Daily Vocabulary - Page 2

The Hindu Editorial (Choked by Smog: On Air Pollution) Vocab – 02 Nov, 2018

Air pollution is choking several cities in the northern States once again, as changes in temperature and slowing winds trap soot, dust and fine particulate matter. 

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Choked by smog: on air pollution) – Nov 02, 2018.

Read This Article: – Choked by smog: on air pollution

Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Choked by smog) – Nov 02, 2018

  • Choke (verb) – दम घोंटना
    Meaning –
     (of a person or animal) have severe difficulty in breathing because of a constricted or obstructed throat or a lack of air.
    Synonyms – 
    suffocate, stifle, gag, struggle for air, fight for breath.
    Sentence – 
    I could hardly breathe, and every breath was choking me
  • Smog (noun)धुंध
    Meaning – Fog or haze intensified by smoke or other atmospheric pollutants.

    Synonyms – exhaust fumes, fumes, smoke, pollution, gas.
    Sentence – The infamous Delhi smog is an example of extreme air pollution.
  • Corrective (noun) – सुधारात्मक
    Meaning – A thing intended to correct or counteract something else
    Synonyms – remedy, curative, restorative, medication.
    Sentence – The necessary correctives, after all, would have to be brutal.
  • Lethal (adjective) – जानलेवा, घातक
    Meaning – Sufficient to cause death.
    Synonyms – deadly, fatal, killing.
    Sentence – The Krakatoa eruption was the most lethal on record. 
  • Soot (noun) – कालिख
    Meaning – A deep black powdery or flaky substance consisting largely of amorphous carbon, produced by the incomplete burning of organic matter.

    Sentence – We were constantly faced with black soot falling on the grass, on our houses.
  • Residue (noun) – अवशेष 
    Meaning – A small amount of something that remains after the main part has gone or been taken or used.
    Synonyms – remains, part leftovers, remnants.
    Sentence – Even when canned vegetables are rinsed small amounts of the residue remain.
  • Pollutant (noun) – प्रदूषक
    Meaning – A substance that pollutes something, especially water or the atmosphere.

    Synonyms – contamination, impurity, adulterant.
    Sentence – Exactly how air pollutants increase the risk of death is not well known.
  • Aggravate (verb)छेड़ना, बिगाड़ना
    Meaning – Make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious.

    Synonyms – worsen, make worse, exacerbate, compound.
    Sentence – Military action would only aggravate the situation.
  • Prevail (verb)प्रबल, प्रचलित होना, जीतना
    Meaning – Prove more powerful or superior.
    Synonyms – exist, be present, occur.
    Sentence – It is hard for logic to prevail over emotion.
  • Decisive (adjective) निर्णयात्मक
    Meaning – Settling an issue; producing a definite result.

    Synonyms – resolute, firm, determined.
    Sentence – That goal proved crucial as it was the only decisive result between the top four teams.
  • Sustainable (adjective) – सतत, धारणीय
    Meaning – Able to be maintained at a certain rate or level.

    Synonyms – acceptable, valid, reliable, dependable.
    Sentence – Sustainable economic growth
  • Inflict (verb) थोपना, दण्ड देना
    Meaning – Cause (something unpleasant or painful) to be suffered by someone or something.
    Synonyms – impose, force, exact, administer to, deliver to.
    Sentence – She is wrong to inflict her beliefs on everyone else.
  • Degradation (noun) – घटाना, गिरावट, पतन
    Meaning – The condition or process of degrading or being degraded.
    Synonyms – humiliation, shame, deterioration, degeneration, decay, 
    Sentence – We all want to see recycling and an end to environmental degradation.
  • Mortality (noun)मृत्यु-दर
    Meaning – (in a particular time/for a cause) the rate of death.

