NDA 2021 General Aptitude Test Answer Key

NDA (I) Exam 2021 – General Aptitude Test Part – B (Answer Key)

131. Which one of the following statements is most appropriate about ‘Exercise Kavach’?
(a) It is a military exercise of the Indian Army only.
(b) It is a joint military exercise involving the Indian Army and the Indian Navy only.
(c) It is a joint military exercise involving the Indian Army, the Indian Navy and the Indian Air Force only.
(d) It is a joint military exercise involving the Indian Army, the Indian Navy, the Indian Air Force and also the Indian Coast Guard.

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Answer – (C)

132. Recently a state of emergency has been declared in which one of the following countries?
(a) Maldives
(b) Bhutan
(c) Nepal
(d) Myanmar

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Answer – (A)

133. Which one of the following teams is the winner of the Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy, 2021 ?
(a) Uttar Pradesh
(b) Punjab
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) Baroda

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Answer – (C)

134. Which country has replaced Maldives to host the 2023 Indian Ocean Island Games ?
(a) Madagascar
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) India
(d) Mauritius

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Answer – (A)

135. Identify the correct reason, out of the following, about Claire Polosak for being in the news:
(a) She has been honoured with the Pulitzer Prize.
(b) She recently won a Grand Slam championship.
(c) She became the first female match official to conduct a men’s cricket test match.
(d) She has been conferred with the Gandhi Peace Prize.

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Answer – (C)

136. Which one of the following statements about the cleansing action of soap is not true ?
(a) The oil and dirt gets collected in the centre of the micelle.
(b) Soap micelles scatter light.
(c) Soaps are ammonium salts of long chain carboxylic acids.
(d) Soap forms insoluble precipitates with the calcium and magnesium ions in hard water.

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Answer – (C)

137. Hydrogenation of vegetable oils using nickel catalyst is an example of
(a) Substitution reaction.
(b) Elimination reaction.
(c) Addition reaction.
(d) Free-radical polymerization.

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Answer – (C)

138. Which one of the following materials is not an allotrope of carbon ?
(a) Diamond
(b) Graphene
(c) Fly ash
(d) Fullerene

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Answer – (C)

139. Which one of the following reactions does not result in the evolution of hydrogen gas ?
(a) Reaction of zinc metal with dilute sulphuric acid solution
(b) Mixing water to Plaster of Paris
(c) Heating zinc metal with sodium hydroxide solution
(d) Reaction of potassium metal with water

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Answer – (B)

140. Which one of the following predominantly found in tomatoes?
(a) Acetic acid
(b) Tartaric acid
(c) Oxalic acid
(d) Lactic acid

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Answer – (C)

141. Which one of the following conclusions could not be derived from Rutherford’s α-particle scattering experiment ?
(a) Most of the space in the atom is empty.
(b) The radius of the atom is about 105 times the radius of the nucleus.
(c) Electrons move in a circular path of fixed energy called orbits.
(d) Nearly all the mass of the atom resides in the nucleus.

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Answer – (C)

142. Reaction of quick lime (CaO) with water to produce slaked lime (Ca(OH)2) is an example of
(a) Displacement reaction.
(b) Endothermic reaction.
(c) Decomposition reaction.
(d) Exothermic reaction.

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Answer – (D)

143. Which one of the following is not a bio-mass energy source ?
(a) Wood
(b) Nuclear reactor
(c) Gobar gas
(d) Coal

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Answer – (B)

144. Twinkling of stars is due to
(a) particular frequencies of the starlight.
(b) reflection of starlight from the oceanic surface.
(c) atmospheric refraction of starlight.
(d) magnetic field of Earth.

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Answer – (C)

145. Which one of the following cannot be the unit of frequency of a sound wave ?
(a) dB
(b) s-1
(c) Hz
(d) min-1

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Answer – (A)

146. Beats’ is a phenomenon that occurs when frequencies of two harmonic waves are
(a) equal
(b) far apart
(c) multiples of each other.
(d) nearly same.

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Answer – (B)

147. Light waves are incident on an air-glass boundary. Some of the light waves are reflected and some are refracted in the glass. Which one of the following properties is the same for the incident wave and the refracted wave ?
(a) Speed
(b) Direction
(c) Brightness
(d) Frequency

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Answer – (D)

148. Which one of the following statements is true for a simple harmonic oscillator ?
(a) Force acting is directly proportional to the displacement from the mean position and is in same direction.
(b) Force acting is directly proportional to the displacement from the mean position and is in opposite direction.
(c) Acceleration of the oscillator is constant.
(d) The velocity of the oscillator is not periodic.

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Answer – (B)

149. During seed germination, the part of the embryo which grows into root is
(a) Radicle.
(b) Plumule.
(c) Cotyledon.
(d) Epicotyl.

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Answer – (A)

150. In a typical flower, germinating pollen grains pass through several parts of the gynoecium before they reach the ovule. A list of the parts of gynoecium is given below in different combinations. Choose the combination that represents the correct sequence of pollen tube pathway/journey :
(a) Style, Stigma, Ovary
(b) Stigma, Style, Ovary
(c) Pistil, Stigma, Ovary
(d) Ovary, Pistil, Style

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Answer – (B)


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