CTET Dec 2019 Paper I Answer Key

CTET December 2019 – Paper – I (Language – II English) Official Answer Key

CBSE conducted the CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test) Exam Paper held on 08th December 2019 Morning Shift. Here The CTET Paper – I Part – V Language – II English Question Paper with Answer Key. CTET December 2019 Answer Key.

CTET (Central Teachers Eligibility Test)
Paper – I Primary Level (Class 1 to Class 5)

परीक्षा (Exam) – CTET Paper I Primary Level (Class I to V) 
भाग (Part) – Part – V (Language – II English)
परीक्षा आयोजक (Organized) – CBSE 
कुल प्रश्न (Number of Question) – 30
Paper Set – D
परीक्षा तिथि (
Exam Date) – 08th December 2019

CTET Exam December 2019 Paper – 1 (Primary Level)
Part – V (Language – II English)

Directions : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow (Q. No. 121 to 128) by choosing the correct/most appropriate options :

Freedom is one of the most important factors in life. Man has fought politically all over the world for freedom. Religions have promised freedom, not in this world but in another. In the capitalist countries, individual freedom exists to some degree, and in the communist world it has been denied. From ancient times, freedom has meant a great deal to man, and there have been its opponents, not only political but religious through Inquisition, by excommunication, tortures and banishments, and the total denial of man’s search for freedom. There have been wars and counter-wars fought for freedom. This has been the pattern of man’s endeavours for freedom throughout history.

Freedom of self-expression and freedom of speech and thought exist in some parts of the world, but in others it does not. Those who have been conditioned, revolt against their backgrounds. This reaction which takes different forms is called ‘freedom’. The reaction to politics is often to shun the field of politics.

One economic reaction is to form small communities based on some ideology or under the leadership of one person, but these soon disintegrate. The religious reaction against established organisations of belief is to revolt, either by joining other religious organisations or by following some guru or leader or by joining some cult. Or one denies the whole religious endeavour.

One thinks of freedom only as freedom of movement, either physical or movements of thought. It appears that one always seeks freedom on the surface. Surely, this is rather a limited freedom, involving a great deal of conflict, wars and violence.

Inner freedom is something entirely different. It has its roots not in the idea of freedom but in the reality of freedom. It covers all the endeavours of man. Without inner freedom life will always be an activity within the limited circle of time and conflict.

121. Which part of the following sentence contains an error ?
There is no doubt (a) / that hard work (b) / paves the way (c) to success (d).
(1) (c)
(2) (d)
(3) (a)
(4) (b)

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Answer – (2)

122. Which of the following statements is not true?
(1) Freedom helps man evolve morally and spiritually.
(2) Man can enjoy life only in an environment of freedom.
(3) Material progress cannot be achieved without freedom.
(4) Freedom is not one of the most important factors in life.

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Answer – (4)

123. Which methods do authorities not use to suppress people fighting for freedom ?
(1) Tortures
(2) Inquisition
(3) Excommunication
(4) Persuasion

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Answer – (4)

124. Reaction Reaction against established religion prompts people not to :
(1) join some cult.
(2) join other religious organisations.
(3) to start a new religion.
(4) follow some guru.

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Answer – (3)

125. Real freedom, according to author, is
(1) religious freedom.
(2) economic freedom.
(3) inner freedom.
(4) political freedom.

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Answer – (3)

126. Read the following sentences :
A. Individual freedom does not exist at all in capitalist countries.
B. People do not have individual freedom in communist countries.
(1) Both A and B are false.
(2) A is false, B is true.
(3) A is true, B is false.
(4) Both A and B are true.

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Answer – (2)

127. Which word is most similar in meaning to the word ‘endeavours’ as used in the passage ? (Para 1)
(1) challenges
(2) movements
(3) attempts
(4) actions

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Answer – (3)

128. Which word is the most opposite in meaning to the word, ‘shun’ as used in the passage ? (Para 2)
(1) rejoice
(2) prefer
(3) rehabilitate
(4) welcome

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Answer – (4)

Directions : Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow (Q. Nos. 129 to 135) by selecting the correct/most appropriate options.

Water is the core of life; hence water must be central to our spiritual thinking. Water is not only most of earth, but also most of life. Therefore water conservation must be our deepest concern.

The Himalayan mountain range is among the q highest, youngest and most fragile ecosystem of the planet. The Himalayas have given us some of the great river systems of the earth including the Indus, Ganga, Brahmaputra, Nu Salween, Yangtze and the Mekong. The Himalayas are also called the ‘Third Pole’, for they contain the largest mass of ice and snow outside the earth’s polar region, the north and south poles. There is a permanent snowline above 5,000 metres. Some of the glaciers in the region are the longest outside the two poles.

The Himalayas serve as water towers, providing water on a sustained basis to more than 1,000 million people and millions of hectares of land in South Asia. The greenery, benevolent climate, highly productive ecosystems, food production and overall happiness in South Asia are in fact, attributable to the bounty of the Himalayas. They are not only beautiful; they are life-givers. Little wonder that they are venerated as the abode of gods.

To keep the Third Pole preserved through assured conservation is one of the greatest challenges for the contemporary world. Himalayan mountains are a common but fragile natural resource. As mountain ecosystems have enormous bearing on the earth’s systems, their special care, regeneration and conservation of their pristine resources would only bring more happiness, peace and prosperity to large parts of the world. In Agenda 21, Chapter 13 of the United Nations, the importance of mountains is underlined : “mountain environments are essential to the survival of global ecosystems.”

The Himalayas in the state of Uttarakhand are especially rich in water resources. This area is home to dozens of perennial streams and numerous other rain-fed rivers along with innumerable rivulets, waterfalls and ponds, etc.

129. Which part of speech is the underlined word in the following sentence ?
The area is home to dozens of perennial streams.
(1) Pronoun
(2) Noun
(3) Adverb
(4) Adjective

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Answer – (4)

130. In the context of the passage which of the following is not true ?
Water should be central to our thinking because :

(1) It is the core of life.
(2) We cannot survive without water.
(3) It is a life-line for our farmers.
(4) It is considered holy by most religions.

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Answer – (4)

131. Which of the following has not been mentioned in the passage ?
(1) The Himalayas form the back bone of our tourism industry.
(2) The Himalayas provide us with highly productive eco-systems.
(3) The Himalayas provide water to more than 1000 million people.
(4) The Himalayas irrigate millions of hectares of land.

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Answer – (1)

132. Which of the following is false ?
(1) They have some of the longest glaciers.
(2) The Himalayan mountains are a fragile resource.
(3) Climate change has little effect on the Himalayas.
(4) They bring prosperity to large parts of the world.

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Answer – (3)

133. What is not so special about the Himalayas in the state of Uttarakhand ?
The Himalayan state has :
(1) numerous waterfalls and ponds.
(2) many perennial streams.
(3) huge mineral deposits.
(4) many rain fed rivers.

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Answer – (3)

134. Which one of the following words is most similar in meaning to the word, ‘bounty’?
(1) abundance
(2) generosity
(3) assets
(4) sympathy

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Answer – (2)

135. Which word is opposite in meaning to the word, ‘benevolent’?
(1) indecent
(2) malevolent
(3) rude
(4) untruthful

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Answer – (2)

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