) love
(B) dislike
(C) worship
(D) curse
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60. The word ‘Oasis’ means ______
(A) a brand name
(B) a shady fertile place in deserts
(C) an open secret
(D) a child whose parents are dead
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