41. In which year was The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy, first published ?
(a) 1997
(b) 1998
(c) 2000
(d) 2001
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42. Which was the first short story written by Ernest Hemingway ?
(a) Up in Michigan
(b) Indian Camp
(c) The End of Something
(d) The Battler
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43. Angry River is written by
(a) Hemingway
(b) Karnard
(c) Ruskin Bond
(d) Mahesh Dattani
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44. In which year was Guy de Maupassant born ?
(a) 1840
(b) 1845
(c) 1852
(d) 1850
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45. Velutha is a prominent character in the novel of
(a) Hemingway
(b) Ruskin Bond
(c) Arundhati Roy
(d) Shashi Deshpande
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46. Which among the following novels is not a work by Shashi Deshpande ?
(a) Small Remedies
(b) That Long Silence
(c) Roots and Shadows
(d) Nectar in a Sieve
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47. Santiago is a character described by
(a) O’Henry
(b) Hemingway
(c) Ruskin Bond
(d) None of these
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48. The first printing press was introduced by
(a) Caxton
(b) Milton
(c) Bacon
(d) Shakespeare
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49. Who is associated with theory of Deconstruction ?
(a) Maud Badkin
(b) Gayatri C. Spivak
(c) Allen Tate
(d) Jacques Derrida
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50. In which year was the ‘Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood’ established ?
(a) 1845
(b) 1846
(c) 1848
(d) 1849
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51. In which century did the Renaissance begin in Italy ?
(a) 13th Century
(b) 14th Century
(c) 15th Century
(d) 16th Century
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52. Who wrote the novel The Voyage Out ?
(a) Virginia Woolf
(b) E.M. Forster
(c) Harold Pinter
(d) Amitav Ghosh
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53. “A form of verse adopted for singing or recitation, which presents a dramatic or exciting episode in simple narrative form” is called
(a) Ode
(b) Ballad
(c) Epic
(d) Elegy
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54. Heroic couplet consists :
(a) A line of verse consisting seven feet
(b) A stanza of seven lines
(c) A verse line with seven syllables
(d) Iambic pentameter lines rhymed in pairs
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55. Who pioneered heroic couplet in English ?
(a) Geoffrey Chaucer
(b) William Langland
(c) John Dryden
(d) John Milton
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56. Who has written the following lines ?
“Tis more to guide than spur the Muse’s steed;
Restrain his fury, than provoke his speed;
The winged courser, like a gen’rous horse,
Shows most true mettle when you check his course.”
(a) Chaucer
(b) Donne
(c) Pope
(d) Wordsworth
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57. Shashi Deshpande won Sahitya Akademy Award for her novel :
(a) A Matter of Time
(b) Roots and Shadows
(c) That Long Silence
(d) The Bending Vine
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58. The term ‘ecological imperialism’ was coined by
(a) Vandana Shiva
(b) Laurence Buell
(c) Paulo Freire
(d) Alfred Crosby
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59. The book Science and Poetry is written by
(a) T.S. Eliot
(b) I.A. Richards
(c) Thomas Hardy
(d) Charles Darwin
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60. The World My Wilderness, a novel by Rose Macaulay is categorised as
(a) Post-War novel
(b) Gothic novel
(c) Victorian novel
(d) Wessex novel
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