UTET Exam 30 Sep 2022 Paper – II (Language II – English) (Official Answer Key) | TheExamPillar
UTET Exam 2022 (Answer Key)

UTET Exam 30 Sep 2022 Paper – II (Language II – English) (Official Answer Key)

Direction (Q. No. 76 to 79): Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow, by selecting the most appropriate option –

We, who live in the present-day world, are proud to call ourselves civilized. It is because we live and dress better than our forefathers. Of course, we have the advantages of the inventions of modern science which our ancestors had never known. But let’s search our hearts and ask ourselves, “Has science solved our problems?” Frankly speaking, the answer is, “No”. In fact, science has added to our worries. Perhaps, now we can kill more easily and swiftly than ever before. And then, we have not given up the old habit of fighting. That is why we have wars after a decade or two. If we wish to be really civilized, let’s learn to live in peace. Let’s achieve brotherhood of man.

76. Why do we call ourselves civilized?
(A) because we have better formal education.
(B) because we have advanced means of communication.
(C) because we feel that we live and wear better clothes than our La forefathers.
(D) because we have all modern facilities to enjoy life.

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Answer – (C)

77. A man can truly become civilized
(A) By winning wars against our enemy countries.
(B) By teaching our students as how to fight their enemies.
(C). By reducing the armed force personnel.
(D) By giving up the old habit of fighting to restore peace in life.

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Answer – (D)

78. Give correct synonym to the word ‘Ancestors’ –
(A) frontrunners
(B) people living in our neighbourhood
(C) forefathers
(D) aboriginals

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Answer – (C)

79. Why does the author say “Now we can kill more easily and swiftly than even before”.
(A) because science has invented advanced lethal weapons.
(B) because science has invented advanced satellites.
(C) because we have given up the habit of fighting each other.
(D) because we have better medical facilities.

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Answer – (A)

80. Taxonomy of educational objectives is related to
(A) Cognitive domain
(B) Affective domain
(C) Psychomotor domain
(D) All of the above

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Answer – (D)

81. The structural approach co-relates
(A) Grammar and skills
(B) Grammar and composition
(C) Grammar and poetry
(D) None of the above

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Answer – (B)

82. National Education Policy 2020 has recommended to give the exposure of other languages to the students from
(A) early childhood education
(B) grade Ist
(C) grade/class 3rd
(D) grade/class 6th

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Answer – (C)

83. The listening is the function of –
(A) visual sense
(B) lingual sense
(C) audio sense
(D) reasoning competency

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Answer – (C)

84. Teaching aids are used for –
(A) making lesson interesting.
(B) effective presentation.
(C) making students involved in learning.
(D) All of the above

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Answer – (D)

85. What should be the order for the process of remedial teaching
1. Collecting and preparing the support materials
2. Adapting the curriculum
3. Choosing the appropriate teaching strategies
4. Organizing teaching materials
5. Setting teaching objectives
(A) 5, 2, 4, 3, 1
(B) 5, 3, 4, 1, 2
(C) 3, 5, 4, 2, 1
(D) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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Answer – (A)

Direction (Q.No. 86-87): Read the following sentences to find whether there is any error in any part of it –

(A) He acted not /
(B) as per my advice /
(C) but somebody else. /
(D) no error

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Answer – (C)

(A) I liked that opportune moment/
(B) where the workers proved themselves/
(C) and came out victorious. /
(D) no error

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Answer – (B)

Direction (Q. No. 88) : Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence given below –

88. Please tell me
(A) where is the bus stop.
(B) where stops the bus.
(C) where the bus stop be.
(D) where the bus stop is.

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Answer – (D)

89. Name the adjective in the underlined part of the following sentence –
Those rascals must be punished.
(A) Demonstrative adjective
(B) Emphasizing adjective
(C) Exclamatory adjective
(D) Distributive adjective

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Answer – (A)

Direction (Q. No. 90): Choose the word which has most nearly the same meaning as the word given in a capital letters –

(A) a summary
(B) to reveal
(C) a report of the work done
(D) a review

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Answer – (A)


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