NDA 2019 Answer Key

UPSC NDA I Exam 2019 – General Aptitude Test Part – B (Answer Key)

71. Two metallic wires A and B are made using copper. The radius of wire A is r while its length is l. A dc voltage V is applied across the wire A, causing power dissipation, P. The radius of wire B is 2r and its length is 2l and the same dc voltage V is applied across it causing power dissipation P1. Which one of the following is the correct relationship between P and P1 ?
(a) P = 2P1
(b) P = P1/2
(c) P = 4P1
(d) P = P1

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Answer – (A)

72. Consider the following statements about a solenoid :
1. The magnetic field strength in a solenoid depends upon the number of turns per unit length in the solenoid
2. The magnetic field strength in a solenoid depends upon the current flowing in the wire of the solenoid
3. The magnetic field strength in a solenoid depends upon the diameter of the solenoid
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 1 and 3 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1 and 2 only

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Answer – (D)

73. Light year is a unit of measurement of
(a) very large distances
(b) time interval in years
(c) amount of light received on earth in a year
(d) mass of atoms

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Answer – (A)

74. The focal length of the objective lens of a telescope is 50 cm. If the magnification of the telescope is 25, then the focal length of the eye-piece is
(a) 12.5 cm
(b) 5 cm
(c) 2 cm
(d) 10 cm

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Answer – (C)

75. Which one of the following forces is non-central and non-conservative ?
(a) Frictional force
(b) Electric force
(c) Gravitational force
(d) Mechanical force

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Answer – (B)

76. On exposure to moist air, copper gains a green coat on its surface due to formation of which one of the following compounds ?
(a) Copper carbonate
(b) Copper oxide
(c) Copper sulphate
(d) Copper nitrate

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Answer – (C)

77. Which one of the following will NOT produce carbon dioxide on reacting with an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid ?
(a) Limestone
(b) Quick Lime
(c) Chalk
(d) Marble

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Answer – (B)

78. Which one of the following substances is NOT a mixture ?
(a) Ice
(b) Ice-cream
(c) Air
(d) Honey

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Answer – (D)

79. Which one of the following is an example of Salt-Crystal growth?
(a) Chemical weathering
(b) Physical weathering
(c) Biological weathering
(d) Bio-chemical weathering

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Answer – (B)

80. Which one of the following is the coal correct sequence of proved in the reserves Indian States in decreasing order?
(a) Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, West Bengal
(b) Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal
(c) Odisha, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh
(d) Odisha, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Jharkhand

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Answer – (A)

81. Consider the following statements relating to Richter scale :
1. It was devised in 1935 by Charles F. Richter
2. It describes the quantity of energy released by a single earthquake
3. Richter Scale has no upper limit
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3

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Answer – (C)

82. Which one of the following ocean currents is NOT a cold ocean current ?
(a) Canary current
(b) California current
(c) Kuroshio current
(d) Oyashio current

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Answer – (C)

83. What is the time gap in occurrence of two successive tides at a given place on the ocean surface ?
(a) 12 hours
(b) 12 hours 26 minutes
(c) 24 hours
(d) 24 hours 52 minutes

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Answer – (A)

84. Tooth enamel is made up of which one of the following calcium compounds ?
(a) Calcium carbonate
(b) Calcium sulphate
(c) Calcium hydroxide
(d) Calcium phosphate

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Answer – (D)

85. Suppose there are two planets, 1 and 2, having the same density but their radii are R1 and R2 respectively, where R1 > R2 . The accelerations due to gravity on the surface of these planets are related as
(a) g1 > g2
(b) g1 < g2
(c) g1 = g2
(a) Can’t say anything

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Answer – (A)

86. Which one of the following cell organelles does NOT possess nucleic acid ?
(a) Nucleolus
(b) Chloroplast
(c) Ribosome
(d) Plasma Membrane

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Answer – (C)

87. Which one of the following cell organelles does NOT possess its own genetic material encoding proteins?
(a) Ribosome
(b) Nucleus
(c) Mitochondria
(d) Chloroplast

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Answer – (A)

88. Which one of the following is NOT a component of conducting tissue in plants?
(a) Fibres
(b) Tracheids
(c) Pericycle
(d) Sieve tubes

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Answer – (D)

89. Which one of the following organisms has vascular tissues ?
(a) Cladophora
(b) Penicillium
(c) Marsilea
(d) Anabaena

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Answer – (C)

90. Which one of the following organisms represents the primary consumer category in an ecosystem?
(a) Caterpillar
(b) Crabapple tree
(c) Frog
(d) Sparrowhawk

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Answer – (B)

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