REET 2022 Answer Key

REET Level 1 Exam Paper 23 July 2022 (Shift-I) (Section – III, Language – II – English) (Official Answer Key)

76. Which one is not a type of digital portfolio ?
(A) Developmental
(B) Reflective
(C) Representational
(D) Occupational

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Answer – (D)

Passage (For Q. Nos. 77 – 83)

Non-biodegradable plastic is one of the prime targets of environmentalists across the world, but, we, too can make a difference – by spurning that plastic bag for cloth, by buying our aerated water in glass bottles instead of plastic, by demanding glass milk bottles instead of plastic pouches, by using that sheet of paper on both sides, by recycling vegetable waste and tea leaves as manure. The media can also play an enormously significant role in this respect. It is not difficult to make a beginning; it is far more taxing to sustain it. But the payoffs of sparing just a little thought to where our waste goes, promise to make it worthwhile. Sometimes you see, waste can kill.

77. One of the prime targets of environmentalists across the world ______ non-biodegradable plastic.
(A) are
(B) is
(C) was
(D) were

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Answer – (B)

78. We should carry cloth bag ________ plastic bag.
(A) despite
(B) inspite of
(C) instead of
(D) as

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Answer – (C)

79. Common man ________ media can play a significant role in this respect.
(A) whereas
(B) but
(C) as well as
(D) though

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Answer – (C)

80. Vegetable waste and tea leaves ________ recycled into manure.
(A) was
(B) is
(C) can be
(D) if

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Answer – (C)

81. Small efforts can ________ a big difference in reducing plastic waste.
(A) get
(B) make
(C) made
(D) take

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Answer – (B)

82. The most suitable title for the passage is
(A) The urban life
(B) Waste and media
(C) Waste management
(D) Pollutants

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Answer – (C)

83. In order to reduce plastic waste, plastic pouches can be ________ by glass milk bottles.
(A) used
(B) replaced
(C) stored
(D) none of these

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Answer – (B)

84. “Slithery, slidery, scaly old snake.”
The literary device used in the above line is
(A) Simile
(B) Metaphor
(C) Alliteration
(D) Irony

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Answer – (C)

85. The literary device present in the line “I am as quick as a cheetah”, is
(A) Satire
(B) Alliteration
(C) Hyperbole
(D) Simile

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Answer – (D)

86. “Upon a nice mid-spring day
Let’s take a look at nature’s way
Breathe the scent of nice fresh air
Feel the breeze within your hair.”

The rhyme scheme of the above line is :

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Answer – (A)

87. “All the little corn flakes were so excited, They were getting to come out and play.” What is personified in the above lines ?
(A) All
(B) so excited
(C) corn flakes
(D) All of these

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Answer – (C)

88. A mournful poem, typically a lament for the dead is called
(A) Drama
(B) Comedy
(C) Sonnet
(D) Elegy

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Answer – (D)

89. The literary term used for a poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes is
(A) Short story
(B) Sonnet
(C) Elegy
(D) Allusion

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Answer – (B)

90. “Who knows why the cold wind blows !” The literary device used in the above line is
(A) Personification
(B) Hyperbole
(C) Assonance
(D) None of these

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Answer – (C)


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