HPTET Arts Exam Paper - 12 Dec 2020 (Answer Key)

Himachal Pradesh TET Arts Exam Paper – 12 Dec 2020 (Answer Key)

Directions : Question 41 to 43 : Fill up the blanks with suitable prepositions from the alternatives given under each sentence.

41. On seeing a robber he at once reached ______ his pistol in his pocket
(A) to
(B) for
(C) on
(D) at

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Answer – (A)

42. Most of the family members dissented ______ the suggestion he made.
(A) to
(B) from
(C) of
(D) after

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Answer – (B)

43. There is no limit ______ the wants of man.
(A) for
(B) to
(C) of
(D) at

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Answer – (B)

Directions : Question 44 to 47: Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words / sentences.

44. The practice of having many wives.
(A) Bigamy
(B) Calligraphy
(C) Polygamy
(D) Polyandry

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Answer – (C)

45. A person who abstains completely from alcoholic drinks.
(A) Teetotaler
(B) Derelict
(C) Subjunctive
(D) Incriminatory

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Answer – (A)

46. Soldiers who fight on horseback.
(A) Infantry
(B) Artillery
(C) Cavalry
(D) Armoured

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Answer – (C)

47. Property inherited from one’s father or ancestors.
(A) Alimony
(B) Patrimony
(C) Voluntary
(D) Armistice

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Answer – (B)

Directions : Question 48 to 50: In the following sentences a word/phrase is written in bold. For each bold part four words/phrases are listed below each sentence. Choose the word nearest in meaning to the bold part.

48. The collector has yet not relinquished his charge.
(A) Give up
(B) Abdicate
(C) Leave
(D) Renounce

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Answer – (D)

49. He is so garrulous that all sober people avoid his company.
(A) Quarrelsome
(B) Talkative
(C) Domineering
(D) Foolish

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Answer – (B)

50. Businessmen who lack acumen cannot be expected to be very successful.
(A) Smartness
(B) Sharpness
(C) Keenness
(D) Cleverness

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Answer – (B)

Directions: Question 51 to 53 : Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word given.

51. Cessation
(A) Commencement
(B) Renewal
(C) Ongoing
(D) Interruption

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Answer – (A)

52. Curb
(A) Help
(B) Allow
(C) Restrain
(D) Remove

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Answer – (B)

53. Spurious
(A) Genuine
(B) Authentic
(C) Real
(D) All of the above

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Answer – (D)

Directions : Question 54 to 55: Choose the correct alternative out of the four options to fill in the blank.

54. Some animals have unique ______ that allow them to survive in extreme weather conditions.
(A) characteristics
(B) problems
(C) feelings
(D) conditions

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Answer – (A)

55. Man is essentially a ______ animal and tends to associate with others.
(A) sentimental
(B) social
(C) selfish
(D) perverse

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Answer – (B)

Directions : Question 56 to 57: Fill in the blanks choosing the correct words from the given four options.

56. We should not adopt ______ means to achieve success.
(A) fowl
(B) foul
(C) foil
(D) fail

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Answer – (B)

57. The earth is not ______ it revolves.
(A) stationary
(B) stationery
(C) stationed
(D) None of the above

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Answer – (A)

Directions: Question 58 to 59 : Select the correct verb form.

58. They ______ to school by bus
(A) going
(B) goes
(C) to go
(D) go

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Answer – (D)

59. She has been ______ since morning.
(A) worked
(B) working
(C) works
(D) None of these

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Answer – (B)

Directions : Question 60: Identify the tense of the following sentence.

60. Sita has got the job.
(A) Present Indefinite
(B) Present continuous
(C) Present perfect continuous
(D) Present perfect

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Answer – (D)

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