The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary

The Hindu Editorial (Defection business: On party-hopping as a feature of Indian politics) Vocab – 07 Nov, 2023

Welcome to “The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary,” your trusted source for enhancing your linguistic prowess. In our concise yet insightful articles, we break down the complex terminology and phrases found in “The Hindu” editorials, empowering you to understand, apply, and integrate these words into your daily communication. Today we will discuss about the The Hindu Editorial (Defection business: On party-hopping as a feature of Indian politics) of 7th November 2023. 

Even as party campaigns are in full swing and candidates are announced in poll-bound Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Rajasthan and Telangana, one development that seems to be common to these elections and those held recently is the last minute defection of leaders from one party to another.

Read This Article: – (Defection business: On party-hopping as a feature of Indian politics)

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu”.

Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Defection business: On party-hopping as a feature of Indian politics) – November 07, 2023.

Daily Vocabulary : The Hindu Editorial (Defection business: On party-hopping as a feature of Indian politics) – November 07, 2023


Defection (noun) – भंग, पक्ष छोड़ना
Meaning –
A formal disassociation or withdrawal from a political party or organization.
Synonyms – 
Dissociation, separation, withdrawal, departure, resignation.
Antonyms –
Association, joining, adherence, commitment.

Sentence – The defection of several key members from the ruling party weakened its political position.

Seems (verb) – लगता है, प्रतीत होता है
Meaning – “
Seems” is the third person singular form of the verb seem”. It is used to indicate that something appears to be a certain way or gives a particular impression, often based on one’s perception or observation.
Synonyms –
 Appears, looks, appears to be, gives the impression of, gives the appearance of.
Antonyms –
Disappears, vanishes, is not evident, seems not to be.
Sentence –
 She seems very excited about the upcoming event.

Campaigns (noun) – अभियान, मुहिम
Meaning – 
Organized efforts or activities, often of a specific duration, with a particular goal or objective, such as in marketing, politics, or warfare.
Synonyms – 
Operations, crusades, drives, endeavors, initiatives, mission
Antonyms –
Inaction, idleness, passivity, indifference.
Sentence –
 The company launched a series of advertising campaigns to promote its new product.

Dint (noun) – प्रभाव, प्रहार, आक्रमण से
Meaning – 
Influence or power, typically achieved through effort or hard work.
Synonyms – 
Influence, power, authority, control, sway, impact.
Antonyms –
Weakness, insignificance, powerlessness.
Sentence –
 She achieved success through the dint of her hard work and determination.

Increasingly (adverb) – तेजी से, लगातार बढ़ते हुए
Meaning –
In an increasing or growing manner; more and more with time.
Synonyms – 
Gradually, progressively, steadily, consistently, continuously.
Antonyms –
Decreasingly, diminishingly, sporadically, inconsistently.
Sentence –  
He became increasingly muddled as he grew older.

Patronage (noun) – संरक्षण, संरक्षित करना
Meaning –
the support given to an organization by someone
Synonyms –
 Support, backing, sponsorship, aid, assistance, help, endorsement.
Antonyms –
Opposition, disapproval, rejection.
Sentence –
 The artist’s work received critical acclaim and the patronage of a wealthy art collector.

Ideological (adjective) – विचारधारात्मक, विचारधारावादी
Meaning –
based on or relating to a particular set of ideas or beliefs
Synonyms –
 Philosophical, doctrinal, theoretical, dogmatic, political, partisan.
Antonyms –
Pragmatic, practical, non-ideological, flexible.
Sentence –
 The party’s ideological stance on economic policy is rooted in free-market principles.

Conviction (noun) – दृढ़ विश्वास, दोषसिद्धि, निर्णय
Meaning –
A strong belief or opinion, especially a firmly held belief about something.
Synonyms – 
Belief, faith, confidence, trust, certainty, assurance.
Antonyms –
Doubt, skepticism, uncertainty, disbelief, hesitation
Sentence –
 Her conviction that honesty is the best policy guided her throughout her career.

Malleability (noun) – बढ़ने की योग्यता, आपकर्षणशीलता
Meaning –
Malleability is the property of being capable of being shaped, molded, or flattened without breaking or cracking. It is often used to describe the physical property of materials, such as metals, that can be easily deformed or reshaped without losing their integrity.
Synonyms – 
Plasticity, flexibility, adaptability, pliability, ductility.
Antonyms –
Rigidity, inflexibility, stiffness, inelasticity.
Sentence –
 Gold is known for its high malleability, making it easy to shape into intricate jewelry designs.

Affiliation (verb) – संबंध, संबंधन, संगठन
Meaning –
 The state or act of being formally connected or associated with a group, organization, or institution.
Synonyms –
 Association, connection, membership, alliance, partnership, attachment, link, relationship.
Antonyms –
 Disaffiliation, disconnection, separation, dissociation.
Sentence –
 The affiliation between the two companies led to the successful launch of a joint product.

Incumbents (adjective) – पदधारी, वर्तमान पदाधिकारी, अधिकारी
Meaning –
 Individuals who currently hold a particular office, position, or role, especially in a formal or official capacity.
Synonyms –
 Officeholders, officials, office bearers, functionaries, authorities.
Antonyms –
 Former occupants, predecessors, ex-officials.
Sentence –
 The incumbents of the government positions are responsible for implementing policies and making decisions.

Frowned (verb) – मुँह छिड़ाना, असंतुष्ट होना
Meaning –
 To make a facial expression of displeasure, disapproval, or unhappiness by drawing one’s eyebrows together and turning down the corners of the mouth.
Synonyms –
 Glare, scowl, grimace, look displeased, make a face.
Antonyms –
 Smile, beam, grin.
Sentence –
 She frowned when she heard the disappointing news about the project’s delay.

