The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary

The Hindu Editorial (Women in red: On an optimum menstrual hygiene policy) Vocab – 10 Nov, 2023

Welcome to “The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary,” your trusted source for enhancing your linguistic prowess. In our concise yet insightful articles, we break down the complex terminology and phrases found in “The Hindu” editorials, empowering you to understand, apply, and integrate these words into your daily communication. Today we will discuss about the The Hindu Editorial (Women in red: On an optimum menstrual hygiene policy) of 10th November 2023. 

Only in an ‘unseeing’ world would the judiciary need to set the government a deadline to do the obvious. The Supreme Court of India gave the Centre four weeks to finalise an optimum menstrual hygiene policy with focus on the distribution of sanitary napkins.

Read This Article: – (Women in red: On an optimum menstrual hygiene policy)

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Daily Vocabulary : The Hindu Editorial (Women in red: On an optimum menstrual hygiene policy) – November 10, 2023

Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Women in red: On an optimum menstrual hygiene policy) – November 10, 2023.

Optimum (adjective) –  श्रेष्ठ, उच्चतम, सर्वोत्तम
Meaning –
 Describing the most efficient or beneficial level of something.
Synonyms –
 Most efficient, most favorable, best, ideal.
Antonyms –
Inefficient, suboptimal, less than ideal.
Sentence –
 The athlete adjusted his training regimen to achieve optimum performance during the competition.

Menstrual (adjective) – मासिक, स्रियों का मासिक धर्म
Meaning –
 Relating to or associated with menstruation, the monthly discharge of blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus in females.
Synonyms –
 Monthly, menstrual, period-related, menses.
Sentence –
 Women experience menstrual cycles as a natural part of their reproductive health.

Hygiene (noun) – स्वच्छता
Meaning –
 Conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.
Synonyms –
 Cleanliness, sanitation, health practices, healthiness, cleanliness standards.
Antonyms –
Unhygienic conditions, filthiness, unsanitary conditions.
Sentence –
 Good personal hygiene, such as regular handwashing, is essential for preventing the spread of infections.

Unseeing (adjective) – अंधा, दृष्टिहीन
Meaning –
 Not perceiving or understanding, oblivious.
Synonyms –
 Unaware, ignorant, oblivious, heedless, unconscious.
Antonyms –
Aware, conscious, perceptive, observant.
Sentence –
 He walked through the crowd unseeing, lost in his thoughts.

Obvious (adjective) – ज़ाहिर, स्वभावी
Meaning –
 Easily perceived or understood; clear, evident, or apparent.
Synonyms –
 Clear, apparent, evident, plain, unmistakable, manifest, transparent, self-evident, noticeable, palpable, glaring.
Antonyms –
Hidden, obscure, ambiguous, unclear, uncertain, vague, elusive, concealed.
Sentence –
 The solution to the problem was obvious once the correct information was available.

Distribution (noun) वितरण, बाँटना, प्रसार, वितारण
Meaning –
 The action or process of sharing, delivering, or supplying goods to various locations or recipients.
Synonyms –
 Dissemination, allocation, apportionment, dispersion, circulation.
Antonyms –
Collection, concentration, hoarding.
Sentence –
 The distribution of relief supplies to the affected areas was efficiently coordinated.

Sanitary (adjective) – स्वास्थ्य या हाथ-मुँह धोने संबंधित, सफाई से संबंधित
Meaning –
 Related to health or conditions promoting health; pertaining to cleanliness and hygiene.
Synonyms –
 Hygienic, clean, healthful, wholesome, sterile, disinfected.
Antonyms –
Unsanitary, unclean, dirty, unhealthy.
Sentence –
 It is essential to maintain sanitary conditions in the kitchen to prevent foodborne illnesses.

Aided (noun) – सहारा देना, सहयोग करना, समर्थन करना
Meaning –
 To provide assistance, support, or help.
Synonyms –
 Assist, support, help, lend a hand, back, facilitate, encourage.
Antonyms –
Hinder, obstruct, impede, hinder, discourage, thwart.
Sentence –
 The local community aided the flood victims by providing food and shelter.

Residential (adjective) – आवासीय, निवासी
Meaning –
 Relating to or suitable for residence.
Synonyms –
 Domestic, domiciliary, habitation, living, home.
Antonyms –
Commercial, industrial, non-residential.
Sentence –
 The area has a mix of commercial and residential buildings.

Demographic (adjective) – जनसांख्यिकीय, लोगतात्त्विक
Meaning –
 Relating to the structure of populations or specific groups within a population, especially with regard to age, gender, income, education, etc.
Synonyms –
 Population-related, statistical, census, sociological.
Antonyms –
Non-population, non-statistical.
Sentence –
 The company conducted a demographic study to understand the age and income distribution of its target market.

Substantial (adjective) – संतोषजनक, महत्त्वपूर्ण
Meaning –
 Of considerable importance, size, or worth.
Synonyms –
 Significant, considerable, important, sizable, considerable, substantial.
Antonyms –
Insignificant, trivial, minor.
Sentence –
 The company experienced substantial growth in its profits over the last year.

Advancements (noun) –  प्रगति, उन्नति, विकास
Meaning –
 The process of making progress, moving forward, or improving.
Synonyms –
 Progress, development, improvement, progress, growth, evolution, enhancement.
Antonyms –
Stagnation, regression, decline, setback.
Sentence –
 The advancements in medical technology have greatly improved patient care.

