61. निम्न अनुक्रम 6, 11, 18, 27, 38,…………, 66 में लुप्त संख्या है:
A. 41
B. 49
C. 51
D. 59
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62. यदि a = √0.25, b = 0.25, c = (0.25)2 तथा d = 0.05, तब
A. a < b < c < d
B. b < c < d < a
C. d < c < b < a
D. उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं
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63. निम्नांकित दी गए भुजाओं के साथ कौन सा △abc संभव नहीं है ?
A. a = 6, b = 7, c = 9
B. a = √6, b = √7, c = √9
C. a = 62, b =72, c = 92
D. a = 63, b =73, c = 93
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64. यदि ax = b तथा by = a, तो xy = ?
A. 1
B. -2
C. -1
D. 2
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65. खाली स्थान भरें :
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 14
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66. यदि n को 7 से विभाजित किया जाय तो शेषफल 4 आता है। यदि 3n + 1 को 7 से विभाजित किया जाय तो शेषफल होगा :
A. 0
B. 3
C. 5
D. 6
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67. एक वस्तु रु 65 में बेचने पर दुकानदार को 30%का लाभ 10% लाभ पर बेचने पर उस वस्तु का विक्रय मूल्य क्या होगा?
A. ₹42
B. ₹45.5
C. ₹50
D. ₹55
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68. किसी बाह्य बिन्दु P से PA और PB, O केन्द्र के वृत्त पर स्पर्श रेखायें खींची गयी हैं। यदि वृत्त के E बिन्दु पर CD स्पर्श रेखा हो तथा PB=16cms, AC=7cms, CD = 12cms हो, तो ∆PCD का परिमाप है :
A. 32 cms
B. 31 cms
C. 35 cms
D. उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं
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69. एक परीक्षा में 35% छात्र पास हुए और 455 छात्र फेल हुए, तो परीक्षा में कितने छात्र बैठे थे ?
A. 490
B. 700
C. 845
D. 1300
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70. दो त्रिभुजों के क्षेत्रफलों का अनुपात 4 : 3 है तथा इनकी ऊँचाइयों का अनुपात 3 : 4 है, तो इनके आधार की लम्बाई का अनुपात है :
A. 7 : 16
B. 16 : 9
C. 9 : 16
D. 9 : 8
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71. निम्नलिखित अंकों के वितरण में माध्य क्या है?
x : 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
f : 2 4 2 3 5 4 3 7
A. 10
B. 7
C. 7.1
D. 6.5
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72. दिए गये प्रदत्तों का बहुलक है ।
5, 7, 9, 3, 7, 3, 7, 5, 7
A. 1
B. 3
C. 7
D. 9
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73. यदि 4800 का 16.5% = x का 3/4 है, तो x का मान है:
A. 1156
B. 1056
C. 1456
D. 956
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74. निम्नलिखित विकल्पों में से सही उत्तर का चयन करके खाली स्थान भरें :
A .1
B. 3
C. 2
D. 0
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Instruction for Question No. 75 – 79 :
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions, choose the correct answer from the alternative based only on the passage given:
The great drawback of our education system is that the entire focus is on making young children a storehouse of information. They are given a load of book to carry on their backs and cram the information stored in them. There is no emphasis on creativity and personality development. They are not taught how they can be noble souls like Gandhiji, Rabindranath Tagore, C.V. Raman, Satyendra Nath Bose, Swami Vivekanand and other Indian greats. They are taught the lessons of material gain. They are coaxed to study engineering. Madiicine and business management and own a big house, a luxurious car and a heavy bank balance.
75. What is the main focus of our education system ?
A. making young children smart.
B. making young children storehouse of information.
C. making young children brilliant.
D. making young children literate.
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76. What are the lessons which young children are being taught ?
A. Lessons of material gain
B. Lessons of nobility
C. Lessons of science and history
D. Lessons of engineering and medicine.
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77. The idiom ‘bag and baggage’ means
A. with all belongings
B. with all members
C. with all the money
D. with all the instruments
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78. What tasks are given to young children ?
A. doing difficult home work.
B. taking excellent care of their clothes and shoes.
C. paying attention to computers and tablets.
D. carrying heavy load of books and cramming the informations given in them.
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79. Which basic element of education is ignored ?
A. practical aspect of life.
B. moral aspect of life.
C. creativity and personality development.
D. mutual help and lessons of social service :
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80. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word from the alternatives given below the sentence :
His_________was inscribed on a slab of pure, white marble.
A. epilogue
B. epigraph
C. epigram
D. epitaph
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