Elaborate (adjective) – विस्तार में बताना
Meaning –
 Involving many details; intricate or detailed.
Synonyms –
 Detailed, intricate, thorough, comprehensive, detailed, extensive.
Antonyms –
 Simple, basic, concise, superficial.
Sentence –
 They’re making the most elaborate preparations for the wedding.

Spoils (phrase) – लूट, शिकार
Meaning – 
Goods, wealth, or benefits taken or acquired as a result of victory in war, conquest, or competition.
Synonyms –
 Booty, loot, plunder, treasure, prize, rewards.
Antonyms –
 Loss, sacrifice, forfeiture.
Sentence –
 After their victory, the soldiers divided the spoils of war among themselves.

Catering (noun) – खानपान, भोजन प्रबंधन
Meaning –
 The act of supplying what is required or desired to meet the needs or preferences of a group or individual.
Synonyms –
 Provision, supply, provision, furnishing, accommodation.
Antonyms –
 Withholding, denying, depriving.
Sentence –
 The catering company prepared a delicious feast for the wedding reception.

Careerist (noun) – प्रवृत्तिवादी, करियर को महत्व देने वाला
Meaning –
 A careerist is a person who prioritizes their career and professional advancement above all else and may be willing to do whatever it takes to achieve success in their chosen field.
Synonyms –
 Opportunist, self-advancer, ladder climber, professional climber, go-getter, ambitious person, striver.
Antonyms –
 Idealist, nonconformist, individualist, maverick, rebel, nonconventional.
Sentence –
 I said that their leaders had a bourgeoise outlook, or else they were political careerists.

Pre-eminence (noun) –  पूर्वाग्रणी, श्रेष्ठता
Meaning –
 the quality of being more important or better than others
Synonyms –
 Supremacy, superiority, dominance, leadership, foremost position.
Antonyms –
 Inferiority, subordination, mediocrity.
Sentence –
 Her pre-eminence in the field of science earned her numerous awards and recognition.

Articulate (adjective) – समझाना, व्यक्त करना
Meaning –
 Having the ability to speak fluently and coherently.
Synonyms –
 Fluent, eloquent, well-spoken, coherent, communicative.
Antonyms –
 Inarticulate, incoherent, ineloquent, hesitant, speechless.
Sentence –
 The teacher was impressed by the articulate presentation the student gave on the topic.

Conservatism (noun) – संरक्षणवाद, परंपरागतता, आत्मरक्षा
Meaning –
 the quality of not usually liking or trusting change, especially sudden change
Synonyms –
 Traditionalism, traditional conservatism, right-wing, orthodox, reactionism.
Antonyms –
 Progressivism, liberalism, radicalism, reform, left-wing.
Sentence –
 His conservatism is reflected in his strong support for traditional family values and limited government intervention.

Rejuvenate (verb) – पुनर्जीवन करना, नया जीवन देना, ताजगी देना
Meaning –
 To make something or someone look or feel young, fresh, or energetic again.
Synonyms –
 Revive, refresh, renew, invigorate, regenerate, energize.
Antonyms –
 Age, deteriorate, wither, decline.
Sentence –
 After a long vacation, she felt rejuvenated and full of energy.

Sought (verb) खोजा गया, ढ़ूँढ़ा गया
Meaning –
 Past tense and past participle of the verb “seek,” which means to try to find or obtain something, to search for, or to pursue a goal or objective.
Synonyms –
 Searched, looked for, hunted for, pursued, requested, desired.
Antonyms –
 Found, discovered, obtained.
Sentence –
 He sought a solution to the problem for several weeks before finally finding an answer.

Distinguish (verb) – अंतर करना, पहचानना, भिन्न करना, विशेषत: जानना, प्रमुखता प्राप्त करना
Meaning –
 To recognize or identify as being different from others; to perceive or notice a unique feature or quality.
Synonyms –
 Differentiate, discern, recognize, identify, discriminate, perceive.
Antonyms –
 Confuse, mix up, blend, lump together, mistake.
Sentence –
 Her remarkable talent in painting distinguishes her from other artists.

Secular (adjective) – धर्मनिरपेक्ष, लौकिक, अध्यात्मिक नहीं
Meaning –
 not having any connection with religion
Synonyms –
 Non-religious, worldly, temporal, non-spiritual, non-religious, non-sacred.
Antonyms –
 Religious, spiritual, sacred.
Sentence –
 The government promotes secular education that is not tied to any specific religious beliefs.

Welfare (noun) – कल्याण, भलाइ, कल्याणक
Meaning –
 Programs or initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life and social conditions for a group or society as a whole.
Synonyms –
 Well-being, prosperity, happiness, health, success, welfare, good fortune.
Antonyms –
 Misfortune, suffering, distress, adversity.
Sentence –
 The government is committed to promoting the welfare of its citizens through various programs and policies.

Malleable (adjective) – प्रविधनशील, सजावट करने योग्य
Meaning –
 Capable of being easily shaped, molded, or influenced.
Synonyms –
 Pliable, adaptable, flexible, pliant, moldable, ductile, workable.
Antonyms –
 Rigid, inflexible, unyielding, intractable, immovable.
Sentence –
 Gold is a malleable metal that can be easily shaped into various forms.

Tenuous (adjective) – पतला, नाजुक, निर्भर, कमजोर
Meaning –
 A tenuous connection, idea, or situation is weak and possibly does not exist:
Synonyms –
 Slim, delicate, fine, slender, thin.
Antonyms –
 Thick, substantial, bulky, robust.
Sentence –
 The tenuous thread couldn’t support the weight of the hanging decoration.



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Daily The Hindu Vocabulary 


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