NDA 2021 General Aptitude Test Answer Key

NDA (I) Exam 2021 – General Aptitude Test Part – B (Answer Key)

91. Which one of the following Harappan sites was a specialised centre for making shell objects?
(a) Lothal
(b) Balakot
(c) Amri
(d) Kot Diji

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Answer – (B)

92. Which one of the following was not a part of the dhamma of King Ashoka ?
(a) Honouring the king
(b) Tolerance of religions other than one’s own
(c) Respecting Brahmanas
(d) Promoting the welfare of his subjects

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Answer – (C)

93. Which of the following statements about Saguna bhakti traditions is/are correct ?
1. Saguna bhakti traditions focus on the worship of specific deities such as Vishnu or his avatars.
2. In Saguna bhakti traditions, Gods and Goddesses are conceptualised in anthropomorphic forms.
Select the correct answer using the code given below :
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

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Answer – (*)

94. At which one of the following places was a Shiva temple not constructed under the patronage of the Chola rulers ?
(a) Chidambaram
(b) Thanjavur
(c) Gangaikonda Cholapuram
(d) Naneghat

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Answer – (D)

95. Which of the following statements about the Deccan Riots Commission is/are correct?
1. The Commission did not hold enquiries in the districts which were not affected.
2. The Commission did record the statements of ryots, sahukars and eye-witnesses.
Select the correct answer using the code given below :
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

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Answer – (A)

96. Which one of the following is the correct meaning of ziyarat ?
(a) Pilgrimage to the tombs of sufi saints
(b) The practice of revenue farming
(c) The death anniversary of a sufi shaikh
(d) A form of Islamic divorce

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Answer – (A)

97. Keppel Island is completely bleached mainly due to the expansion of
(a) Starfish.
(b) Blue whale.
(c) Octopus.
(d) Sea horse.

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Answer – (A)

98. Which one of the following rivers is not a tributary of river Brahmaputra ?
(a) River Manas
(b) River Kameng
(c) River Mahananda
(d) River Subansiri

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Answer – (C)

99. Which one of the following is not a minor plate ?
(a) Cocos Plate
(b) Nazca Plate
(c) Caroline Plate
(d) Antarctic Plate

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Answer – (D)

100. Advantage(s) of tectonic activity in Iceland include(s):
1. Source of natural geothermal energy
2. Creation of new land
3. Attraction of tourists
Select the correct answer using the code given below :
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3

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Answer – (C)

101. Which one of the following colours may be obtained by combining green and red colours ?
(a) Blue
(b) Magenta
(c) Pink
(d) Yellow

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Answer – (D)

102. Which of the following are the primary colours of light?
(a) Yellow, Red and Green
(b) Blue, Red and Green
(c) Violet, Red and Yellow
(d) Indigo, Violet and Green

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Answer – (B)

103. According to the New Cartesian Sign Convention, which one of the following is correct in respect of the formula 1/f = 1/v + 1/u , where symbols have their usual meanings ?
(a) It applies only to spherical mirrors.
(b) It applies only to spherical lenses.
(c) It applies to spherical mirrors as well as spherical lenses.
(d) It is an invalid formula.

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Answer – (C)

104. Movement of materials to different parts of cytoplasm and nucleus is generally carried out by
(a) Ribosomes.
(b) Mitochondria.
(c) Lysosomes.
(d) Endoplasmic reticulum.

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Answer – (D)

105. In mitochondria, ATP synthesizing chemical reactions take place in the
(a) Outer membrane.
(b) Matrix
(c) Inner membrane.
(d) DNA of mitochondria.

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Answer – (C)

106. Squamous epithelial cells are found in the inner lining of
(a) oesophagus.
(b) Small intestine.
(c) Ducts of salivary gland.
(d) Kidney.

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Answer – (B)

107. Transformation of meristematic cells into specific permanent tissues occurs by the process of
(a) Cell differentiation.
(b) Cell division.
(c) Cell multiplication.
(d) Cell regeneration.

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Answer – (A)

108. The gaseous product of a process in plants is a requirement for another vital process that releases energy. Given below are four combinations of the process and product. Identify the correct answer.
(a) Respiration and Nitric oxide
(b) Transpiration and Water vapour
(c) Photosynthesis and Oxygen
(d) Germination and Carbon dioxide

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Answer – (C)

109. In a dicot pot herb, vaseline/vegetable oil was applied on the upper surface of one leaf (Experimental leaf 1) and on the lower surface of another leaf (Experimental leaf 2). Vaseline/Vegetable oil was not applied on the control leaf. The plant was deliberately not watered for several days. Which leaf will dry up last ?
(a) Experimental leaf 1
(b) Experimental leaf 2
(c) Control leaf
(d) All the leaves will dry up simultaneously

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Answer – (B)

110. Which one of the following statements is not correct for light rays ?
(a) Light travels at different speeds in different media.
(b) Light travels at almost 300 million metres per second in air.
(c) Light speeds down as it leaves a water surface and enters the air.
(d) Light speeds up as it leaves a glass surface and enters the air.

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Answer – (C)


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