SSC CPO Exam 2022 Answer Key

SSC CPO Examination 10 Nov 2022 (Second Shift) Answer Key

26. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
A lame excuse
1. Weak excuse
2. No excuse
3. Explanation
4. Strong excuse

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Answer – (1)

27. The following sentence has been divided into parts. One of them may contain an error. Select the part that contains the error from the given options. If you don’t find any error, mark ‘No error’ as your answer.
The research fellow defended / his thesis scholarly / and obtained the degree.
1. his thesis scholarly
2. and obtained the degree
3. No error
4. The research fellow defended

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Answer – (1)

28. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
To be on thin ice
1. To be in a risky situation
2. To be in marginalised situation
3. To be in faulty situation
4. To be in limited scope

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Answer – (1)

29. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
1. Liable
2. Judicious
3. Indivisible
4. Branched

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Answer – (3)

30. Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the underlined word in the given sentence.
None of the countries involved in war were ready to broach the issue of retreat.
1. turn down thoughtlessly
2. underestimate the worth of
3. disregard contemptuously
4. bring up for discussion

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Answer – (4)

31. Identify the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the given sentence.
Because of some inevitable circamstances, the conference was postponed indefinite, indefinitely but the members could not be informed.
1. Indefinite
2. Conference 
3. Circamstances
4. Inevitable

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Answer – (3)

32. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
1. Opposite
2. Crooked
3. Wobbly
4. Straight

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Answer – (1)

33. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of words.
A large group of people
1. Flock
2. Herd
3. Convocation
4. Horde

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Answer – (4)

34. Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined segment in the given sentence.
Ms. Tina could finish the assignment by Friday – at a push, Wednesday.
1. using whatever methods are necessary
2. make more of an effort
3. probably possible, but it will be difficult
4. try very hard to do something, usually something nice

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Answer – (3)

35. Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence.
I always encouraging people to read books which I have enjoyed reading myself.
1. encourage people to be reading books
2. encourage people to read books
3. encouraged people read books
4. am encouraged people reading books

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Answer – (2)

36. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
1. Square
2. Colomn
3. Scale
4. Peace

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Answer – (2)

37. Identify the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the given sentence.
Food spoliage refers to an irreversible modification in which food becomes inedible or its quality is compromised.

1. irreversible
2. spoliage
3. inedible
4. modification

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Answer – (2)

38. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word
1. Cooking
2. Liveing
3. Loving
4. Knowing

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Answer – (2)

39. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
1. Sturdy
2. Frail
3. Robust
4. Buoyant

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Answer – (2)

40. Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence.
I will be gone to buy a cupboard which will fit under the stairs.
1. will be buy
2. am going to buying
3. am going to buy
4. will going to buy

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Answer – (3)

Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.

While there is no denying that the world loves a winner, it is important that you recognise the signs of stress in your behaviour and be healthy enough to enjoy your success. Stress can strike anytime, in a fashion that may leave you unaware of its presence in your life. While a certain amount of pressure is necessary for performance, it is important to be able to recognise your individual limit. For instance, there are some individuals who accept competition in a healthy fashion. There are others who collapse into weeping wrecks before an exam or on comparing mark sheets and finding that their friend has scored better.

Stress is a body reaction to any demands or changes in its internal and external environment. Whenever there is a change in the external environment such as temperature, pollutants, humidity and working conditions, it leads to stress. In these days of competition when a person makes up his mind to surpass what has been achieved by others, leading to an imbalance between demands and resources, it causes psycho-social stress. It is a part and parcel of everyday life.

Stress has a different meaning, depending on the stage of life you are in. The loss of a toy or a reprimand from the parents might create a stress shock in a child. An adolescent who fails in the examination may feel as if everything has been lost and life has no further meaning. In an adult the loss of his or her companion, job or professional failure may appear as if there is nothing more to be achieved.

Such signs appear in the attitude and behaviour of the individual, such as muscle tension in various parts of the body, palpitation and high blood pressure, indigestion, and hyperacidity. Ultimately, the result is self-destructive behaviour such as eating and drinking too much, smoking excessively, relying on tranquilisers. There are other signs of stress such as trembling, shaking, nervous blinking, dryness of throat and mouth and difficulty in swallowing.
The professional under stress behaves as if he is a perfectionist. It leads to depression, lethargy, and weakness. Periodic mood shifts also indicate the stress status of the students, executives, and professionals.

41. What does excessive stress NOT result in?
1. Hypertension
2. Indigestion
3. Palpitation
4. Relaxation

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Answer – (4)

42. Which situation does NOT lead to stress?
1. Finding a penny on the ground
2. Giving exams as a teenager
3. Losing a toy as a child
4. Loss of job as an adult

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Answer – (1)

43. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of ‘success’ from the passage.
1. Laxity
2. Default
3. Failure
4. Neglect

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Answer – (3)

44. What is the tone of the passage?
1. Authoritative
2. Anxious
3. Dejected
4. Informative

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Answer – (4)

45. Select an appropriate title for the passage.
1. Levels of Stress in Different Age Groups
2. Stress and its Consequences
3. Stress and Relief
4. Life and Stress

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Answer – (2)

Comprehension:  In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.

Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. There _____(1)_______ progress over the last decades: More girls are going to school, fewer girls are forced into early marriage, more women are serving in parliament and positions of leadership, and laws are being reformed to _____(2)_______ gender equality. Despite these gains, many challenges remain: discriminatory laws and social norms remain ______(3)_______, women continue to be underrepresented at all levels of political leadership, and 1 in 5 women and girls between the ages of 15 and 49 report experiencing physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner within a 12-month period. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic could reverse the limited progress that has been made on gender equality and women’s rights. The coronavirus outbreak _____(4)_______ existing inequalities for women and girls across every sphere – from health and the economy to security and social protection.Women play a disproportionate role in responding to the virus, including as frontline healthcare workers and carers at home. Women’s unpaid care work has increased significantly as a result of school closures and the increased needs of older people. Women are also harder hit by the economic ______(5)_______ of COVID-19, as they disproportionately work in insecure labour markets. Nearly 60 per cent of women work in the informal economy, which puts them at greater risk of falling into poverty.

46. Select the most appropriate option to fill blank 1.
1. are
2. is
3. were
4. has been

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Answer – (4)

47. Select the most appropriate option to fill blank 2.
1. retract
2. hinder
3. advance
4. impede

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Answer – (3)

48. Select the most appropriate option to fill blank 3.
1. rare
2. limited
3. pervasive
4. narrow

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Answer – (3)

49. Select the most appropriate option to fill blank 4.
1. appease
2. placate
3. exacerbates
4. aid

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Answer – (3)

50. Select the most appropriate option to fill blank 5.
1. impacts
2. frivolity
3. impertinence
4. paltriness

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Answer – (1)



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