CDS 2019 Answer Key

CDS I Exam 2019 – English Paper (Answer Key)



The Nobel Prize for Chemistry this year is a tribute to the power of __(46)___. The laureates harnessed evolution and used it in the __(47)___ with amazing results. Frances H. Arnold, an American who was given one-half of the prize, used ‘directed evolution to __(48)___ variants of naturally occurring enzymes that could be used to __(49)___ biofuels and pharmaceuticals. The other half went to George P. Smith, also of the U.S., and Sir George P. Winter, from the U. K., who evolved antibodies to __(50)___ autoimmune diseases and even metastatic cancer through a process called phage display.

(a) evolution.

(b) devolution.
(c) revolution.
(d) involution

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Answer – (A)

(a) microscope

(b) field
(c) market
(d) laboratory

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Answer – (D)

(a) inhibit

(b) synthesize
(c) hamper
(d) hold back

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Answer – (B)

(a) constitute

(b) sink
(c) manufacture
(d) resolve

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Answer – (C)

(a) combat

(b) support
(c) observe
(d) invite

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Answer – (A)


Directions :
Each of the following sentences in this section has a blank space and four words or group of words are given after the sentence. Select the word or group of words you consider the most appropriate for the blank space and indicate your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.

51. How we ______ to ageing is a choice we must make wisely.
(a) respond
(b) absolve
(c) discharge
(d) overlook

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Answer – (A)

52. Complementary medicine ______ fewer risks, since it is used along with standard remedies, often to lessen side-effects and enhance feelings of well-being.
(a) reacts
(b) releases
(c) ejects
(d) carries

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Answer – (D)

53. Stress may ______ fertility in men and women.
(a) engage
(b) reduce
(c) inject
(d) deduce

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Answer – (B)

54. The football match had to be ______ because of the weather.
(a) called on
(b) called off
(c) called out
(d) called over

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Answer – (B)

55. Nobody believed Ram at first but he _____ to be right.
(a) came out
(b) carried out
(c) worked out
(d) turned out

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Answer – (D)

56. How are you _____ in your new job? Are you enjoying it?
(a) keeping on
(b) going on
(c) getting on
(d) carrying on

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Answer – (C)

57. We live _____ a tower block. Our  apartment is on the fifteenth floor.
(a) at
(b) in
(c) Unless
(d) above

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Answer – (B)

58. You were going to apply for the job, and then you decided not to. So what _____ ?
(a) put you off
(b) put you out
(c) turned you off
(d) turned you away

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Answer – (C)

59. _____ it was raining, he went out without a raincoat
(a) Even
(b) Since
(c) over
(d) Although

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Answer – (B)

60. I parked my car in a no-parking zone, but I _____ it.
(a) came up with
(b) got away with
(c) made off with
(d) got on with

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Answer – (B)


  1. 7. Dude! The meaning of steadfast is unfaltering! They asked for the antonyms… it’s unreliable.

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