REET Level 2 Exam Paper 24 July 2022 (Shift-IV) (Section – III, Language-II, English) (Answer Key) | TheExamPillar
REET 2022 Answer Key

REET Level 2 Exam Paper 24 July 2022 (Shift-IV) (Section – III, Language-II, English) (Answer Key)

76. Evaluation is done on two basics
(A) cumulative
(B) terminal
(C) Sessional
(D) formative and summative

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Answer – (D)

77. The comprehensive evaluation involves
(A) assessment of answer books.
(B) performance in co-curricular activities.
(C) assessment of health habits, work habits, cleanliness and co-operation.
(D) All of the above

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Answer – (D)

78. ‘Class magazines’ is an example of
(A) assignment
(B) project work
(C) writing test
(D) speech test

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Answer – (B)

79. One of the objectives of the remedial work is to
(A) highlight weak students.
(B) identify the cases who are lack in studies.
(C) spot the weak and punish them.
(D) make the weak students aware of their backwardness.

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Answer – (A)

80. Remedial teacher should keep a liasoning with the parents to
(A) ensure the weakness of their child.
(B) help in identifying the cause behind child’s lagging.
(C) work in same environment.
(D) rebuke the students.

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Answer – (B)

(Prose passage Q. Nos. 81-85)

Almost the whole village stopped to watch the big boat being built at sometime or the other. No one owned such a large boat or even worked on one. Perhaps they were jealous and that was why no one had a good word for it. They did not want to believe, it would do well at sea. But, they, in a way, were proud too. Building a big boat like this in their village was an achievement. Do you like to eat a pizza ?

81. Do you prefer a hamburger? The two questions can be combined using
(A) and
(B) or
(C) but
(D) that

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Answer – (B)

82. I am sure. It is true. The two sentences can be combined using
(A) so
(B) than
(C) but
(D) that

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Answer – (D)

83. Many a man ______ done this.
(A) is
(B) has
(C) was
(D) were

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Answer – (B)

84. Gold and silver ______ precious metals.
(A) is
(B) has
(C) have
(D) are

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Answer – (D)

85. ‘…….. no one had a word for it’ ….. The underlined word in the line from the passage stands for
(A) the boat
(B) the people
(C) sea
(D) achievement

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Answer – (A)

(Poem Passage Q. Nos. 86-90)

‘Weavers weaving at break of day,
Why do you weave a garment so gay?
Blue as the wings of a halcyon wild,
We weave the robes of a new-born child.’

86. ‘Blue as the wings of a halcyon wild.’ The figure of speech used in the extract is
(A) alliteration
(B) simile
(C) metaphor
(D) assonance

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Answer – (B)

87. The rhyme scheme in the stanza is
(A) a a b b
(B) b b a a
(C) a b a b
(D) a b b a

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Answer – (A)

88. The plot of a story may be
(A) comic
(B) tragic
(C) satiric
(D) all

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Answer – (D)

89. Dravid was the wall of our cricket team.
(A) Simile
(B) Metaphor
(C) Personification
(D) Rhyme

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Answer – (B)

90. Inanimate objects and abstract notions are spoken of as having life and intelligence in
(A) metaphor
(B) simile
(C) personification
(D) plot

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Answer – (C)


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