HTET TGT (Level 2) Exam 19 Dec 2021 (Answer Key)

HTET TGT (Level 2) Exam 19 Dec 2021 Part II (Language (Hindi & English)) (Answer Key)


46. Choose the correct option to fill in the blank:
This pen is both good ______ cheap.
(1) as well as
(2) as well
(3) but only
(4) and

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47. Select the appropriate preposition to fill in the blank:
His hut is ______ hotel Taj.
(1) above
(2) out
(3) besides
(4) beside

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48. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words:
The law and order situation will only become worse in the state due to the riots, if the government does not do something right now to nip it in the bud.
(1) To plan in detail to stop a threat
(2) To destroy the problem in the initial stage only
(3) To arrest the culprits
(4) To stop something harmful in the initial stage

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49. Select the correct option (Phrasal Verb) for the underlined word:
She rejected his request to take her home.
(1) turned up
(2) turned down
(3) turned out
(4) turned off

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50. Select the appropriate modal to fill in the blank:
Trespassers ______ be punished. (legal notice)
(1) shall
(2) may
(3) should
(4) ought to

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51. Choose the appropriate preposition to fill in the blank:
What is the time ______ your watch?
(1) in
(2) from
(3) by
(4) on

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52. Select the correct option (Phrasal Verb) for the blank left in the sentence :
Cholera has ______ in this village.
(1) broken out
(2) broken down
(3) broken up
(4) broken off

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53. Choose the part of the sentence which is incorrect :
(a) The party president made
(b) Rakesh
(c) a M. P. candidate
(d) for the coming election.
(1) a
(2) b
(3) c
(4) d

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54. Choose the part of the sentence which is incorrect:
(a) He did not
(b) keep his words
(c) to pick him up
(d) from WTP.
(1) b
(2) c
(3) d
(4) a

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55. Choose the correct tense form to fill in the following:
I had consulted my lawyer before I ______ the complaint.
(1) did lodged
(2) had lodged
(3) lodge
(4) lodged

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56. Choose the appropriate modal to fill in the blank:
He ______ listen to the stories of his Grand Ma before he slept. (Past habit)
(1) could
(2) shall
(3) would
(4) might

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57. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words:
The hostess broke the ice by introducing the strangers to each other.
(1) To make people relax with each other
(2) To make people perplexed with each other
(3) To serve welcome drink to the guests
(4) To start a game of puzzle

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58. Choose the correct tense form to fill in the blank:
Municipality has decided to ______ the overhead wires.
(1) did away with
(2) do away with
(3) has done away with
(4) had done away with

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59. Choose the correct option for the following:
One who wastes a lot of money is :
(1) frugal
(2) recluse
(3) prodigal
(4) reticent

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60. Select the appropriate modal for the expression given :
Harish has annoyed his boss today, He ______ be fired soon. (probability)
(1) may
(2) can
(3) ought to
(4) would

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