Urbanisation (noun) – शहरीकरण, नगरीकरण
Meaning –
 The process of population concentration into urban areas, often accompanied by the transformation of rural areas into urban ones. It involves the growth and expansion of cities and towns.
Synonyms –
urban development, city growth, metropolitanisation.
Antonyms –
Ruralisation, deurbanisation, countryside development.
Sentence –
 The rapid urbanisation of the region led to increased demand for infrastructure and services.

Affordability (noun) – सामर्थ्य, मुआवजेदारी
Meaning –
 The quality of being affordable, meaning that something is reasonably priced or within one’s financial means.
Synonyms –
 Cost-effectiveness, inexpensiveness, reasonableness, budget-friendliness, economic feasibility.
Antonyms –
Expensiveness, unaffordability, high cost, extravagance.
Sentence –
 The government is working on policies to improve the affordability of healthcare services for the general public.

Hurdles (noun) कठिनाईयाँ, अड़चनें
Meaning –
 Obstacles or difficulties that need to be overcome, often in the pursuit of a goal.
Synonyms –
 Obstacles, challenges, difficulties, barriers, impediments, setbacks.
Antonyms –
Facilitators, aids, assistance, support.
Sentence –
 Despite facing numerous hurdles, she persevered and achieved her career goals.

Swathe (noun) – बंधना, लपेटना
Meaning –
 To wrap or bind with layers of fabric or other material.
Synonyms –
 Wrap, bind, envelop, encase, cover, drape.
Antonyms –
Uncover, unwrap, release.
Sentence –
 The artist swathed the statue in a cloth to protect it during transportation.

Evidence (noun) साक्षात्कार, प्रमाण, सबूत
Meaning –
 The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
Synonyms –
 Proof, confirmation, verification, validation, attestation.
Antonyms –
Disproof, contradiction, refutation.
Sentence –
 The fingerprints on the weapon were crucial evidence in solving the crime.

Apodictic (adjective) – स्पष्ट, निर्विवाद
Meaning –
 Clearly established or beyond dispute; self-evident.
Synonyms –
 Undeniable, indisputable, unquestionable, incontrovertible, certain.
Antonyms –
Controversial, debatable, disputable, questionable.
Sentence –
 The mathematical theorem was presented in an apodictic manner, leaving no room for doubt.

Revealed (verb) प्रकट किया गया, खुलासा किया गया
Meaning –
 Made known or disclosed something that was previously hidden, secret, or unknown.
Synonyms –
 Disclosed, uncovered, unveiled, exposed, displayed, demonstrated.
Antonyms –
Concealed, hidden, covered, secret.
Sentence –
 The investigation revealed new evidence that changed the course of the trial.

Irrefutable (adjective) – अखंडित, निर्वादी
Meaning –
 Impossible to deny or disprove; indisputable, beyond argument.
Synonyms –
Incontestable, undeniable, indisputable, incontrovertible, unassailable
Antonyms –
 Contestable, disputable, doubtful, questionable, debatable
Sentence –
 The evidence presented in court was so strong and compelling that it was irrefutable, leaving no room for doubt.

Stigma (noun) कलंक, अपमान
Meaning –
 A mark of disgrace or infamy; a stain or reproach on one’s reputation.
Synonyms –
 Disgrace, shame, dishonor, reproach, blemish, blot.
Antonyms –
Honor, respect, approval, commendation.
Sentence –
 The unjust accusation left a lasting stigma on his professional reputation.

Patchy (adjective) – विचित्र, असमग्र
Meaning –
 Not consistent or uniform; characterised by irregular or uneven quality.
Synonyms –
 Irregular, uneven, inconsistent, sporadic, fragmented, scattered.
Antonyms –
Consistent, uniform, even, regular.
Sentence –
 The weather forecast predicted patchy rain throughout the day.

Reeks (noun) दुर्गंध, बदबू, गंध
Meaning –
 A strong, unpleasant odor or smell, especially one that is lingering or offensive.
Synonyms –
 Stench, odor, smell, aroma, foulness, funk, fragrance.
Antonyms –
Fragrance, aroma, perfume.
Sentence –
 The garbage bin emitted a reek that could be smelled from a considerable distance.

Crucial (adjective) महत्वपूर्ण, निर्णायक, अनिवार्य
Meaning –
 Extremely important or necessary, often at a critical point.
Synonyms –
 Critical, vital, essential, important, pivotal, decisive, significant.
Antonyms –
Insignificant, unimportant, trivial, minor, inconsequential.
– The negotiations reached a crucial stage where key decisions had to be made.

Cater (verb) – पूर्ण करना, आहार प्रदान करना
Meaning –
 To provide food and service, typically for an event or gathering.
Synonyms –
 Provide, supply, furnish, offer, serve.
Antonyms –
Withhold, deprive, refuse.
– The catering company was hired to cater the wedding reception.

Sequelae (noun) – अगली कड़ी, अनुवर्तन
Meaning –
 The aftereffects or consequences of a disease, injury, or medical treatment, especially when persisting after the acute phase has resolved.
Synonyms –
 Consequences, aftermath, repercussions, effects, outcomes, results.
Antonyms –
Preceding conditions, antecedents, causes.
Sentence –
 The patient experienced neurological sequelae following the head injury.

Cognise (verb) – जानना, पहचानना, सचेत होना
Meaning –
 To become aware of something; to perceive or recognise.
Synonyms –
 Perceive, recognize, realize, understand, discern.
Antonyms –
Ignore, overlook, neglect.
Sentence –
 The witness was able to cognize the suspect’s face and provided a detailed description to the police.



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Daily The Hindu Vocabulary 


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