UTET Exam 2018 – Paper – 2 (Language Second - English) Official – AnswerKey | TheExamPillar
UTET 2018 Answerkey

UTET Exam 2018 – Paper – 2 (Language Second – English) Official – AnswerKey

उत्तराखंड विद्यालयी शिक्षा परिषद् (UBSE – Uttarakhand Board of School Education) द्वारा 14 दिसम्बर 2018 को UTET (Uttarakhand Teachers Eligibility Test) परीक्षा का आयोजन किया गया। UTET (Uttarakhand Teachers Eligibility Test) Exam Paper 2018 – Language Second – English की उत्तरकुंजी (Language – 2 (English) Part Answer Key). 


UTET (Uttarakhand Teachers Eligibility Test) Junior Level
(Class 6 to Class 8).

परीक्षा (Exam) : UTET (Uttarakhand Teachers Eligibility Test)
भाग (Part) :  Language – Second (English)
परीक्षा आयोजक (Organized
) : UBSE

कुल प्रश्न (Number of Question) : 30
Paper Set – C
परीक्षा तिथि (Exam Date) – 14th Dec 2018

UTET Exam 2018
Paper – 2 (Junior Level)
Language – Second (English)


Direction (Q. No. 1 to 3) : Select the correct antonym (opposite of meaning) of the following –

1. India got freedom on August 15, 1947
(A) liberty
(B) slavery
(C) misery
(D) merry

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Answer – (B)

2. We must accept good wishes of our is elders.
(A) departe
(B) protect
(C ) refuse
(D) defuse

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Answer – (C)

3. Hindi teacher gave us important assignments today.
(A) exclusive
(B) inferior
(C) trivial
(D) stupid

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Answer – (C)

Direction : In question 4 select the most appropriate word to fill in the blanks in the given sentence.

4. The story that the traveller _________ was very interesting.
(A) explained
(B) repeated
(C) narrated
(D) revealed

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Answer – (C)

Direction : In questions (5 – 6) select the word with correct spellings for filling in the blanks in the following sentences :

5. Please give me a __________ of white paper.
(A) peice
(B) peace
(C) piese
(D) piece

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Answer – (D)

6. My friend and I have ______ hobbies.
(A) diffrent
(B) different
(C) deferent
(D) defferent

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Answer – (B)

Direction Question No. (7 – 10) : Select the correct answer to the following questions :

7. Choose the word of incorrect spelling
(A) Grammar
(B) Pedagogy
(C) Mathematics
(D) Compocison

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Answer – (D)

8. Identify the adverb in the given sentence :
The wicked (naughty) boy slapped the girl loudly.
(A) wicked
(B) slapped
(C) boy
(D) loudly

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Answer – (D)

9. Select correct one word to substitute the underlined part of the following sentence :
The devil is not be seen with human eyes.
(A) invisible
(B) unvisible
(C) invincible
(D) indivisible

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Answer – (A)

10. Choose the correct word order –
(A) I lent my pencil him.
(B) I lent him my pencil.
(C) Pencil my I lent him.
(D) My pencil I lent him.

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Answer – (B)

Direction (Q.No. 11 – 14) : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow –

What will the historians of the future say? They will record that India produced a great leader, Gandhiji, and he taught people to work together. He taught them to break down the walls which separated the people from one another. He taught them to uplift the Harijans because it was his desire that everyone, irrespective of his caste, creed or religion, should enjoy equal rights and be free. The people of India rose as one man from the Himalayas to Kanyakumari, threw off some of the burdens from their backs and under the leadership of the great Gandhiji moved forward and won independence. After centuries, India’s star rose in the horizon. Its voice was heard in the councils of the world, because it was the real voice of India, And then these very people of India who had shown courage and determination, fell into a dream and into carelessness and quarrelled among themselves. Sometimes they fought in the name of religion, sometimes in the name of caste or language or state…..We should not lose ourselves in wrong directions. We cannot allow our country to fall. Let not this priceless treasure of our freedom slip through our hands because of our weakness.

11. What message has been conveyed by the author in the passage?
(A) The people of India rose as one man from the Himalayas to Kanyakumari.
(B) That fighting in the name of religion, caste, language or state will make us lose our freedom.
(C) The people of India who had shown courage and determination fell into a dream.
(D). Gandhiji taught people to work together and uplift ‘Harijans’.

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Answer – (B)

12. Two salient points from Gandhiji’s teaching to the people are –
(A) Everyone should enjoy equal rights and people should break down the walls which separate them, from one another.
(B) People should have courage and determination and fall into dream and carelessness.
(C) Should raise the voice and not uplift the Harijan.
(D) Should breakdown the walls to separate the people from one another.

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Answer – (A)

13. What impact did Gandhiji’s leadership have on the people and how did India gain thereby?
(A) That we should not lose ourselves in the right directions.
(B) That all Indians should move from Himalaya to Kanyakumari
(C) Under Gandhiji’s leadership people did not move anywhere to win independence.
(D) Gandhiji’s leadership united the people to rise as one man, moved forward and won freedom.

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Answer – (D)

14. What sorry state of affairs is prevailing in the country today?
(A) that freedom is a priceless treasure of a nation.
(B) that people are united from one and of the country to the another.
(C) that the people of India quarrel among themselves in the name of religion, caste, language or state.
(D) that the people should enjoy equal rights.

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Answer – (C)

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