UPTET 2018 Exam Paper English Language

UPTET Exam Paper 2018 – English Language (Answer Key)

16. Which of the following sentences has a ‘conjunction’?
(1) She is poor but she is by nature hospitable.
(2) She is awfully busy.
(3) I am nobody for you.
(4) My grandfather is not well.

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17. Point out the sentence which is in present perfect tense.
(1) Your sister visited us yesterday.
(2) I shall go to Jaunpur tomorrow.
(3) She is very intelligent.
(4) I have finished my work.

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18. Which of the following is a misspelt word?
(1) Derogatary
(2) Desiccation
(3) Descendant
(4) Dermatitis

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19. Which of the following sentences has transitive verb?
(1) She writes well.
(2) She walks in the morning daily.
(3) He is running very fast.
(4) I killed a snake last night.

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Answer – (4)

20. Which of the following sentences is negative?
(1) He does not listen to me.
(2) I come from a rich family.
(3) You can do all this in no time.
(4) They are very gentle people.

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Answer – (1)

21. Which of the following sentences is exclamatory?
(1) Which is your favorite book.
(2) What a piece of work is man.
(3) What do you know about ancient India.
(4) His cruelty knew no bounds.

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Answer – (2)

22. Point out the complex sentence.
(1) She does not sing.
(2) They are very wise people.
(3) You know me well.
(4) One who does not love one’s country is a wretched person.

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Answer – (4)

23. Which of the following words is ‘plural’?
(1) Goat
(2) Dog
(3) Fox
(4) Mice

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24. Which of the following words is regarded as singular?
(1) Cats
(2) Dogs
(3) Mathematics
(4) Cars

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Answer – (3)

25. Which of the following sentences is in active voice?
(1) I requested him to come in time.
(2) He was asked to keep quiet.
(3) A house was bought for fifty lacs.
(4) He was hit badly.

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Answer – (1)

26. Which of the following sentences is in passive voice?
(1) He was assisted by a group of students.
(2) Please mind your business.
(3) I kept throughout the meeting.
(4) They came late and lost the match.

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Answer – (1)

27. “That is the man the police was seeking.”
In the above sentence, what is the status of the two the’s?
(1) Conjunction
(2) Verb
(3) Noun
(4) Definite article

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Answer – (4)

28. “These students are most disobedient.”
In the above sentence, point out the gender of the word ‘students’.
(1) Masculine gender
(2) Feminine gender
(3) Common gender
(4) None of the above

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Answer – (3)

29. In the sentence ‘He was going along the road’, point out the tense.
(1) Past continuous
(2) Present perfect
(3) Past perfect
(4) Future indefinite

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30. Language learning starts from
(1) listening
(2) writing
(3) reading
(4) speaking

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