    Synonyms – temporality, impermanence, ephemerality.
    Sentence – It certainly brings up mortality and how we’ll feel when faced with death.
  • Trauma (noun) अभिघात, ज़ख़म, क्षति
    Meaning – A deeply distressing or disturbing experience.
    Synonyms – 
    torment, distress, suffering.
    Sentence –
     This evolutionary process has not been without its traumas.
  • Stubble (noun) –  खूंटी
    Meaning – The cut stalks of cereal plants left sticking out of the ground after the grain is harvested.

    Synonyms – dried stalks, straw (of a grain like wheat, rice & etc)
    Sentence – After harvesting the stubble would be set on fire which also killed new mallee shoots.’
  • Footprint (noun) – पदचिह्न, निशान
    Meaning – The impression left by a foot or shoe on the ground or a surface.
    Synonyms – footmark, footstep, track, print, mark, spoor, trace, impression.
    Sentence – This will reduce the utility’s carbon footprint.
  • Perspective (noun) – परिप्रेक्ष्य, स्वरूप
    Meaning –  The art of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other.
    Synonyms – 
    view, outlook, prospect, aspect.
    Sentence – 
    He also began studying female form and perspective in his art.
  • Reorient (verb)पुनः अनुकूल
    Meaning – Change the focus or direction of.
    Sentence –
    The country began reorienting its economic and social policies in 1988.

  • Portfolio (noun) – निवेश सूची, संविभाग
    Meaning – A range of investments held by a person or organization.
    Synonyms – 
    investments, shares, equities.
    Sentence –
    A portfolio of insured municipal securities

  • Escalate (verb) – गहरा बनाना, तीव्र करना, 
    Meaning – Increase rapidly.
    Synonyms – 
    increase rapidly, soar, increase.
    Sentence –
    The price of tickets escalated

  • Deterrent (adjective) – निवारक, रक्षा का 
    Meaning – A thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something.
    Synonyms – 
    disincentive, discouragement, damper.
    Sentence –
    Cameras are a major deterrent to crime.


Note – 

  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.


The Hindu Editorial (Ending impunity: on Hashimpura Massacre) Vocab – 01 Nov, 2018

The conviction of 16 personnel of the Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC) for the massacre of Muslims committed 31 years ago is a rare instance of the justice system responding to the cry for accountability and justice.

For Further Reading, visit The Hindu.
Below is today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Ending impunity: on Hashimpura massacre) – Nov 01, 2018.

Read This Article: – Ending impunity: on Hashimpura massacre

Today’s Vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial (Ending impunity: on Hashimpura massacre) – Nov 01, 2018.

  • Impunity (Noun) – दण्ड से मुक्ति
    Meaning – Exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.

    Synonyms – Immunity, Exemption/Freedom from punishment, Special treatment.
    Sentence – Some ministers seem to be able to break the rules with impunity.
  • Massacre (Noun) – नरसंहार
    Meaning – An indiscriminateand brutal slaughter of many people.
    Synonyms – Mass murder/Killing, Mass destruction, Slaughter.
    Sentence – The chopper pilot, however, did not report the massacre.
  • Retrieve (Verb)पुनः प्राप्त
    Meaning – Get or bring (something) back from somewhere.
    Synonyms – Get back, Bring back, Recover, Regain (possession of).
    Sentence – I have sent both of them to retrieve the rightful king.
  • Conviction (Noun) – दोषसिद्धि
    Meaning –  A formal declaration by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law that someone is guilty of a criminal offence.
    Synonyms – Declaration/pronouncement of guilt, sentence.
    Sentence – She had a previous conviction for a similar offence.
  • Systemic (Adjective) – प्रणालीगत
    Meaning – Relating to a system, especially as opposed to a particular part.
    Synonyms – Constructional, Organizational, Configurational.
    Sentence – It is a systemic, chronic failure of a management right across the totality of the agency.
  • Perfunctory (Adjective) – असावधान, बेपरवाह
    Meaning – (of an action) carried out without real interest, feeling, or effort.

