61. Choose the correct simile :
The truth was like a ______ taste on his tongue.
(A) bad
(B) bitter
(C) sweet
(D) sour
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62. Which sentence uses punctuation correctly?
(A) the Past is a foreign country they do things; differently there
(B) The past is a foreign country , they do things differently there.
(C) The past is a foreign country they do things differently there
(D) The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.
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63. Complete the sentence with the correct adverb:
Heisenberg looked ________ from the dead body.
(A) gracefully
(C) away
(D) accurately
(B) tomorrow
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64. Fill in the blank with the correct verb:
Aegon Targaryen and his sisters ______ the Seven Kingdoms.
(A) conquered
(B) assist
(C) thought
(D) give
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65. Change the active voice to passive voice :
Active : People drink champagne on New Year’s Eve.
(A) Champagne is been drinking on New Year’s Eve.
(B) Champagne that was drunk on New Year’s Eve.
(C) Champagne was drunk on New Year’s Eve.
(D) Champagne is drunk on New Year’s Eve.
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66. Choose the correct meaningful sentence formed from the words given below :
assignment/late/was/she/managed/she/to/complete the/even though/,
(A) Even though she was late, she managed to complete the assignment.
(B) She managed to complete the assignment, she was late even though.
(C) She was late, even though she managed to complete the assignment.
(D) Even though, she managed to complete the assignment she was late.
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67. Choose the correct answer from the given options, the phrase or words that, gives the same meaning as the word is bold and italicized in the sentence given below :
When the thief saw the sentry at the main gate, he managed to get off from the attack.
(A) hide himself
(B) escape
(C) overpowered
(D) spread
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68. Choose the correct alternative out of the four choices to complete the sentence :
Economic goods are those goods which are _____ in quantity as compared to ___ demand.
(A) expensive/it
(B) limited/their
(C) stable/its
(D) available/those
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69. Which of the given options should replace the phrase printed in bold type to make it grammatically correct?
They were all shocked at his failure in the competition.
(A) were shocked at all
(B) had all shocked at
(C) had all shocked by
(D) No correction required
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70. Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase in bold and italics.
He is a plain, simple and sincere man. He will always call a spade.
(A) aggravating the situation
(B) putting others in trouble
(C) be outspoken in language
(D) talking nonsense
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71. Choose the correct option:
Today most businessmen are very worried. To begin with, they are not used to competition. In the past they sold whatever …… produced at whatever prices they chose. But increasing competition, customers began to …… and choose. Imports suddenly became …… available and that too at cheaper prices.
(A) they/with/pick/easily
(B) it/by/buy/hardly
(C) he/after/take/frequently
(D) we/from/want/conveniently
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72. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active voice.
Do you imitate others ?
(A) Are others being imitated by you ?
(B) Are others imitated by you ?
(C) Have others being imitated by you ?
(D) None of these
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73. Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is ‘D’. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).
(A) It is the newspaper
(B) That exposes us to the widest range
(C) Both It is the newspaper & that exposes us to the widest range
(D) No error
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74. The given question consists of two words which have a certain relationship to each other followed by four pairs of related words. Select the pair which has the same relationship.
Hope : Aspires
(A) Love : Elevates
(B) Film : Flam
(C) Fib : Lie
(D) Common : Ghostly
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75. Choose the correct meaning of proverb/idiom. If there is no correct meaning given, D (i.e.) ‘None of these’ will be the answer.
To set one’s face against
(A) To oppose with determination
(B) To judge by appearence
(C) To get out of difficulty
(D) None of these
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76. ‘मालगुडी डेज़’ किसने लिखी थी ?
(A) अरुंधति रॉय
(B) सरोजिनी नायडू
(C) आर.के. नारायण
(D) रवीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर
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77. हमारे वायुमंडल में निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सी गैस सूर्य की हानिकारक यू.वी. किरणों को अवशोषित करती है ?
(A) मीथेन
(B) ओज़ोन
(C) हीलियम
(D) निऑन
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78. “आईरिस” मानव शरीर के किस अंग से संबंधित है ?
(A) कान
(B) आँखें
(C) आँत
(D) मस्तिष्क
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79. इनमें से कौन-सी आनुवंशिक सामग्री है जो माता-पिता से संतानों में स्थानांतरित हो जाती है ?
(A) हॉर्मोन
(B) जीन
(C) रोगजनक
(D) एंटीजन
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80. एफ.एम. रेडियो प्रसारण आज संचार का एक लोकप्रिय माध्यम है । एफ.एम. का क्या मतलब है ?
(A) फ्रिक्वेंसी मॉडुलेशन
(B) लचीला मॉड्यूल
(C) फ्रिक्वेंसी मिक्सिंग
(D) लचीला बहुआयामी
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