UTET Exam 06 Nov 2019 Paper – 1 (Language II – English) (Official Answer Key) | TheExamPillar
UTET Paper I 2019 Answer Key

UTET Exam 06 Nov 2019 Paper – 1 (Language II – English) (Official Answer Key)

76. A person who hates mankind is _____
(A) Misanthrope
(B) Mercenary
(C) Honorary
(D) misogynist

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Answer – (A)

77. Which of these cannot be termed as a language skill?
(A) Reading
(B) Writing
(C) Speaking
(D) Thinking

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Answer – (D)

78. While teaching a language a student should be treated as which of the following?
(A) A model
(B) A subject
(C) A guinea pig
(D) A different individual

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Answer – (D)

79. A phoneme is a :
(A) technique to improve pronunciation
(B) single sound unit
(C) sound pattern
(D) lexical item

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Answer – (B)

80. When languages are learnt without any practice it is called as :
(A) learning
(B) first language
(C) skimming
(D) erudition

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Answer – (B)

81. A reading activity where students focus on phonemic sounds, pronunciation and intonation can be used to assess
(A) analysis
(B) literary appreciation
(C) reading accuracy
(D) inference

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Answer – (C)

82. Problems of spelling errors of the students can be easily solved through:
(A) dictionary
(B) text books
(C) dictation
(D) teaching aids

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Answer – (C)

Direction (Q. No. 83 to 86) : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option.

Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance. It is fitting that at this solemn moment we take the pledge of dedication to the service of India and her people and to the still larger cause of humanity.

At the dawn of history India started on her unending quest, and trackless centuries are filled with her striving and the grandeur of her success and her failures. Through good and ill fortune alike she never lost sight of that quest or forgotten the ideals which gave her strength. We end today a period of ill fortune and India discovers herself again. The achievement we celebrate today is but a step, an opening of opportunity to greater triumphs and achievements that await us. Are we brave enough and wise enough to grasp this opportunity and accept the challenge of the future? Freedom and power brings responsibility. That responsibility rests upon this Assembly, a sovereign body representing the sovereign people of India.

83. When the world sleeps, what will India awake to?
(A) life and freedom
(B) new morning
(C) democracy
(D) none of the above

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Answer – (A)

84. The expression ‘Tryst with destiny’ means:
(A) to make a secret deal with something that is destined for us.
(B) to compromise with something
(C) to wait for something
(D) usual practices and religious rites.

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Answer – (A)

85. Out of the following which one has the opposite meaning to the word ‘suppressed’ in the passage
(A) Subdue
(B) Crush
(C) Incite
(D) Conquer

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Answer – (C)

86. According to the writer what pledge should be taken by the people of India at this solemn moment?
(A) that they will celebrate it with grand fervour
(B) that they will work for foreigners
(C) that they will work for the larger bolso cause of humanity
(D) None of the above 95

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Answer – (C)

Direction (Q. NO. 87 to 90): Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option.

As heart disease continues to be the number one kiiler in the United States, researchers have become increasingly interested in identifying the potential risk factors that trigger heart attacks. High fat diets and life in the fastiane have long been known to contribute to the high incidence of heart failure. But according to new studies, the list of risk factors may be significantly longer and quite surprising.

Heart failure appears to have seasonal and temporal patterns. A higher percentage of heart attack occurs in cold weather and more people experience heart failure on Monday than on any other day of the week. In addition, people are more susceptible to heart attacks in the first few hours after waking. Cardiologists first observed this morning phenomenon in mid 1980 and have since discovered a number of possible causes. An early morning rise in blood pressure, heart rate and concentration of heart stimulating hormones, plus a reduction of blood flow to the heart, may all contribute to the incidents of heart attacks between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.

87. What does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) Cardiology
(B) Diet and stress
(C) Seasonal and temporal patterns of heart attacks
(D) None of the above

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Answer – (C)

88. The word ‘potential’ could best be replaced by which of the following?
(A) Harmful
(B) Hateful
(C) Possible
(D) Unknown

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Answer – (C)

89. According to the passage, which of the following is not a possible cause of many heart attacks?
(A) Decreased blood flow to heart
(B) Increased blood pressure
(C) Lower heart rate
(D) Increase in hormones

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Answer – (C)

90. Pick out the word from the passage, which means, ‘very likely to be influenced or affected’.
(A) triggered
(B) stimulating
(C) susceptible
(D) temporal

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Answer – (C)


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