    Synonyms – Casual, Uninterested, Careless, Desultory
    Sentence – I performed a few perfunctory twirls and made good my escape.
  • Abduct (adjective) – अपहरण करना
    Meaning – Take (someone) away illegally by force or deception
    Synonyms – Kidnap, Hold hostage, Hijack.
    Sentence – You hear about people abducting kids all the time.
  • Canal (Noun) – नहर, नाली
    Meaning – An artificial waterway constructed to allow the passage of boats or ships inland or to convey water for irrigation.

    Synonyms – inland waterway, channel, waterway.
    Sentence – Keeping enough water in the canal to guarantee ships passage has become a problem.
  • Charge sheet (noun) – आरोप पत्र
    Meaning – A record made in a police station of the charges against a person.
    Sentence – He also refused to sign the charge sheet without lawyers present.
  • Personnel (noun) – कर्मियों, कर्मचारी वर्ग
    Meaning – People employed in an organization or engaged in an organized undertaking such as military service.

    Synonyms – Staff, Employees, Workforce, Manpower.
    Sentence – Many of the personnel involved require training.
  • Prosecution (noun) – अभियोग
    Meaning – The institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge.
    Synonyms – indictment, accusation, denunciation, trial, charge, summons, citation.
    Sentence – Two people are facing possible prosecutions for malicious or criminal damage.
  • Testimony (noun) – गवाही, साक्ष्य
    Meaning – A formal written or spoken statement, especially one given in a court of law.
    Synonyms – Proof, Evidence, Witness.

    Sentence – At the first session in September the court heard the testimony of the two experts.
  • Acquit (Verb) – बरी करना, अपराधमुक्त करना
    Meaning – Free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty.

    Synonyms – Absolve, Clear, Exonerate, Exculpate, Declare innocent, 
    Sentence – The jury acquitted Bream of murder.
  • En masse (Adverb) – सामूहिक रूप से
    Meaning – In a group, all together.
    Synonyms – together, all together, as a group, in a body, as one, as a whole.
    Sentence – the cabinet immediately resigned en masse.
  • Travesty (noun) – भड़ौआ, उपहासात्मक रचना
    Meaning – A false, absurd, or distorted representation of something.
    Synonyms – misrepresentation, distortion, perversion, corruption, poor imitation, poor substitute.
    Sentence – The showpeople left calling it a travesty of justice.
  • Nail (verb)जकड़ना, पकड़ना
    Meaning – To serve as a hook
    Synonyms – catch, capture, arrest.
    Sentence – Have you nailed the killer?
  • Plea (noun) – दलील
    Meaning – A request made in an urgent and emotional manner.

    Synonyms – Petition, Appeal, Entreaty, Supplication.
    Sentence – He made an urgent plea for the public to help catch the dealers.
  • Deployment (noun) – तैनाती, परिनियोजन
    Meaning – The movement of military troops to a particular place.
    Sentence – A majority of Australians had disapproved of the troop deployment.
  • Pinpoint (verb) – सटीक, तुच्छ, ठीक
    Synonyms – Identity, Distinguish, Recognize, Correct, Unerring.
  • Culpability (noun) – दोषी, अभियोज्यता
    Meaning – Responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame.
    Synonyms – Guilt, blame, fault, responsibility, accountability, liability, answerability
    Sentence – A level of moral culpability.
  • Unconscionable (adjective)बेशरम
    Meaning – 
    Not right or reasonable.
    Synonyms – unethical, immoral, indefensible, amoral, unprincipled.

    Sentence – the unconscionable conduct of his son.
  • Habituate (verb) – आदत डालना
    Meaning – Make or become accustomed or used to something.

    Synonyms – acclimatize, adjust, accustom, make used, acculturate.
    Sentence – All birds had 10 days to habituate to the aviary.
  • Prejudice (noun) – पक्षपात, प्रतिकूल प्रभाव
    Meaning – Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

    Synonyms – Bigotry, intolerance, discrimination, preconception.
    Sentence – Governments tend to impose the opinions and prejudices of the majority.


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  • This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.


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