UPTET Exam 2017 Paper – I Answer Key

UPTET Exam 2017 Paper – I – English (Language – II) (Official Answer Key)

Directions : Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions (Question Nos. 76 to 80) that follow by selecting the most appropriate option.

The first thing which a scholar should bear in mind is that a book ought not to be read for mere amusement, Half-educated persons read for amusement, and are not to be blamed for it; they are incapable of appreciating the deeper qualities that belong to a really great literature. But a young man who has passed through a course of University training should discipline himself at an early day never to read for mere amusement. And once the habit of discipline has been formed, he will find it impossible to read for mere amusement. He will then impatiently throw down any book from which he cannot obtain intellectual food, any book which does not make an appeal to the higher emotions and to his intellect. But on the other, the habit of reading for amusement becomes with thousands of people exactly the same kind of habit as wine-drinking or opium-smoking; it is like a narcotic, something that helps to pass the time, something that keeps up a perpetual condition of dreaming, something that eventually results in destroying all capacity for thought, giving exercise only to the surface parts of the mind and leaving the deeper springs of feelings and the higher faculties of perception unemployed.

76. The writer believes that half-educated persons are not able to
(1) enjoy wine-drinking
(2) enjoy dreaming
(3) think properly
(4) appreciate hidden qualities of admirable literature

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Answer – (4)

77. The word ‘narcotic’ in the passage means
(1) great literature
(2) intoxicant
(3) cheap books
(4) intellectual exercise

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Answer – (2)

78. The phrase ‘the higher faculties’ in the passage means:
(1) different department in the University
(2) different ways of enjoying things
(3) mental powers of a high order for understanding great literature
(4) superficial part of the mind

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Answer – (3)

79. The word ‘eventually in the passage means
(1) after some time
(2) at last
(3) never
(4) initially

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Answer – (2)

80. The word unemployed in the passage means
(1) jobless
(2) in search of employment
(3) not working
(4) unused

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Answer – (1)

81. Which of the following is a correct expression?
(1) As cheerful as a lark
(2) As busy as a bat
(3) As cunning as a dog
(4) As happy as a donkey

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Answer – (2)

82. The sentence, “This is the house in which I was born”, is
(1) a simple sentence
(2) a compound sentence
(3) a complex sentence
(4) a compound-complex sentence

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Answer – (3)

83. Which of the following words is a preposition?
(1) Beyond
(2) And
(3) Yet
(4) Now

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Answer – (1)

84. Which of the following words is an adverb?
(1) Apace
(2) Face
(3) Meek
(4) Fury

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Answer – (4)

85. Join the following sentences to make a simple sentence :
The coffee isn’t too strong. It won’t keep us awake.
(1) The coffee isn’t too strong to keep us awake.
(2) The coffee isn’t too strong and will not keep us awake.
(3) The coffee isn’t too strong so it won’t keep us awake.
(4). The coffee isn’t too strong so as to keep us awake.

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Answer – (3)

86. Fill in the blank with suitable pronoun:
My son and my daughter are very fond of ______.
(1) herself
(2) each other
(3) themselves
(4) himself

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Answer – (1)

87. Give one word for ‘one who hates mankind’.
(1) Nazist
(2) Fascist
(3) Misanthrope
(4) Sadist

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Answer – (1)

88. Transform the following sentence into a simple sentence ending with ‘book’:
Let the book be given.
(1) Give me the book.
(2) Give the book.
(3) Please transfer the book.
(4) Can you give the book?

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Answer – (2)

89. Transform the following sentence into a direct sentence :
I asked Sheela if I might know her father.
(1) I said to Sheela, “May I know your father?”
(2) I told Sheela, “May I know your father?”
(3) I asked Sheela, “Can I know your father?”
(4) I questioned Sheela, “Will I know is your father?”

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Answer – (2)

90. Fill in the blank to complete the following sentence :
The Ministers are responsible the Chief Minister of their State for their work.
(1) for
(2) too
(3) of
(4) towards

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Answer – (2)

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